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Hymnal, Number:shad1836

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J. Brewer

1752 - 1817 Person Name: Brewer Hymnal Number: 53 Author of "Hail, sov'reign love, that first began" in Select Hymns Brewer, Jehoiada, the "Sylvestris" of the Gospel Magazine, 1776, &c, was born at Newport, Monmouthshire, in 1752. He was educated for commercial pursuits, but subsequently became a Congregational Minister, and as such was pastor at Rodborough, Gloucestershire; at Sheffield, to which he went in 1783; at Carr's Lane Chapel, Birmingham (1798); and at the Livery Street Chapel, in the same town. He died Aug. 24, 1817. A Memoir of him appeared in the Evangelical Register, 1835, p. 396. His best-known hymn is—"Hail, Sovereign Love, that first began" (q. v.). -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Taylor

1750 - 1826 Person Name: Taylor Hymnal Number: 16 Author of "Saints, with pious zeal attending" in Select Hymns Taylor, John, born July 30, 1750, was the son of Richard Taylor, of Norwich, and grandson of Dr. John Taylor (1694-1761, the eminent Hebrew scholar, who was for many years minister of the Octagon Chapel, Norwich, and afterwards Divinity tutor at the Warrington Academy. Dr. Taylor published A Collection of Tunes in Various Airs, one of the first collections of its kind, and his grandson was one of the most musical of Unitarian hymn-writers). Young Taylor, after serving his apprenticeship in his native place, was for two years in a banking house in London, at which time he was an occasional poetical contributor to the Morning Chronicle. In 1773 he returned to Norwich, where he spent the rest of his life, first as a manufacturer, and afterwards as a wool and yarn factor. For nearly fifty years he was a deacon at the Octagon Chapel. At the time of the French Revolution he joined in the support of The Cabinet, a periodical brought out by the Liberals of Norwich, in conjunction with Dr. Enfield, William Taylor, Miss Alderson (Mrs. Opie), and others, and, as a "poet of the olden time," he contributed five poems thereto. These, and other political songs and poems relating to family events, &c, together with 50 hymns, were collected in Hymns and Miscellaneous Poems, Reprinted for Private Distribution, 1863, with a Memoir taken from the Monthly Repository of Sept. 1826, by his son, Edward Taylor, then Gresham Professor of Music. An earlier and less complete edition, containing 43 hymns, he had himself caused to be printed by his sons, Richard and Arthur Taylor, London, 1818. He died June 23, 1826. Of his hymns the following 9 were contributed to Dr. Enfield's Selection of Hymns for Social Worship, Norwich, 1795:— 1. Far from mortal cares retreating. Divine Worship. 2. Father divine, before Thy view. Divine Providence. 3. Father of our feeble race. Christian Love. This begins in Horder's Congregational Hymns, 1884, and others, with st. ii., "Lord, what offering shall we bring?" 4. Glory be to God on high. Divine glories celebrated. The first stanza is by C. Wesley, and the rest are by Taylor. 5. God of mercy, God of love [grace], Hear our sad repentant song. Penitence. 6. 0 sing to the Lord a new song. Praise to the Supreme Ruler and Judge. 7. Praise to God, the great Creator. Praise to the Father. The hymn "Saints with pious zeal attending" in Hatfield's Church Hymns, &c.,N.Y., 1872, begins with line 4 of stanza i. of this hymn. 8. Raise your voice and joyful sing. Praise. 9. Rejoice, the Lord is King. Providence acknowledged in the Seasons. The first stanza and 11. 5 and 6 of all are by C. Wesley, and the rest are by Taylor. J. Taylor edited Hymns intended to be used at the Commencement of Social Worship, London, 1802. To that collection he contributed 10 hymns, including:— 10. At the portals of Thy house. Divine Worship. In a few American collections a cento from this hymn is given as, "Lord, before thy presence come." 11. Blessed Sabbath of our [the] Lord. Sunday. 12. 0 how delightful is the road. Divine Worship. 13. Supreme o'er all Jehovah reigns.. Divine Worship. All the foregoing, except No. 8, were re-published in the Norwich Collectionof 1814. That edition contained 33 of Taylor's hymns. To the 2nd ed., 1826, he added 9 more. To R. Aspland's Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Unitarian Worship, Hackney, 1810, he contributed 26 hymns, old and new, including :— 14. Like shadows gliding o'er the plain. Time and Eternity. 15. The Mighty God who rolls [rules] the spheres. God the Preserver of Man. These 15 are the best known of Taylor's hymns, and are largely found in Unitarian collections. See especially Dr. Martineau's Hymns, &c, of 1840, and of 1873. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Mrs. Vokes

Person Name: Voke Hymnal Number: 398 Author of "Behold the expected time draw near" in Select Hymns Pseudonym. See also

Thomas Baldwin

1753 - 1825 Person Name: Baldwin Hymnal Number: 194 Author of "Come, welcome this new year of grace" in Select Hymns Baldwin, Thomas. (Bozrah, Connecticut, December 23, 1753--August 29, 1825, Waterville, Maine). Following the death of his father and his mother's remarriage, he moved at age sixteen to Canaan, New Hampshire. He was married in 1775, and while a young man was elected to represent Canaan in the legislature and was repeatedly reelected. Following his conversion he was baptized in 1781. He then abandoned his legal studies and began to preach in 1782, being ordained in the following year and then serving for seven years as an evangelist. In 1790 he became pastor of the Second Baptist Church of Boston. He published a number of books and was the first editor of the Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Magazine, beginning in 1803. For many years he was chosen chaplain of the General Court of Massachusetts, delivering the annual sermon on the general election day in 1802. He was given the M.A. from Brown University in 1794 and the D.D. from Union College in 1803. His death occurred during a visit he made as a trustee to the annual commencement of Waterville College. See: Chessman, Daniel. (1826). Memoir of Rev. Thomas Baldwin. (Boston). --Harry Eskew, DNAH Archives ====================================== Baldwin, Thomas, D.D., born at Bozrah, or Norwich, Connecticut, 1753, was representative for some time of his native State in the Legislature. In 1783 he was ordained to the Baptist ministry, and from 1790 till his death, in 1825, he was Pastor of the Second Baptist Church, Boston. His best known hymns are:— 1. Almighty Saviour, here we stand. Holy Baptism. This hymn "For Immersion " was contributed to a Collection of Sacred and Devotional Hymns, Boston, 1808, from whence it has passed into later Collections, including the Baptist Praise Book, N. Y., 1871, and others. 2. From whence does this union rise? Communion of Saints. First found in J. Asplund's New Collection, Baltimore, 1793, beginning, "O whence does this union rise." Formerly very popular, and still in use as in the Baptist Hymn [and Tune] Book, Phila., 1871, No. 638. In the Church Pastorals, Boston, 1864, No. 981, it is altered to "From whence doth this union arise.” 3. Ye happy saints, the Lamb adore. Holy Baptism. For Immersion, first appeared in a Collection of Sacred and Devotional Hymns, Boston, 1808, from whence it passed in an altered form as:—"Come, happy souls, adore the Lamb," into Winchell's Supplement to Watts, 1819. It is found in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866, and many modern American Baptist collections. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============================

Amos Sutton

1798 - 1854 Person Name: A. Sutton Hymnal Number: 303 Author of "It is the hope, the blissful hope" in Select Hymns Sutton, Amos, D.D., was born at Sevenoaks, Kent, on Jan. 21, 1802. Though educated with a view to secular business, when about the age of 21 he felt constrained to offer himself for service in connection with the General Baptist Foreign Missionary Society. He was sent to India; and in the year 1825 was stationed at Cuttack, in the province of Orissa, where, with intervals during which he visited England and America, he laboured most usefully until his death on Aug. 17, 1854. He was gifted as a translator; and compiled an Uriya Dictionary, besides translating a number of English books into that language. He also prepared the first Uriya Hymn Book, 179 of the hymns being of his own composition. The degree of D.D. was conferred on him by the College of Waterville, U.S.A. On his visit to England in 1833 he composed a farewell hymn to the tune of “Auld lang syne"— "Hail sweetest, dearest tie tbat binds." (Parting.) It soon became very popular, and is still in common use. Another hymn written about the same time, entitled "The Macedonian Cry," is now almost forgotten. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Joseph Hoskins

1745 - 1788 Person Name: Hoskins Hymnal Number: 73 Author of "Behold the gift of God!" in Select Hymns Hoskins, Joseph, was born in 1745, but at what place is unknown. He was a Congregational Minister, who for ten years laboured with great success at Castle Green Chapel, Bristol, and died Sept. 28, 1788, aged 43. During the three years previous to his death ho had written 384 hymns, which in the year following, after correction and revision, were published by Messrs. Moody & Bottomley, Congregational Ministers. The book is entitled, Hymns on Select Texts of Scripture and Occasional Subjects (Bristol, 1789). From this work the following hymns are in common use:— 1. Alas! my [the] Lord my Life is gone. Spiritual darkness and death. 2. Great Light of life, Thou nature's Lord. God, the True Light. 3. In Thy great Name, 0 Lord, we come. Divine Worship. 4. 0 how the hearts of those revive. Joy in Salvation. 5. Prisoners of sin and Satan too. Hope. 6. Saviour of sinners, deign to shine. Christ's light desired. 7. The time is short, ere all that live. Shortness of Time. Hoskins's hymns are said to have been greatly esteemed by his friends and hearers, but they have little poetic merit. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology ====================== Hoskins, J., p. 535, ii. Additional pieces from his Hymns, &c, 1789, in common use, in America include:— (1) "Let thoughtless thousands choose the road" (Life in Christ), p. 312; (2) "To-day the Saviour rose" (Easter), p. 364; (3) "Behold, behold the Lamb of God" (Invitation!), p. 242. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II ============ Hoskins, Joseph, pp. 535, ii., 1571, ii. The following additional hymns by Hoskins are in The New Psalms and Hymns (Presbyterian), Richmond, Va., 1901:— 1. It shall be well, let sinners know. The Promises of God. 2. Sinners, behold the Lamb of God. The Atonement; and in the Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes ... of the Evang. Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, 1899:— 3. On Christ, by faith, my soul would live, from "Let thoughtless thousands," &c. p. 1571, ii. These hymns are from his Hymns, &c, 1789. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Robert Cruttenden

1691 - 1764 Person Name: Cruttenden Hymnal Number: 231 Author of "What warlike natures dwell within!" in Select Hymns Cruttenden, Robert, born cir. 1691, died cir. 1764. He was educated for the ministry among the Dissenters, and when a young man frequently preached for his uncle, the Rev. Mr. Bragg. But finding that he did not really believe in the Evangelical doctrines, he gave up the ministry, and betook himself to trade, in which for a number of years he was successful. In his 52nd year, having retired from business, he was living near to Whitefield's Tabernacle, when, his attention being excited by what he heard concerning the preaching there, a strong impulse seized him to go and hear for himself. The result was his conversion through the ministry of John Cennick. Twelve months later he joined a Congregational Church, of which he continued a member until his death, about 20 years subsequently. The narrative of his Experience, as read to this Church on his application for membership, was published in 1744, with a preface by Whitefield, and republished in 1790, with the addition of a letter from Mr. Cruttenden to Mr. Cennick. To this narrative his Psalms & Hymns, 17 in all, were appended. The full title of the Experience is too quaint to be omitted. It is:— "Sovereign Efficacious Grace displayed in the awakening and converting a Rational, Learned, Aged sinner, exemplified in the Experience of Robert Cruttenden, Esq., as delivered by himself to the Congregational Church, then meeting in Lime Street, near Leadenhall Market, 1743, in order to be admitted into their society. Published, prefaced and recommended by the late Rev. George Whitefield, 1744, as an extraordinary effect of the Divine Spirit. To which is prefixed a Letter from Mr. Cruttenden to Mr. Cennick, 1742. Also several Psalms, Hymns, &c., composed by him. Now particularly addressed to all rational Christians for their perusal. Lon¬don, printed and sold by T. Wilkins, Aldermanbury, MDCCXC." From his Psalms & Hymns in the Experience the following are still in common use:— 1. And is it yet, dear Lord, a doubt? Desiring to love God. 2. Did Jesus die, but not for me? Pardon through Jesus. 3. I own my guilt, my sins confess. Lent. 4. Let others boast their ancient line. Adoption. 5. Rise, Sun of glory, shine reveal'd. Happiness desired. 6. 'Tis false, thou vile accuser, go. Divine Mercy. 7. What adverse powers we feel within. Sin and Holiness. 8. What jarring natures dwell within. Sin and Holiness. This is part of No. 7. Cruttenden's hymns are full of Christian experience: some, as "Let others boast their ancient line," have a good deal of spirit, and the versification is usually smooth and flowing. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Jonathan Allen

Person Name: Allen Hymnal Number: 152 Author of "Sinners, will you scorn the message" in Select Hymns Allen, Jonathan. Concerning this hymn-writer, to whom is credited the hymn, "Sinners, will you scorn the message?" we can only say that this hymn appeared in Hymns adapted to Public Worship, collected from various Authors, Exeter, S. Woolmer, 1801, edited by Richard Pearsell Allen, Minister of Castle Street Meeting, Exeter; and that in D. Sedgwick's marked copy of John Dobell's New Selection, &c., 1806, it is attributed to Jonathan Allen. What authority Sedgwick had for this ascription we cannot determine. It is through him that it has gained currency. Allen's hymn, "Sinners, will you scorn, &c," is sometimes given with stanzas i. and ii. transposed, as "Hear the heralds of the Gospel," as in the American Baptist Praise Book, N. Y. 1871. [William T. Brooke] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Joseph Steward

1753 - 1822 Person Name: Steward Hymnal Number: 272 Author of "Hoping, yet trembling" in Select Hymns Steward, Joseph; preacher who became a portrait painter and silhouettist, active in Hartford, Conn.; b. 1753, d. 1822

G. Zelotes Adams

b. 1814 Person Name: A. Z. Adams Hymnal Number: 299 Author of "Jesus, great Sovereign of the skies" in Select Hymns


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