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The Perfect Law of God

Hymnal: The Psalter #38 (1912) Topics: Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Bible A Guide; Bible Inspired; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Bible Perfect and Pure; Bible Precious; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christ Prophetic Office of; Christians Duties of; Godly Fear Described; God Our Guide; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Spiritual Illumination; Law of God; Obedience; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer For Pardon; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Sin Salvation from First Line: Jehovah's perfect law Lyrics: 1 Jehovah's perfect law Restores the soul again; His testimony sure Gives wisdom unto men; The precepts of the Lord are right, And fill the heart with great delight. 2 The Lord's commands are pure, They light and joy restore; Jehovah's fear is clean, Enduring evermore; His statutes, let the world confess, Are wholly truth and righteousness. 3 They are to be desired Above the finest gold; Than honey from the comb More sweetness far they hold; With warnings they Thy servant guard, In keeping them is great reward. 4 His errors who can know? Cleanse me from hidden stain; Keep me from willful sins, Nor let them o'er me reign; And then I upright shall appear And be from great transgressions clear. 5 When Thou dost search my life, May all my tho'ts within And all the words I speak Thy full approval win. O Lord, Thou art a rock to me, And my Redeemer Thou shalt be. Scripture: Psalm 19 Languages: English Tune Title: HADDAM
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The Divine Law

Hymnal: The Psalter #40 (1912) Meter: 8.8.8. Topics: Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Bible A Guide; Bible Inspired; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Bible Perfect and Pure; Bible Precious; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christ Prophetic Office of; Christians Duties of; Godly Fear Described; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Spiritual Illumination; Law of God; Obedience; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Sin Salvation from First Line: The law that the Lord has ordained Lyrics: 1 The law that the Lord has ordained Is perfect, the soul to restore; His truth makes the simple most wise, The truth that is sure evermore. 2 His precepts are righteous and just, Rejoicing the heart and the mind; And all His commandments are pure, Enlight'ning the eyes of the blind. 3 The fear of the Lord is most clean, Forever unmoved it has stood; His judgments are perfectly true, In all things most righteous and good. 4 Such treasure no gold can supply, Such sweetness no honey afford; Their warnings none heed and obey But find most abundant reward. 5 O who can his errors discern? From hidden faults, Lord, keep me free; Let pride never reign in my heart, And clear of great sin I shall be. 6 I pray that my words and my thoughts May all with Thy precepts accord, And ever be pleasing to Thee, My rock, my Redeemer, my Lord. Scripture: Psalm 19 Languages: English Tune Title: ESKRIDGE
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The Value of Holy Scripture

Hymnal: The Psalter #41 (1912) Meter: Topics: Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Bible Inspired; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Bible Perfect and Pure; Bible Precious; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christ Prophetic Office of; Christians Duties of; Godly Fear Described; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Spiritual Illumination; Law of God; Obedience; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Sin Salvation from First Line: Most perfect is the law of God Lyrics: 1 Most perfect is the law of God, Restoring those that stray; His testimony is most sure, Proclaiming wisdom's way. 2 The precepts of the Lord are right; With joy they fill the heart; The Lord's commandments all are pure, And clearest light impart. 3 The fear of God is undefiled And ever shall endure; The statutes of the Lord are truth And righteousness most pure. 4 They warn from ways of wickedness Displeasing to the Lord, And in the keeping of His Word There is a great reward. 5 What man can know his evil heart, Discerning all his sin? O cleanse me, Lord, from hidden faults, And make me pure within. 6 From willful sins Thy servant keep, No vantage let them gain; From great transgressions thus made free, I upright shall remain. 7 The words which from my mouth proceed, The thoughts within my heart, Accept, O Lord, for Thou my Rock And my Redeemer art. Scripture: Psalm 19 Languages: English Tune Title: MOUNT AUBURN
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Love for God's Word

Hymnal: The Psalter #42 (1912) Meter: Topics: Aspirations For Holiness; Bible A Guide; Bible Inspired; Bible Instrument of Salvation; Bible Perfect and Pure; Bible Precious; Bible Spirit's Aid in Study of; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christ Prophetic Office of; Godly Fear Described; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Law of God; Obedience; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God First Line: Most perfect is the law of God Refrain First Line: O how love I Thy law! Lyrics: 1 Most perfect is the law of God, Restoring those that stray; His testimony is most sure, Proclaiming wisdom's way. Refrain: O how love I Thy law! O how love I Thy law! It is my meditation all the day. O how love I Thy law! O how love I Thy law! It is my meditation all the day. (all the day) 2 The precepts of the Lord are right; With joy they fill the heart; The Lord's commandments all are pure, And clearest light impart. (Refrain) 3 The fear of God is undefiled And ever shall endure; The statutes of the Lord are truth And righteousness most pure. (Refrain) 4 They warn from ways of wickedness Displeasing to the Lord, And in the keeping of His Word There is a great reward. (Refrain) Scripture: Psalm 19 Languages: English Tune Title: KINSMAN
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Personal Devotion to God

Hymnal: The Psalter #109 (1912) Meter: Topics: Christian Activity; Christ Atonement of; Christ Birth and Manhood of; Christ Crucifixion and Death of; Christ Minstry of; Christ Prophetic Office of; Christ Righteousness of; Decision; God Hearer of Prayer; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Gospel Preaching of; Law of God; Obedience; Royalty of Christ Reward of His Obedience; Self-Denial; Thanksgiving In Public Worship First Line: The off'ring on the altar burned Lyrics: 1 The off'ring on the altar burned Gives no delight to Thee; The hearing ear, the willing heart, Thou givest unto me. 2 Then, O my God, I come, I come, Thy purpose to fulfill; Thy law is written in my heart, 'Tis joy to do Thy will. 3 Before Thy people I will now Thy righteousness proclaim; Thou knowest, Lord, I will not cease To praise Thy holy Name. 4 I never have within my heart Thy faithfulness concealed, But Thy salvation and Thy truth To men I have revealed. Scripture: Psalm 40 Languages: English Tune Title: BELMONT
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God, in the Gospel of His Son

Author: Benjamin Beddome; Thomas Cotterill Hymnal: Trinity Psalter Hymnal #170 (2018) Meter: Topics: God's Word and Law; Gospel Excellency of; Grace; Obedience Lyrics: 1 God, in the gospel of his Son, makes his eternal counsels known; where love in all its glory shines, and truth is drawn in fairest lines. 2 Here sinners of a humble frame may taste his grace and learn his name; may read, in characters of blood, the wisdom, pow'r, and grace of God. 3 The pris'ner here may break his chains; the weary rest from all his pains; the captive feel his bondage cease; the mourner find the way of peace. 4 Here faith reveals to mortal eyes a brighter world beyond the skies; here shines the light which guides our way from earth to realms of endless day. 5 O grant us grace, almighty Lord, to read and mark your holy Word; its truths with meekness to receive, and by its holy precepts live. Scripture: Acts 20:24 Languages: English Tune Title: GERMANY
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God's Covenant with Christ

Hymnal: Bible Songs #180 (1901) Topics: Adoption; Afflictions Promises for; Afflictions Purpose of; Anger of God Deprecated; Backsliding; Children Promises for; Christ Ascension of; Christ Atonement of; Christ Birth and Manhood of; Church Covenanted; Church Extent of; Covenant False to; Covenant Keeping; Covenant Of God; Death Deprecated; Disobedience; God Father; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Life Short; Parents and Children; Prayer Complaint in; Prayer For Deliverance from Death; Purposes of God; Royalty of Christ Bible His Law; Royalty of Christ Divinely Conferred; Royalty of Christ Mediatorial First Line: I'll crush before him every foe Scripture: Psalm 89:18-33 Languages: English Tune Title: [I'll crush before him every foe]
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Religious Training

Hymnal: The Psalter #215 (1912) Meter: Topics: Children Instruction of; Christ Providences of; Family; Glory of God In Providence; God Works of; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Gospel Invitations of ; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Law of God; Miracles; Parents and Children; The Past; Royalty of Christ In His Church First Line: O come, my people, to my law Lyrics: 1 O come, my people, to my law Attentively give ear; With willing heart and teachable The words of wisdom hear. 2 My mouth shall speak in parables Of hidden truths of old, Which, handed down from age to age, To us our fathers told. 3 We will not from their children hide Jehovah's worthy praise, But tell the greatness of His strength, His wondrous works and ways. 4 A testimony and a law The Lord our God decreed, And bade our fathers teach their sons, That they His ways might heed. 5 He willed that each succeeding race His deeds might learn and know, That children's children to their sons Might all these wonders show. 6 Let children learn God's righteous ways And on Him stay their heart, That they may not forget His works Nor from His ways depart. Scripture: Psalm 78 Languages: English Tune Title: HEBER
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God's Faithfulness to Covenant Promises

Hymnal: Bible Songs #215a (1901) Topics: Christ Glorying in; Christ Providences of; Christians Evangelists; Church Divinely Furnished; Covenant Keeping; Covenant Making; Covenant Of God; Covenant Promises; Election Divine; Families; Glory of God In Creation; God Creator; God Loving and Merciful; Gospel Invitations of ; Miracles; Nations Dependent on God; Nature A Revelation of God; Praise Calls to; Praise For God's Righteousness; Praise For Temporal Mercies; Praise For Works of Providence; Prayer Answers to; Protection Unceasing; Providence of God Over Saints; Purposes of God; Retribution Inflicted; Royalty of Christ Bible His Law; Royalty of Christ Civil Rulers His Ministers; Royalty of Christ For the Salvation of His People; Royalty of Christ Judgment His Prerogative; Royalty of Christ Providential; Seeking God; Worship Only as God Appoints First Line: Give thanks to God, call on His name Scripture: Psalm 105 Languages: English Tune Title: [Give thanks to God, call on His name]
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Assurance of Blessing

Hymnal: The Psalter #230 (1912) Meter: Topics: Access to God; Afflictions Comfort under; Anger of God Deprecated; Anger of God Restrained; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Assurance Declared; Backsliding; Christ Atonement of; Christ Minstry of; Church Divinely Furnished; Church Saved by Grace; Faith Act of; Faith Confidence of; Godly Fear Blessedness of; God Love and Mercy; God Righteousness of; Gospel Fulness of ; Grace Justifying; Grace Redeeming; Law of God; Mercy of God Prayer for; Missions Influence of; Obedience; Pardon Set Forth; Pardon Sought; Peace; Prayer For the Church; Quickening; Repentance; Revival; The Christian's Reward; Salvation God's Gift; Salvation Prayers for; Truth First Line: Lord, Thou hast greatly blessed our land Lyrics: 1 Lord, Thou hast greatly blessed our land, Thou hast brought back our captive band, Thy pard'ning grace has made us free And covered our iniquity. 2 O Thou, Who in a former day Didst turn Thy dreadful wrath away, In grace Thy people, Lord, return, And let Thy wrath no longer burn. 3 O will Thy anger never cease, Forever shall Thy wrath increase? Revive and quicken us once more, And Thy salvation's joy restore. 4 To us Thy mercy now afford And show us Thy salvation, Lord; Yea, Thou wilt answer us in peace, If from our folly we will cease. 5 The Lord's salvation will appear To men of faith and godly fear, And glory in our land shall dwell When we shall heed God's precepts well. 6 Now truth agrees with mercy mild, Now law and peace are reconciled; Behold the truth from earth arise, With justice shining from the skies. 7 The Lord will send His blessing down, And harvests all our land shall crown; Before Him righteousness abides, And in His steps our feet He guides. Scripture: Psalm 85 Languages: English Tune Title: ROCKINGHAM OLD


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