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The golden Chain

Author: Rev. Joseph Swain (1761-1796) Appears in 577 hymnals Topics: Communion Of Saints; Love For the Church; Saints Union of, with each other; Sympathy of Christians First Line: How sweet, how heav'nly is the sight Scripture: John 15:12 Used With Tune: NEEDHAM
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The Confidence of Faith

Appears in 9 hymnals Topics: Access to God; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Assurance Enjoyed; Cares; Christ Communion with; Christ Confessing; Christ Light and Guide; Christians Believers; Christians Conscious of Safety; Comfort in Trials; Faith Act of; Faith Confidence of; Fearlessness; God Fatherhood of; God Our Guardian; God Our Refuge; God Source of All Good; Gospel Acceptance of; Gospel Invitations of ; Gospel Privileges of; Grace Quickening; Invitation and Divine Pleading; Love For God; Mercy of God Prayer for; Parents and Children; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For Deliverance from Trouble; Prayer Importunity in ; Prayer Pleas in; Procrastination; Protection Only from God; Providence of God Over Saints; Safety Assured; Salvation Accepted Time of; Salvation Prayers for; Seeking God; Strength in God; Waiting upon God ; Worship Delightful to Saints First Line: The Lord Almighty is my light Lyrics: 1 The Lord Almighty is my light, He is my Saviour ever near, And, since my strength is in His might Who can distress me or affright? What evil shall I fear? 2 O Lord, regard me when I cry, In mercy hear me when I speak; Thou bidst me seek Thy face, and I, O Lord, with willing heart reply, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. 3 Hide not Thy face afar from me, For Thou a lone canst help afford; O cast me not away from Thee Nor let my soul forsaken be, My Saviour and my Lord. 4 Though earthly friends no pity take, Yet Thy compassion knows no end; E'en tho' my father shall forsake, E'en tho' my mother's love shall break, The Lord will be my friend. 5 My heart had failed in fear and woe Unless in God I had believed, Assured that He would mercy show And that my life His grace should know, Nor was my hope deceived. 6 Fear not, though succor be delayed, Still wait for God, and He will hear; Be strong, nor be thy heart dismayed, Wait, and the Lord shall bring thee aid, Yea, trust and never fear. Scripture: Psalm 27 Used With Tune: ST. MARGARET
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True Blessedness

Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Access to God; Adoration; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Heaven; Blessedness Of Those Abiding in God's House; Christ Anointed; Christ Communion with; Christ Preciousness of; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Graces of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Church Beloved of Saints; Dedication of Church; Faith Confidence of; Faith Walking by; Glory of God In Church and Heaven; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Quickening; Grace Sustaining; House of God Described; House of God Longed for and Loved; Installation Psalms; Nature An Emblem of Grace; The Righteous Blessedness of; Trust in God Blessedness of; Walking with God; Worship Delightful to Saints; Worship public; Zeal True; Zion Glory of First Line: Lord God of Hosts, in mercy Lyrics: 1 Lord God of Hosts, in mercy My supplication hear; Almighty and all-faithful, Our fathers' God, give ear; Our shield and great defender, No longer hide Thy face, But look upon Thy servant, Anointed by Thy grace. 2 In Thy blest courts to worship, My God, a single day Is better than a thousand While far from Thee I stray; Tho' in a lowly station, the service of my Lord I choose above all pleasures That sinful ways afford. 3 A sun and shield forever Is God, the Lord Most High; To those who walk uprightly No good will He deny; His saints, His grace receiving, Shall soon His glory see; O Lord of Hosts, most blessed Are they that trust in Thee. Scripture: Psalm 84 Used With Tune: CRUX CHRISTI
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Satisfaction in God

Meter: Appears in 21 hymnals Topics: Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Christ Communion with; Christ Preciousness of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Church Beloved of Saints; Church Divinely Furnished; Faith Blessedness of; Faith Walking by; Glory of God In Church and Heaven; God Our Guardian; God Hearer of Prayer; God Love and Mercy; Gospel Privileges of; Grace Quickening; House of God Longed for and Loved; Spiritual Illumination; Joy Divinely Bestowed; Joy Reasons for; Meditation; Praise For God's Mercy; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Protection Only from God; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Safety Assured; Seeking God; Trust in God Expression of; Worship Delightful to Saints; Worship Private First Line: O Lord, my God, most earnestly Lyrics: 1 O Lord, my God, most earnestly My heart would seek Thy face, Within Thy holy house once more To see Thy glorious grace. Apart from Thee I long and thirst, And nought can satisfy; I wander in a desert land Where all the streams are dry. 2 The loving-kindness of my God Is more than life to me; So I will bless Thee while I live And lift my prayer to Thee. In Thee my soul is satisfied, My darkness turns to light, And joyful meditations fill The watches of the night. 3 My Saviour, 'neath Thy shelt'ring wings My soul delights to dwell; Still closer to Thy side I press, For near Thee all is well. My soul shall conquer ev'ry foe, Upholden by Thy hand; Thy people shall rejoice in God, Thy saints in glory stand. Scripture: Psalm 63 Used With Tune: THE GREEN HILL
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Behold what witnesses unseen

Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Topics: The Church Celebrates Oneness with the Church in Heaven; Communion of Saints Lyrics: 1 Behold what witnesses unseen encompass us around, who, once like us, with suffering tried, but now with glory crowned. 2 Let us, with zeal like theirs inspired, begin the Christian race, and, freed from each encumbering weight, their holy footsteps trace. 3 Behold a witness nobler still, who trod affliction's path, Jesus, at once the finisher and author of our faith. 4 He for the joy before him set, so generous was his love, endured the cross, despised the shame, and now he reigns above. 5 Then let our hearts no more despond, our hands be weak no more; still let us trust our Father's love, his wisdom still adore. Scripture: Hebrews 12 Used With Tune: WETHERBY Text Sources: Scottish Paraphrases, 1781, Paraphrase 59, verses 1-4, 13
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Author: Thomas Hastings Appears in 91 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Now, from labor and from care Lyrics: 1 Now, from labor and from care, Evening shades have set me free; In the work of praise and prayer, Lord! I would converse with thee; Oh, behold me from above, Fill me with a Saviour's love. 2 Sin and sorrow, guilt and woe, Wither all my earthly joys; Naught can charm me here below, But my Saviour's melting voice; Lord! forgive--thy grace restore, Make me thine for evermore. 3 For the blessings of this day, For the mercies of this hour, For the gospel's cheering ray, For the Spirit's quickening power,-- Grateful notes to thee I raise; Oh, accept my song of praise. Used With Tune: HALLE
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Exultant Praise

Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Adoration; Children Piety in; Christ Communion with; Christ Worshiped; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Conquerors; Church Beloved of God; Church Triumph of; Civil Magistracy; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; God Kingly Character of; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Gospel Invitations of ; Joy Exhortations to; Meekness; Praise By Saints; Praise Calls to; Praise For Works of Providence; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise Part of Public Worship; Retribution Threatened; Salvation God's Gift; Temperance Songs; Thanksgiving Declared; Worship Call to First Line: Praise ye the Lord among His saints Lyrics: 1 Praise ye the Lord among His saints, New songs of gladness sing; Let Zion's children praise and bless Their Maker and their King, Their Maker and their King. 2 Yea, let them praise His blessed name With all abounding joy, The sounding timbrel and the harp In songs of praise employ, In songs of praise employ. 3 the Lord takes pleasure in His satins, he is His people's strength, And He will glorify the meek With victory at length, With victory at length. 4 Ye saints, by day and night rejoice, Exult and joyful stand, Jehovah's praises in your mouth, His sword within your hand, His sword within your hand. 5 This is the glorious judgment giv'n: His saints shall rule the earth; Then bless the Lord, His glory tell, And celebrate His worth, And celebrate His worth. Scripture: Psalm 149 Used With Tune: CHRISTMAS
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The Blessedness of the Godly

Meter: Appears in 26 hymnals Topics: Assurance Declared; Blessedness Of Those Obeying Christ; Character Good and Bad Contrasted; Character Value of Good; Christ Communion with; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Growth of; Companions Evil; Spiritual Illumination; Judgment Day; Law of God; Meditation; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Obedience; Providence of God Over Saints; The Christian's Reward; The Righteous Blessedness of; The Righteous Contrasted with the Wicked; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Separation from; The Wicked Warned First Line: That man is blest who, fearing God Lyrics: 1 That man is blest who, fearing God, From sin restrains his feet, Who will not stand with wicked men, Who shuns the scorners' seat. 2 Yea, blest is he who makes God's law His portion and delight, And meditates upon that law With gladness day and night. 3 That man is nourished like a tree Set by the rivers' side; Its leaf is green, its fruit is sure, And thus his works abide. 4 The wicked like the driven chaff Are swept from off the land; They shall not gather with the just, Nor in the judgment stand. 5 The Lord will guard the righteous well, Their way to Him is known; The way of sinners, far from God, Shall surely be o'erthrown. Scripture: Psalm 1 Used With Tune: MEDITATION
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Immortality and Resurrection

Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Topics: Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Declared; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Burial of; Christ Communion with; Christ Confessing; Christ Providences of; Christ Ressurection of; Christ The Saviour; Christians Believers; Christians Christ the Life of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Death of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Etermal Life; Faith Act of; Faith Blessedness of; God Omnipotence of; God Source of All Good; Heaven; Immortality; Joy Divinely Bestowed; Joy Reasons for; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Providence of God Over Saints; Resurrection; The Christian's Reward First Line: To Thee, O Lord, I fly Lyrics: 1 To Thee, O Lord, I fly And on Thy help depend; Thou art my Lord and King Most High; Do Thou my soul defend. I praise the Lord above Whose counsel guides aright; My heart instructs me in His love In seasons of the night. 2 I keep before me still The Lord Whom I have proved; At my right hand He guards from ill, And I shall not be moved. My heart is glad and blest, My soul its joy shall tell; And, lo, my flesh in hope shall rest, And still in safety dwell. 3 My soul in death's dark pit Shall not be left by Thee; corruption Thou wilt not permit Thy holy one to see. Life's pathway Thou wilt show, To Thy right hand wilt guide, Where streams of pleasure ever flow, And boundless joys abide. Scripture: Psalm 16 Used With Tune: LEOMINSTER
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"He is precious"

Author: O. Heginbotham Appears in 77 hymnals Topics: Communion of Saints With Christ First Line: Blest Jesus! when my soaring thoughts Lyrics: 1 Blest Jesus! when my soaring thoughts O'er all thy graces rove, How is my soul in transport lost,-- In wonder, joy and love! 2 Not softest strains can charm my ears, Like thy beloved name; Nor aught beneath the skies inspire My heart with equal flame. 3 Where'er I look, my wondering eyes Unnumbered blessings see; But what is life, with all its bliss, If once compared with thee? 4 Hast thou a rival in my breast? Search, Lord, for thou canst tell If aught can raise my passions thus, Or please my soul so well. 5 No; thou art precious to my heart, My portion and my joy: For ever let thy boundless grace My sweetest thoughts employ. Used With Tune: ARMENIA


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