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This is a day of new beginnings

Author: Brian Wren (b. 1936) Hymnal: Hymns of Glory, Songs of Praise #526 (2008) Meter: Topics: The Church Celebrates Confirmation; Confirmation Lyrics: 1 This is a day of new beginnings, time to remember and move on, time to believe what love is bringing, laying to rest the pain that's gone. 2 For by the life and death of Jesus, love's mighty Spirit, now as then, can make for us a world of difference, as faith and hope are born again. 3 Then let us, with the Spirit's daring, step from the past and leave behind our disappointment, guilt and grieving, seeking new paths, and sure to find. 4 Christ is alive, and goes before us to show and share what love can do. This is a day of new beginnings -- our God is making all things new. [Alternative text (v. 4) for Holy Communion:] In faith we'll gather round the table to show and share what love can do. This is a day of new beginnings -- our God is making all things new. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Languages: English Tune Title: CANONMILLS

May the mind of Christ my Saviour

Author: Katie Barclay Wilkinson (1859-1928) Hymnal: Church Hymnary (4th ed.) #536 (2005) Meter: Topics: The Church Celebrates Confirmation; Confirmation Lyrics: 1 May the mind of Christ my Saviour live in me from day to day, by his love and power controlling all I do or say. 2 May the word of God dwell richly in my heart from hour to hour, so that all may see I triumph only through his power. 3 May the peace of God my Father in my life for ever reign; that I may be calm to comfort those in grief, or pain. 4 May the love of Jesus fill me, as the waters fill the sea; him exalting, self denying, this is victory. 5 May I run the race before me, strong and brave to face the foe, drawing all my strength from Jesus as I onward go. Scripture: 1 John 2:14 Languages: English Tune Title: CANDLEBEAM

May the mind of Christ my Saviour

Author: Katie Barclay Wilkinson (1859-1928) Hymnal: Hymns of Glory, Songs of Praise #536 (2008) Meter: Topics: The Church Celebrates Confirmation; Confirmation Lyrics: 1 May the mind of Christ my Saviour live in me from day to day, by his love and power controlling all I do or say. 2 May the word of God dwell richly in my heart from hour to hour, so that all may see I triumph only through his power. 3 May the peace of God, my Father, in my life for ever reign; that I may be calm to comfort those in grief, or pain. 4 May the love of Jesus fill me, as the waters fill the sea; him exalting, self denying, this is victory. 5 May I run the race before me, strong and brave to face the foe, drawing all my strength from Jesus as I onward go. Scripture: 1 John 2:14 Languages: English Tune Title: CANDLEBEAM
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All Hail, Thou Day Of Wondrous Grace

Author: H. Brueckner Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #544 (1930) Meter: Topics: Confirmation Lyrics: 1 All hail, thou day of wondrous grace, My confirmation day, When I the steps of God retrace, Imprinted on my way. 2 When I was but an infant small, He pledged His love to me; He called me with a holy call His child and heir to be. 3 The sacred washing I received, That cleansed me well from sin; Of ev'ry guilty stain relieved, I now have peace within. 4 From parents kind and teachers true, By Thee, my God, ordained, I learned Thy holy will to do, By faith in Christ sustained. 5 So now I come before Thy throne, Thy precious name to bless, Resolved to serve Thee as Thine own In truth and holiness. 6 I consecrate myself to Thee In body, soul and mind; Do Thou but help and strengthen me, Thou Hope of all mankind. 7 While in this world of sin and strife, Vouchsafe to me Thy grace Till I have reached the end of life And see Thee face to face. Languages: English Tune Title: SPAZIER
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The Lord To Thee Appealeth

Author: P. C. Paulsen; N. F. S. Grundtvig Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #545 (1930) Meter: Topics: Confirmation; Processionals and Recessionals Confirmation Lyrics: 1 The Lord to thee appealeth To be His servant true; And if thou wilt, He sealeth His covenant anew. Then do thou clasp His willing hand, Which He to thee revealeth From yonder happy land. 2 The rod and staff it wieldeth, How comforting in need! From perils sore it shieldeth Thy trembling soul indeed; At last it rends the azure sky, The earth thy body yieldeth To join thy soul on high. 3 The crown of life is given To thee who faithful art, Who earnestly hast striven To serve with trusting heart. God moveth thee thy voice to raise, And sendeth thee from heaven Sweet tunes, His name to praise. 4 With voices sweetly ringing, We therefore bless His hand, To Christ our tribute bringing With heaven's joyful band. He is the Victor in the strife; His praises ever singing, We pass thro' death to life. Languages: English Tune Title: APPEAL
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Lord, I am thine, entirely thine

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #590 (1828) Meter: Topics: Kingdom and Church of Christ Confirmation Hymn; On the first approach at the Lord's Table, or confirmation Lyrics: 1 Lord, I am thine, entirely thine, Purchas'd and sav'd by blood divine; With full consent thine I would be, And own thy sov'reign right in me. 2 Here, Lord, my flesh, my soul, my all, I yield to thee beyond recall; Accept thine own, so long withheld-- Accept what I so freely yield! 3 Grant one poor sinner more a place Among the children of thy grace; A wretched sinner, lost to God, But ransom'd by Immanuel's blood. 4 Thine would I live--thine would I die-- Be thine thro' all eternity; The vow is past beyond repeal; Now will I set the solemn seal. 5 Be thou the witness of my vow-- Angels and men attest it too, That to thy board I now repair, And seal the sacred contract there. 6 Here, at thy cross, where flows the blood That bought my guilty soul for God; Thee my new Master now I call, And consecrate to thee my all. 7 Do thou assist a feeble worm, The great engagement to perform; Thy grace can full assistance lend, And on that grace I dare depend.
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Let Me Be Yours Forever

Author: Nikolaus Selnecker, 1532-92; Matthias Loy, 1828-1915 Hymnal: Christian Worship (1993) #596 (1993) Meter: Topics: Confirmation; Confirmation Lyrics: 1 Let me be yours forever, My faithful God and Lord; Let me forsake you never Nor wander from your Word. Lord, do not let me waver But give me steadfastness, And for such grace and favor Your holy name I'll bless. 2 Lord Jesus, my salvation, My light, my life divine, My only consolation, To you I all resign, For you have dearly bought me With blood and bitter pain. Let me, since you have sought me, Eternal life obtain. 3 O gracious Holy Spirit, My comforter and guide, Grant that in Jesus' merit I always may confide, Him to the end confessing Whom I have known by faith. Give me your constant blessing And grant a Christian death. Languages: English Tune Title: ICH DANK DIR, LIEBER HERRE
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May God the Father of Our Lord

Author: Dorothy I. Scharlemann, b. 1912 Hymnal: Christian Worship (1993) #597 (1993) Meter: Topics: Confirmation; Confirmation Lyrics: 1 May God the Father of our Lord, Who called you by his holy Word, Perfect, establish, settle you, Keep you through faith forever true. 2 In Jesus Christ may you be blessed And brought to his eternal rest. The work he has in you begun, He will perform till all is done. 3 The Holy Spirit give you pow'r, The strength of prayer in ev'ry hour, The wisdom, knowledge, fear of God, That lifts above his chast'ning rod. 4 May God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Preserve you blameless till in grace You stand before his holy face. Languages: English Tune Title: TALLIS’ CANON
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My Maker, Be with Me

Author: Johann J. Rambach, 1893-1735; R. E. Taylor, d. 1938 Hymnal: Christian Worship (1993) #598 (1993) Meter: Topics: Confirmation; Confirmation Lyrics: 1 My Maker, be with me The light of life to give, And guide me patiently While here on earth I live. To you my heart I tender And all my pow'rs surrender; Make it my one endeavor To love and serve you ever. Help me your loving care to see; My Maker, be with me. 2 My Savior, wash me clean With your most precious blood, That takes away all sin And seals my peace with God. My soul will rest securely, For you still love me dearly; Now I find full salvation And freedom from damnation. Without you, lost, defiled by sin, My Savior, wash me clean. 3 My Comforter, give pow'r That I may stand secure When in temptation's hour The world and sin allure. The Son to me revealing, Inspire my thought and feeling, His Word of grace to ponder Nor let me from him wander. On me your gifts and graces show'r: My Comforter, give pow'r. 4 O Holy Trinity, To whom I all things owe, Your presence graciously Within my heart bestow. Though I am weak and lowly, I am your temple holy. My praise shall rise unending For grace so condescending. Oh, heav'nly bliss, your own to be, O Holy Trinity! Languages: English Tune Title: MEIN SCHÖPFER, STEH MIR BEI
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Our Lord and God, Oh, Bless This Day

Author: Johan N. Brun, 1745-1816; George A. T. Rygh, 1860-1942; Carl Döving, 1867-1937 Hymnal: Christian Worship (1993) #599 (1993) Meter: Topics: Confirmation; Confirmation Lyrics: 1 Our Lord and God, oh, bless this day And hear us, we implore you; None of your children turn away Who now appear before you. We come before your face And pray: let your rich grace Descend from heav'n above In all your wondrous love, And keep us by your Spirit. 2 Oh, bless your Word to all the young; Let them, your truth possessing, Bear witness true with heart and tongue, Their faith and ours confessing. From mother's arms your grace With love did them embrace. Baptized into your name, As yours you did them claim; O Lord, as yours now own them! 3 And when they leave their childhood home, When Satan comes alluring, May their baptismal grace become A refuge reassuring. God's covenant is sure; His promises endure. They ne'er shall be undone Who trust in God alone -- God is their mighty Father! Languages: English Tune Title: REUTER


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