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Hymnal, Number:shpw1844

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Showing 821 - 830 of 887Results Per Page: 102050

"And ye are complete in him"

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #816 (1844) Meter: First Line: When is it Christians all agree Lyrics: 1 When is it Christians all agree, And let distinctions fall? When, nothing in themselves, they see That Christ is all in all. 2 But strife and difference will subsist While men will something seem; Let them but singly look to Christ And all are one in him. 3 The infant and the aged saint, The worker and the weak, They who are strong and seldom faint, And they who scarce can speak. 4 Eternal life’s the gift of God; It comes through Christ alone; ’Tis his, he bought it with his blood; And therefore gives his own. 5 We have no life, no power, no faith, But what by Christ is given; We all deserve eternal death, And thus we all are even. Languages: English

And now the work is done

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #817 (1844) Lyrics: 1 And now the work is done, Without much pains or cost; The author’s merit’s none, And therefore none his boast; He only claims whate’er’s amiss; Alas! how large a share is his! 2 Some time it took to beat And hunt for tinkling sound; But the rich savoury meat Was very quickly found; For every truly Christian thought Was by the God of Isaac brought. 3 May he that sings or reads That precious blessing know That comes by Jacob’s kids, And not from Esau’s bow. O bring no price! God’s grace is free To Paul, to Magdalene, to me! 4 Glory to God alone (Let man forbear to boast), To Father, and to Son, And to the Holy Ghost: Eternal life’s the gift of God; The Lamb procured it by his blood. Scripture: Genesis 27:20 Languages: English

For the Lord's Supper

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #818 (1844) Meter: First Line: The King of heaven a feast has made Lyrics: 1 The King of heaven a feast has made, And to his much-loved friends, The faint, the famished, and the sad, This invitation sends: 2 “Beggars, approach my royal board, Furnished with all that’s good; Come, sit at table with your Lord, And eat celestial food. 3 “My body and my blood receive, It comes entirely free; I ask no price for all I give, But O remember Me!” 4 Lo, at thy gracious bidding, Lord, Though vile and base, we come; O speak the reconciling word, And welcome wanderers home. 5 [Rich wine, and milk, and heavenly meat, We come to buy and live; Since nothing is the price that’s set, And we have nought to give.] 6 Impart to all thy flock below The blessings of thy death. On every begging soul bestow Thy love, thy hope, thy faith. 7 May each, with strength from heaven endued, Say, “My Beloved’s mine: I eat his flesh, and drink his blood, In signs of bread and wine.” Languages: English

For the Lord's Supper

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #819 (1844) Meter: First Line: This is the day the lord has made Lyrics: 1 This is the day the Lord has made; Rejoice, my friends, to see His royal table richly spread For such vile worms as we. 2 Ye beggars, from your dunghills rise, Cast off your rags of shame; Open, ye blind, your long-closed eyes, And leap for you, ye lame. 3 Come, and with regal robes be clad, All at the cost of Christ; Come, every one a king be made, And everyone a priest. 4 Welcome, poor sinner, welcome here; Leave all thy cares behind; Dismiss thy doubt, cast off thy fear, Give reasonings to the wind. 5 Believe thy God, believe his word, His Spirit, and his Son; Only believe thy dying Lord, And all the work is done. 6 Come, eat his flesh and drink his blood, Make all his merits thine, Sure as thy body lives on food, And feels the strength of wine. Languages: English

For the Lord's Supper

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #820 (1844) Meter: First Line: Glory to God on high Lyrics: 1 Glory to God on high! Our peace is made with heaven; The Son of God came down to die, That sin might be forgiven. 2 His precious blood was shed, His body bruised for sin; Remember this in eating bread, And that in drinking wine. 3 Approach his royal board, In his rich garments clad; Join, every tongue, to praise the Lord, And every heart be glad. 4 [The Father gives the Son; The Son his flesh and blood; The Spirit applies, and faith puts on, The righteousness of God.] 5 Sinners the gift receive, And each says, “I am chief; Thou know’st, O Lord, I would believe; O help my unbelief!” 6 Lord, help us from above; The power is all thy own; Faith is thy gift, and hope, and love, For of ourselves we’ve none. Languages: English

For the Lord's Supper

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #821 (1844) Meter: First Line: Father of heaven, almighty King Lyrics: 1 Father of heaven, almighty King, How wondrous is thy love, That worms of dust thy praise should sing, And thou their songs approve! 2 [Since by a new and living Way Access to thee is given, Poor sinners may with boldness pray, And earth converse with heaven.] 3 Give each some token, Lord, for good, And send the Spirit down, To feed us with celestial food, The body of thy Son. 4 The feast thou hast been pleased to make We would by faith receive, That all that come their part may take, And all that take may live. 5 Let every tongue the Father own, Who, when we all were lost, To seek and save us sent the Son, And gives the Holy Ghost. Languages: English

For the Lord's Supper

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #822 (1844) Meter: First Line: The blest memorials of thy grief Lyrics: 1 The blest memorials of thy grief, Thy sufferings, and thy death, We come, dear Saviour, to receive; But would receive by faith. 2 The tokens sent us to relieve Our spirits when they droop, We come, dear Saviour, to receive; But would receive with hope. 3 The pledges thou wast pleased to leave, Our mournful minds to move, We come, dear Saviour, to receive; But would receive with love. 4 Here, in obedience to thy word, We take the bread and wine, The utmost we can do, dear Lord, For all beyond is thine. 5 Increase our faith, and hope, and love; Lord, give us all that’s good; We would thy full salvation prove, And share thy flesh and blood. Languages: English

For the Lord's Supper

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #823 (1844) Meter: 7.6.8 First Line: Hail, thou Bridegroom, bruised to death Lyrics: 1 Hail, thou Bridegroom, bruised to death, Who hast the wine-press trod Of the Almighty’s burning wrath! Hail, slaughtered Lamb of God; Melt our hearts with love like thine, While we behold thee on the tree, Sweetly mourning o’er each sign, In memory of thee. 2 Hail, thou mighty Saviour, blest Before the world began In the eternal Father’s breast, Hail, Son of God and man! Thee we hymn in humble strains; And to receive we now agree, These blest symbols of thy pains, In memory of thee. 3 Break, O break these hearts of stone, By some endearing word. Jesus, come! May every one Behold his suffering Lord. The Holy Ghost into us breathe; Help us to take, from doubtings free, These dear tokens of thy death In memory of thee. 4 [Thou, our great Melchisedec, Bring’st forth thy bread and wine; Thou hast wrought out, for our sake, A righteousness divine. Send thy blessing from above, When worms partake, such worms as we, These rich pledges of thy love, In memory of thee.] Languages: English

For the Lord's Supper

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #824 (1844) Meter: First Line: Oh! that our flinty hearts would melt Lyrics: 1 Oh! that our flinty hearts could melt, While to remembrance, Lord, we call Part of that weight which thou hast felt; For who can comprehend it all? 2 Ye sinners, while these symbols dear Present your suffering Lord to view, Drop the soft tribute of a tear, For he shed many a tear for you. 3 In the sad garden, on the wood, His body bruised, from every part Poured on the ground a purple flood, Till sorrow broke his tender heart. 4 Lord, while we thus show forth thy death, O send thy Spirit from above; Help us to feed on thee by faith, And sigh, and sing, and mourn, and love. Languages: English

For the Lord's Supper

Author: J. Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #825 (1844) Meter: First Line: Lord, send thy Spirit down Lyrics: 1 Lord, send thy Spirit down On babes that long to learn; Open our eyes, and make us wise, Thy body to discern. 2 ’Tis by thy word we live, And not by bread alone; The word of truth from thy blest mouth, O make it clearly known. 3 With what we have received Impart thy quickening power; We would be fed with living bread, And live for evermore. Languages: English


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