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Hymnal, Number:shpw1844

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Christ's Resurrection

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #836 (1844) First Line: Believer, lift thy drooping head Lyrics: 1 Believer, lift thy drooping head; Thy Saviour has the victory gained; See all thy foes in triumph led, And everlasting life obtained. 2 God from the grave has raised his Son; The powers of darkness are despoiled; Justice declares the work is done, And God and man are reconciled. 3 Lo! the Redeemer leaves the tomb; See the triumphant Hero rise! His mighty arms their strength resume, And conquest sparkles in his eyes. 4 Death his death’s wound has now received; An end of sin’s entirely made; Prisoners of hope are quite reprieved, And all the dreadful debt is paid. Languages: English

The Gospel

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #837 (1844) First Line: Repent, ye sons of men, repent Lyrics: 1 Repent, ye sons of men, repent; Hear the good tidings God has sent, Of sinners saved, and sins forgiven, And beggars raised to reign in heaven. Beggars, beggars, beggars beggars, Beggars raised to reign in heaven. 2 God sent his Son to die for us, Die to redeem us from the curse; He took our weakness, bore our load, And dearly bought us with his blood. Dearly, dearly, dearly, dearly And dearly bought us with his blood. 3 In guilt’s dark dungeon when we lay, Mercy cried, “Spare;” and Justice, “Slay.” But Jesus answered, “Set them free, And pardon them and punish me.” Pardon, pardon, pardon, pardon, And pardon them and punish me. 4 Salvation is of God alone; Life everlasting in his Son; And he that gave his Son to bleed, Will freely give us all we need. Freely, freely, freely, freely, Will freely give us all we need. 5 Believe the gospel, and rejoice; Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; His goodness praise, his wonders tell, Who ransom'd all our souls from hell. Ransom'd, ransom'd, ransom'd ransom'd, Who ransom'd all our souls from hell Languages: English


Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #838 (1844) Meter: First Line: Lord, hear a restless wretch's groans Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear a restless wretch’s groans; To thee my soul in secret moans: My body’s weak, my heart’s unclean; I pine with sickness and with sin. 2 My strength decays, my spirits droop; Bowed down with guilt, I can’t look up; I lose my life, I lose my soul, Except thy mercy make me whole. 3 Sin’s rankling sores my soul corrode; O heal them with thy balmy blood! And, if thou dost my health restore, Lord, let me ne’er offend thee more. 4 Or, if I never more must rise, But death’s cold hand must close my eyes, Pardon my sins, and take me home; O come, Lord Jesus, quickly come! Languages: English


Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #839 (1844) Meter: First Line: Ye sons of men, the warning take Lyrics: 1 Ye sons of men, the warning take; A moment brings us all to dust. Awake from sin: from sloth awake; Reflect in what you put your trust. 2 Life is a lily, fair to-day: To-morrow into th' oven thrown. Health soon will fail, and strength decay, No help in power, in richness none. 3 Ah! what avails the pompous pall, The sable stoles, the plumed hearse? To rot within some sacred wall, Or wound a stone with lying verse! 4 'Tis destin'd all men once to die, And after death receive their doom. Then whether will th' ungodly fly? Or those who carelessly presume? 5 Blessed are they, and only they, Who in the Lord, their Saviour, die; Their bodies wait redemption's day, And sleep in peace where'er they lie. 6 Where is thy victory, where thysting, Thou grisly king of terrors, Death? We worms defy thee while we sing, And trample on thy power by faith. Languages: English


Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #840 (1844) Meter: First Line: Vain man, thy fond pursuits forbear Languages: English


Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #841 (1844) Meter: First Line: Ye bold blaspheming souls Lyrics: 1 Ye bold blaspheming souls, Whose conscience nothing scares; Ye carnal, cold, professing fools, Whose state's as bad as theirs; 2 Ye strong deluded lights, Whose faith's too stout to pray; And ye whom proud perfection cheats, As free from sin as they. 3 The awful change, not far, Dissolves each golden dream: Death will distinguish what you are From what you only seem. 4 Repent, or you're undone, And pray to God with speed: Perhaps the truth may yet be known, And make you free indeed. 5 The hour of death draws nigh; 'Tis time to drop the mask; Fall at the feet of Christ and cry: He gives to all that ask. 6 Good Shepherd of the sheep, Abolisher of death, O give us all repentance deep, And purifying faith. Languages: English


Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #842 (1844) Meter: First Line: The spirits of the just Lyrics: 1 The spirits of the just, Confined in bodies, groan, Till death consigns the corpse to dust, And then the conflict’s done. 2 Jesus, who came to save, The Lamb for sinners slain, Perfumed the chambers of the grave, And made e’en death our gain. 3 Why fear we, then, to trust The place where Jesus lay? In quiet rests our brother’s dust, And thus it seems to say: 4 “Forbear, my friends, to weep, Since death has lost its sting; Those Christians that in Jesus sleep, Our God will with him bring.” 5 This message, then, receive, And grief indulge no more; Return to pray awhile; believe, And wait the welcome hour. Languages: English


Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #843 (1844) Meter: 7.6.8 First Line: Christians, view this solemn scene Lyrics: 1 Christians, view this solemn scene, And if your souls be sad, Look beyond the cloud between, And let your hearts be glad. Never from your memory lose The resurrection of the just. Death’s a blessing now to those Who in our Jesus trust. 2 Deep interred in earth’s dark womb The mouldering body lies; But the Christian from the tomb Shall soon triumphant rise. Jesus Christ, the righteous Judge, For all his people’s sins was slain; Give the Saviour, without grudge, The purchase of his pain. 3 Now, the grave’s a downy bed, Embroidered round with blood; Say not the believer’s dead, He only rests in God. Lord, we long to be at home, Lay down our heads, and sleep in thee; Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come, And set thy prisoners free. Languages: English


Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #844 (1844) Meter: First Line: Fountain of life, who gav'st us breath Lyrics: 1 Fountain of life, who gavest us breath, Eternal Sire, by all adored; Who makest us conquerors over death, Through Jesus, our victorious Lord, 2 We give thee thanks, we sing thy praise, For calling thus thy children home; And shortening tribulation days To hide them in the peaceful tomb. 3 Jesus, confiding in thy name, Thou King of saints, thy body’s Head, We give to earth the breathless frame, Remembering thou thyself wast dead. 4 Thine was a bitter death indeed, Thou harmless, suffering Lamb of God! Thou hast from hell thy people freed, And drowned destruction in thy blood. Languages: English

The Resurrection

Author: Hart Hymnal: SHPW1844 #845 (1844) Meter: First Line: The praise of Christ, ye Christians sound Lyrics: 1 The praise of Christ, ye Christians, sound; His mighty acts be told; Death has received a deadly wound; He takes, but cannot hold. 2 [Clipped are the greedy vulture’s claws; No more we dread his power; He gapes with adamantine jaws, And grins, but can’t devour.] 3 Believers in their darksome graves Shall start, to light restored; Forsake their monumental caves, And mount to meet the Lord. 4 Not long in ground the dying grain Is hid, or lies forlorn; But soon revives, and springs again, And comes to standing corn. 5 So, waking from the womb of earth, Where Christ has lain before, And bursting to a better birth, We rise to die no more. 6 The wicked, too, shall rise again, The difference will be this: They rise to everlasting pain, And saints to endless bliss. Languages: English


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