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Give glory to the Lord

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: MSPH #91 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: Give glory to the Lord, Extol His holy name, Let men and angels' tongues record His everlasting fame. While we His love relate, Who saves the lost from hell, O ye who kept your first estate, His sovereign power forth tell! Among our fallen race, The living yet are we; This is our day,--our day of grace, The last we e'er may see. Confess we then our sin, Repent, believe and pray; 95 Strive the straight gate to enter in, And force the narrow way. The Lord delights to bless The valiant for the truth, And crown their age with happiness, Who serve Him from their youth. Angels, while ye on high Rejoice o'er ransom'd men; "The lost is found," we too would cry, "The dead alive again." Topics: Angels and men praising God Languages: English

All Thy works, with one accord

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: MSPH #92 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: All Thy works, with one accord, Magnify Thee, mighty Lord! While the heavens Thy glory show, Earth extols Thy love below. Day to day doth utter speech, Night to night Thy knowledge teach: Nature's universal frame Answers--"Hallow'd be Thy name." Life, through all its breathing forms, Death, from darkness, dust, and worms, In ten thousand wondrous ways, Fearfully set forth Thy praise. Here, the lips of Infancy Sweet Hosannas sing to Thee; Youth and Age, in louder lays, Joyful Hallellujahs raise. 96 While adoring Seraphim Thine eternal Godhead hymn, Saints redeem'd, with glory crown'd, Calvary's cross, won triumphs sound. May Thy Church from age to age, In her house of pilgrimage, Train for Thee her convert-throngs, And thy statutes be their songs. Topics: God universally worshipped Languages: English

O God, we praise Thee, and we own

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: MSPH #93 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: O God! we praise Thee, and we own, Thou art the Lord, and Thou alone; Let the whole earth Thy name adore, Father of all! for evermore. Thee,--Cherubim and Seraphim, The heavens and all the powers therein, Thee--angels laud with voices high, And Holy! Holy! Holy! cry, Lord God of Hosts! whose splendours shine Through heaven and earth, for these are Thine, The apostles' glorious company, The prophets' fellowship, praise Thee; The martyrs' noble army raise To Thee triumphant songs of praise The holy Church ascribes to Thee Eternal power and majesty; Father of ages unbegun, Thine only, true, anointed Son, And, sent by Him from Thee to Her, The Holy Ghost, the Comforter. 97 Hail, King of Glory! Christ the Lord! God's everlasting Son,--the Word! Thou, to retrieve man's mortal doom, Didst not abhor the Virgin's womb; And, having overcome, for us, Death's sharpness, on the accursed cross, Open'dst heaven's kingdom, to receive All those who in Thy name believe. At God's right hand, exalted there, Thou dost the Father's glory share; And thence, we know, when comes the end, Thou wilt, to be our Judge, descend. Help, Lord, Thy servants, that we may Find mercy in that dreadful day; Redeem'd with Thy most precious blood, And number'd with Thy saints, who stood Firm in the faith, may we be found, In glory everlasting, crown'd. Thy people save,--from age to age, Govern and bless Thine heritage; Daily we magnify Thy name, World without end Thy praise proclaim. Vouchsafe this day to keep from sin Our going out, and coming in: O Lord! have mercy on us all, Have mercy on us when we call; Thy mercy, Lord, to us extend, On Thee alone our hopes depend; Lord, we have put our trust in Thee, Confounded let us never be. Topics: Nativity of Christ; Te Deum laudamus Languages: English

Hark, the song of Jubilee

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: MSPH #94 (1854) Meter: D Lyrics: Hark! the song of Jubilee; Loud as mighty thunders roar, Or the fulness of the sea, When it breaks upon the shore: Hallelujah! for the Lord God Omnipotent, shall reign; Hallelujah! let the word Echo round the earth and main. Hallelujah! hark the sound From the depths unto the skies, Wakes above, beneath, around, All creation's harmonies; See Jehovah's banner furl'd, Sheath'd His sword: He speaks--'tis done, And the Kingdoms of this world Are the Kingdoms of His Son. He shall reign from pole to pole With illimitable sway; He shall reign, when like a scroll Yonder heavens have passed away: Then the end;--beneath His rod, Man's last enemy shall fall; Hallelujah! Christ in God, God in Christ, is all in all. Topics: Hallelujah!; Jubilee hymn Languages: English

This is the day the Lord hath made

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: MSPH #95 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: This is the day the Lord hath made, Let young and old rejoice; To Him be vows and homage paid, Whose service is our choice. This is the temple of the Lord, How dreadful is this place! With meekness let us hear His word, With reverence seek His face. This is the homage He requires,-- The voice of praise and prayer, The soul's affections, hopes, desires, Ourselves and all we are. While rich and poor for mercy call, Propitious from the skies, The Lord, the Maker of them all, Accepts the sacrifice. Well-pleased through Jesus Christ His Son, From sin he grants release; According to their faith 'tis done, He bids them go in peace. Topics: Lord's Day worship Languages: English

As the hart, with eager looks

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: MSPH #96 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: As the hart, with eager looks, Panteth for the water-brooks, 100 So my soul, athirst for Thee, Pants the loving God to see: When, O when, with filial fear, Lord, shall I to Thee draw near? Tears my food by night, by day, Grief consumes my strength away; While his craft the Tempter plies, "Where is now Thy God?" he cries; This would sink me to despair But I pour my soul in prayer. For, in happier times, I went, Where the multitudes frequent; I, with them, was wont to bring Homage to Thy courts, my King! I with them was wont to raise Festal hymns on holy days. Why art thou cast down, my soul! God, thy God, shall make thee whole: Why art thou disquieted? God shall lift thy fallen head; And his countenance benign Be the saving health of thine. Scripture: Psalm 42 Languages: English

How shall we come before the Lord?

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: MSPH #97 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: How shall we come before the Lord? And how approach to the Most High? Met in His house with one accord, At His commandment we draw nigh. 101 Not hecatombs he now requires, The daily blood of slaughterd beasts; Quench'd are the ancient altar fires, Extinct the line of typic priests. Man's only Mediator stands Before the Father's throne to plead His sole atonement: in his hands Our cause is safe; it must succeed. The broken heart in sacrifice, The contrite spirit let us bring, For Thou, O God! wilt not despise Thine own appointed offering. Topics: Waiting upon God Languages: English

Assembled in Thy house of prayer

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: MSPH #98 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: Assembled in Thy house of prayer, On every mind instruction seal; Preacher and people, Lord, prepare To seek Thy face, Thy presence feel. From earthen vessels we receive The living streams of truth divine; The spirit with the letter give, And turn the water into wine. Enter we now Thy gates with praise, With reverence at Thine altar bend, With gladness our thanksgivings raise, With meekness to Thy Word attend. 102 So, when the gospel, in Thy name, From human lips salutes our ear, May our responding hearts exclaim, "Speak to us, Lord; Thy servants hear." Paul then may plant the precious grain, For Thine will be the quickening power; Apollos water, not in vain, For Thou wilt give the genial shower. The scatter'd seed thus sown in hope Shall spring and spread with large increase, And yield on earth a heavenly crop Of love, joy, righteousness and peace. Topics: Prayer for a blessing on the Word; Public Worship Languages: English

Command thy blessing from above

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: MSPH #99 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: Command thy blessing from above, O God! on all assembled here; Behold us with a father's love, While we look up with filial fear. Command Thy blessing, Jesus! Lord! May we Thy true disciples be; Speak to each heart the mighty Word, Say to the weakest, "Follow me." Command Thy blessing in this hour, Spirit of Truth! and fill this place With humbling and with healing power, With killing and with quickening grace. 103 O Thou, our Maker, Saviour, Guide, One true eternal God confest! Whom, thou hast join'd let none divide, None dare to curse whom thou hast blest. With thee and these for ever found, May all the souls who here unite, With harps and songs thy throne surround, Rest in thy love and reign in light. Languages: English

Glad was my heart to hear

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: MSPH #100 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: Glad was my heart to hear My old companions say, Come,--in the House of God appear, For 'tis an holy day. Our willing feet shall stand Within the temple-door, While young and old in many a band Shall throng the sacred floor. Thither the tribes repair, Where all are wont to meet, And joyful in the House of Prayer Bend at the Mercy-seat. Pray for Jerusalem, The city of our God; The Lord from Heaven be kind to them That love the dear abode. Within these walls may peace And harmony be found: Zion, in all thy palaces, Prosperity abound. 104 God scorns not humble things; These, though the proud despise, The children of the King of kings, Are training for the skies. May none who thus are taught, From glory be cast down, But all through faith and patience brought To an eternal crown. For friends and brethren dear, Our prayer shall never cease, Oft as they meet for worship here, God send his people peace. Topics: Church its peace and prosperity Scripture: Psalm 22 Languages: English


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