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Hymnal, Number:phss1792

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Christ, ever Liveth to make Intercession

Author: Steele Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CLXXXVI (1792) Meter: First Line: He lives, the great Redeemer lives Lyrics: 1 He lives, the great Redeemer lives, (What joy the blest assurance gives!) And now before his Father God, Pleads the full merits of his blood. 2 Repeated crimes awake our fears, And justice arm'd with frowns appears; But in the Saviour's lovely face Sweet mercy smiles, and all is peace. 3 Hence then, ye black despairing thoughts, Above our fears, above our faults, His powerful intercessions rise, And guilt recedes, and terror dies. 4 In every dark distressful hour, When sin and Satan join their pow'r; Let this dear hope repel the dart, That Jesus bears us on his heart. 5 Great Advocate, Almighty Friend— On him our humble hopes depend: Our cause can never, never fail, For Jesus pleads, and must prevail. Topics: The Intercession of the great High Priest; Merciful and Faithful Scripture: Hebrews 7:25 Languages: English
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Salvation, in Jesus, on the Cross

Author: Watts Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CXLIX (1792) Meter: First Line: Here at thy cross, my dying God Lyrics: 1 Here at thy cross, my dying God, I lay my soul beneath thy love, Beneath the droppings of thy blood, Jesus, nor shall it e'er remove. 2 Not all that tyrants think or say, With rage and lightning in their eyes, Nor hell shall fright my heart away, Should hell with all its legions rise. 3 Should worlds conspire to drive me thence, Moveless and firm this heart should lie; Resolved (for that's my last defence) If I must perish there to die. 4 But speak, my Lord, and calm my fear; Am I not safe beneath thy shade? Thy vengeance will not strike me here, Nor Satan dare my soul invade. 5 Yes, I'm secure beneath thy blood, And all my foes shall lose their aim: Hosannah to my dying God, And my best honours to his name. Topics: The Death of Jesus, who Died for All; Who tasted Death for Every Man Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:14 Languages: English
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The Moral Law our Schoolmaster

Hymnal: PHSS1792 #IX (1792) Meter: First Line: Here, Lord, my soul convicted stands Lyrics: 1 Here, Lord, my soul convicted stands, Of breaking all thy ten commands: And on me justly might'st thou pour Thy wrath, in one eternal show'r. 2 But thanks to God, its loud alarms Have warn'd me of approaching harms: And now O Lord, my wants I see, Lost and undone I come to thee. 3 I see my fig-leaf righteousness, Can ne'er thy broken law redress: Yet in thy gospel plan I see There's hope of pardon e'en for me. 4 Amazing wisdom, pow'r and love, Display'd to rebels from above! Do thou, O Lord, my faith increase, To love and trust thy plan of grace. Topics: The Scriptures, Legal, Prophetic, and Evangelical, collectively testify of the Savior Scripture: Galatians 3:24 Languages: English
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Author: James Reilly Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CCXLV (1792) Meter: First Line: Here shall no trouble or dismay Lyrics: 1 Here shall no trouble or dismay Reach us, nor want, nor sin, nor shame, For Christ to day and yesterday, And to eternity's the same. 2 Here consummate in joy and peace, We hail that wounded, bleeding heart, Where, sav'd from sin, we'll never cease To praise the Lamb our better part. 3 Now all things in one period turn; Sin dare no more to show its head; No more we want, nor sigh, nor mourn, On ev'ry foe we conq'ring tread. 4 The end is come, God hath appear'd, Assum'd our flesh, and blood, and bone; The body in his love, prepar'd, Is that, where Christ and we are one. 5 O death! where's now thy sting and curse? Where's now thy boasted pow'r and might? We feel no more the dread remorse, Nor can thy terrors us affright. 6 Glory to our incarnate God! We're sav'd in him, the work is done; He leads us, by the Saviour's blood, Up to the glories of his throne. Topics: Attributes, Characters, Names, and Offices of Christ, from the New Testament Scripture: Hebrews 12:8 Languages: English
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Names appropriate to Jesus

Hymnal: PHSS1792 #XCIV (1792) Meter: Irregular First Line: "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord!" Lyrics: 1 "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord!" By the Seraphim ador'd; May thy fulness fill the earth; Send salvation boundless forth. 2 "Stem of Jesse! branch of God!" Spread thy glorious self abroad; North and south, and east and west, Gather thou, in thee, to rest. 3 "Rock of strength, for man made strong!" Praises, Lord, to thee belong; This foundation cannot fail; Nor shall hell itself prevail. 4 "Might God, complete to save! Thine the triumph o'er the grave; Death to thee resigns the prey; Thou hast took his pow'r away. 5 "Rest wherewith the weary rest!" Be thy name forever blest. "Healer of thy people's wound!" Live, with honour, glory crown'd. Topics: Particular Types, and General Prophesies of Jesus, from the Legal and Prophetic Dispensations Languages: English
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Author: D. Turner Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CXXXVII (1792) Meter: Irregular First Line: Holy wonder, heav'nly grace Lyrics: 1 Holy wonder, heav'nly grace, Come inspire our humble lays, While the Savior's love we sing, Whence our hopes and comforts spring. 2 Man, involv'd in guilt and woe, Touch'd his tender bosom so, That, when justice death demands, Forth the great deliv'rer stands; 3 Cries to God, "Thy mercy shew, Lo! I come thy will to do; I the sacrifice will be, Death shall plunge his dart in me." 4 Tho' the form of God he bore, Great in glory, great in pow'r, See him in our flesh array'd, Lower than his Angels made. 5 He that Heav'n itself possess'd, Now and infant at the breast! Angels from the world above, See and sing th' amazing love! 6 Thro' the shining hours of day, Toil and danger mark his way; Lonely mounts, and chilling air, Witness oft his midnight prayer. 7 Now the heav'nly lover dies! Darkness veils the mid day skies! Angels round the bloody tree, Throng and gaze in ecstacy! 8 Pow'r unseen earth's bosom heaves, Rocks and tombs asunder cleave; While the temple's rending veil Tells the pries the awful tale. 9 But, the third day's dawning come, Lo! the Saviour leaves the tomb! Reascends his native sky, Where he lives no more to die. 10 On his cross he builds his throne, Whence he makes his glories known, Sends his spirit down to give Dying sinners, grace to live. Topics: The Humiliation of the Glorified with Glory before the World began Scripture: Psalm 89:1-4 Languages: English
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Author: Watts Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CLXVII (1792) Meter: First Line: Hosanna to the Prince of light Lyrics: 1 Hosanna to the Prince of light, That cloth'd himself in clay; Enter'd the iron gates of death, And tore the bars away. 2 Death is no more the king of dread, Since our Immanuel rose; He took the tyrant's sting away, And spoil'd our hellish foes. 3 See how the conq'ror mounts aloft, And to his Father flies, With scars of honuor in his flesh, And triumph in his eyes. 4 There our exalted Savior reigns, And scatters blessings down; Our Jesus fills the middle seat Of the celestial throne. 5 Raise your devotion, mortal tongues, To reach his blest abode, Sweet be the accents of your songs To our incarnate God. 6 Bright angels, strike your loudest strings, Your sweetest voices raise; Let heav'n and all created things. Sound our Immanuel's praise. Topics: The Resurrection of Christ, who arose for our Justification Scripture: Psalm 30:4-5 Languages: English
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At the Close of Worship

Author: James Relly Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CCCVI (1792) Meter: Irregular First Line: How charming sounds Lyrics: 1 How charmingly sounds The word of the Lord! Where witness abounds, That man is restor'd To God, his possession, Dear Jesus in thee; From sin and transgression Forever set free. 2 How glor'ous the name Of Jesus, our King! Thou crucify'd Lamb, Thine honours we sing: Our hope and salvation To world without end; Our nearest relation, And faithfulest friend. Topics: Hymns, adapted to Particular Parts of Public Worship Scripture: Romans 10:14-15 Languages: English
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Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CCLXXXVI (1792) Meter: Irregular First Line: How glorious the Lamb Lyrics: 1 How glorious the Lamb Is seen on his throne! His labours are o'er, His conquests put on; A kingdom is giv'n Into the Lamb's hand, In earth and in heav'n, Forever to stand. 2 Ye sinners below Then trust in the Lord, Look up to his arm, His honour, his word: Athirst for his favour, His Godhead adore, Look up to your Saviour, And joy evermore. Topics: Faith, its Author, Preciousness, and Triumphs Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:10 Languages: English
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By Jesus, we have received Atonement

Author: Watts Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CCLI (1792) Meter: First Line: How is our nature spoil'd by sin! Lyrics: 1 How is our nature spoil'd by sin! Yet nature ne'er hath found The way, to make the conscience clean, Or heal the painful wound. 2 In vain we seek for peace with God By methods of our own: Jesus, there's nothing but thy blood Can bring us near the throne. 3 The threat'nings of thy broken law Impress our souls with dread: If God his sword of vengeance draw It strikes our spirits dead. 4 But thine illustrious sacrifice Hath answered these demands: And peace and pardon from the skies Came down by Jesus' hand. 5 Here all the ancient types agree, The altar, and the Lamb: And prophets in their visions see Salvation through his name. 6 'Tis by thy death, we live, O Lord; 'Tis on thy cross we rest: For ever be thy love ador'd, Thy name for ever blest. Topics: The Atonement of Christ, Who hath made Peace, by the Blood of the Cross Scripture: John 4:17-19 Languages: English


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