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Sarah White Livermore

1789 - 1874 Person Name: Sarah W. Livermore Author of "Our Pilgrim Brethren, Dwelling Far" in The Cyber Hymnal Livermore, Sarah White, aunt of A. A. Livermore (q.v.), was born at Wilton, New Hampshire, July 20, 1789; and died there July 3, 1874, having spent most of her life as a Teacher. Two hymns were contributed by her to the Cheshire P. A.'s Christian Hymns, 1844:— (1) Glory to God, and peace on earth, Christmas. (2) Our pilgrim brethren, dwelling far. Missions. She wrote many others, of which two are given in Putnam's Singers and Songs of the Liberal Faith, 1875. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Berridge

1716 - 1793 Author of "Since Jesus freely did appear" in Hymns of Worship and Remembrance Berridge, John, born at Kingston, Notis, March 1, 1716, and educated at Clare Hall, Cambridge. In 1749 he was ordained as curate to the parish of Stapleford, near Cambridge, and in 1755 he was preferred to the Vicarage of Everton, where he died Jan. 22, 1793. His epitaph, written by himself for his own tombstone (with date of death filled in), is an epitome of his life. It reads:— " Here lies the remains of John Berridge, late Vicar of Everton, and an itinerate servant of Jesus Christ, who loved his Master and His work; and after running on His errands for many years, was caught up to wait on Him above. Reader! art thou born again? (No salvation without a new birth.) I was born in sin, February, 1716; remained ignorant of my fallen state till 1730; lived proudly on faith and works for salvation till 1754; was admitted to Everton Vicarage, 1755; fled to Jesus for refuge, 1755; fell asleep in Jesus, January 22,1793." The first collection of Berridge's hymns was published as A Collection of Divine Songs, 1760. This was subsequently suppressed. In 1785 his Sion's Songs; or, Hymns composed for the use of them that love and follow the Lord Jesus Christ in Sincerity were published. The work contains 342 hymns, some of which had previously appeared in the Gospel Magazine (from 1775 to 1777, 20 in all), under the signature of "Old Everton" and others were adapted from C. Wesley. The most popular of these in modern collections are, "Jesus, cast a look on me;" "O happy saints who dwell in light;” and "Since Jesus freely did appear." Concerning his hymns published in 1785, he says in his Preface:— “Twelve years ago these hymns were composed in a six months' illness, and have since laid neglected by me, often threatened with the fire, but have escaped that martyrdom." -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Berridge, John, p. 138, i. The 1842 edition of his Sion's Songs has an elaborate preface by J. C. Philpot, the editor. From this collection the following additional hymns are in common use:— 1. I ask my dying Saviour dear. Sealed by Christ. 2. Lord Jesus, Who didst once appear. Holy Matrimony. An altered form of "Since Jesus freely did appear," p. 1059, i. 3. Soon as faith the Lord can see. None but Jesus. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

John Logan

1748 - 1788 Author of "O'er mountain tops, the mount of God" in Luther League Hymnal Logan, John, son of a farmer, born at Fala, Midlothian, 1748, and educated at Edinburgh University, in due course entering the ministry of the Church of Scotland and becoming the minister of South Leith in 1770. During the time he held this charge he delivered a course of lectures on philosophy and history with much success. While he was thus engaged, the chair of Universal History in the University became vacant; but as a candidate he was unsuccessful. A tragedy, entitled Runnamede, followed. He offered it to the manager of Covent Garden Theatre, but it was interdicted by the Lord Chamberlain "upon suspicion of having a seditious tendency." It was subsequently acted in Edinburgh. In 1775 he formed one of the Committee by whom the Translations and Paraphrases of the Church of Scotland was prepared. In 1782 he was compelled to resign his charge at Leith in order to prevent deposition, and finally, having passed on to London, he supported himself partly by his pen, and died there, Dec. 28, 1788. [Also, see Bruce, Michael] The names of Michael Bruce and John Logan are brought together because of the painful controversy which has long prevailed concerning the authorship of certain Hymns and Paraphrases of Holy Scripture which are in extensive use in the Christian Church both at home and abroad. During the latter years of Bruce's short life he wrote various Poems, and also Hymns for a singing class at Kinnesswood, which were well known to his family and neighbours, and were eventually copied out by Bruce himself in a quarto MS. book, with the hope that some day he might see them in print. Immediately upon his death, in 1767, Logan called upon his father and requested the loan of this book that he might publish the contents for the benefit of the family. This was granted. Not till three years afterwards did a certain work, containing seventeen poems, and entitled Poems on Several Occasions, by Michael Bruce, 1770, appear, with a Preface in which it was stated that some of the Poems were by others than Bruce. Bruce's father immediately pointed out the absence from the volume of certain hymns which he called his son's "Gospel Sonnets," and members of the singing class at Kinnesswood also noted the absence of hymns with which they were familiar. Letters of remonstrance and demands for the return of the quarto manuscript book of Bruce by the father remaining unanswered, led him eventually to see Logan in person. No book was forthcoming, a few scraps of manuscript only were returned, and Logan accounted for the absence of the book by saying he feared "that the servants had singed fowls with it." For a time the matter rested here, only to be revived with renewed interest by the publication, in 1781 (14 years after the death of Bruce, and 11 after the Poems, &c, were issued), of Poems. By the Rev. Mr. Logan, One of the Ministers of Leith. In this volume, an "Ode to the Cuckoo," a poem of exquisite beauty, and other poetical pieces which appeared in the Poems on Several Occasions, by Michael Bruce, were repeated, and claimed as his own by Logan. In addition, certain Hymns and Paraphrases were included, most of which were of sterling merit, and poetical excellence. It has been shown, we think, most conclusively by Dr. Mackelvie in his Life of Bruce prefixed to the Poems, 1837 and by Dr. Grosart in his Works of M. Bruce, 1865, that the "Ode to the Cuckoo," "Lochleven," and other poetical pieces were taken from MS. book of M. Bruce. The Hymns and Paraphrases, most of which were included in the Translations and Paraphrases during the same year, were also claimed for Bruce. Until clearer evidence is brought forward on behalf of Bruce, the hymns, or paraphrases, following must be ascribed to John Logan: — "Who can resist th'Almighty arm"; "In streets and op'nings of the gates”; "Thus speaks the heathen: How shall man"; "Take comfort, Christians, when your friends"; "The hour of my departure's come." The following, which are found only in the Translations and Paraphrases of 1781, are claimed by W. Cameron for Logan, and have never been seriously disputed by the friends of Bruce, the second being original, the first a revise from the Translations and Paraphrases of 1745; and the third a revise of Doddridge and Dr. Hugh Blair:— "Let Christian faith and hope dispel"; “Thus speaks the high and lofty One"; "What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe." In addition, we see no cause to deny to Logan the few changes, and new stanza, which are found in Doddridge's "0 God of Bethel, by Whose hand." Of the above hymns 5 are recasts of hymns in the Scottish Translations and Paraphrases of 1745. Those are: "Behold the mountain of the Lord " (see "In latter days the mount of God "); "When Jesus by the Virgin brought" (see "Now let Thy servant die in peace"); "Behold the Ambassador divine" (see "Behold my Servant, see Him rise"); "Let Christian faith and hope dispel" (see “Now let our souls ascend above"); and "What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe" (see "So firm the saints' foundation stands"). …It is curious to note that every hymn which we have ascribed to M. Bruce has come into more or less extensive use outside of the Translations and Paraphrases, and that not one which we have ascribed to Logan, except "Let Christian faith and hope dispel," and “Take comfort, Christians," &c, is found beyond that work, unless we give to Logan the plaintive "The hour of my departure's come" (which Dr. Grosart claims for Bruce), and the recast "O God of Bethel, by Whose hand," whose success is due to Doddridge. This is the verdict of 100 years' use of those hymns, and shows conclusively the poetic strength of Bruce and the weakness of Logan. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================

George B. Ide

1804 - 1872 Author of "Vouchsafe, O Lord,Thy Presence Now" in The Cyber Hymnal Ide, George Barton, D.D., Baptist Minister, was born at Coventry, Vermont, in 1806; educated at Middlebury College, Vermont; was pastor successively at Boston, Philadelphia, and Springfield, Massachusetts, and died in 1872. He edited the Baptist Harp, Philadelphia, 1849. To that work he contributed 9 hymns. Of these, "Son of God, our glorious Head" (On behalf of ministers) is still in common use. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ========================== Ide, George Barton, D.D., p. 561, i. Dr. Burrage gives in his Baptist Hymn Writers, 1888, p. 308, a list of Dr. Ide's hymns, and states that he was born Sep. 17, 1804. This date must be substituted for 1806 on p. 561, i. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

H. W. Greatorex

1813 - 1858 Person Name: Henry W. Greatorex Composer of "MANOAH" in Baptist Hymnal 1991 Henry Wellington Greatorex United Kingdom 1813-1858. Born at Burton upon Trent, England, he received a thorough musical education from his father, Thomas Greatorex, who was for many years organist of Westminster Abbey, and conductor of the London concerts of ancient music. Henry became a composer, author, compiler, editor, and arranger of music. He emigrated to the U.S. In 1839. In 1849 he married artist Eliza Pratt, and they had four children: Elizabeth, Kathleen, Thomas, and Francis Henry. Prior to settling in New York City as a music teacher and organist at Calvary Church, he played at churches in Hartford, CT, including Center Church and St Johns Episcopal Church in West Hartford, CT. He frequently sang in oratorios and concerts. For some years he was also organist and conductor of the choir at St. Paul's Chapel. In 1853 he was an organist at St. Philip's Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC. He did much to advance the standard of sacred music in the U.S. In days when country singing school teachers imposed more rudimentary melodies on hymn books. He published a collection of “Psalm & hymn tunes, chants, anthems & sentences” (Boston 1851). He died of yellow fever in Charleston, SC. John Perry

Bernard Barton

1784 - 1849 Author of "Walk in the Light" in Church Hymnal, Mennonite Barton, Bernard, commonly known as the "Quaker Poet," was born in London Jan. 31, 1784, and educated at a Quaker school at Ipswich. In 1798 he was apprenticed to Mr. S. Jesup, a shopkeeper at Halstead, Essex, with whom he remained until 1806, when he removed to Woodbridge, Suffolk, and entered into business with his brother, as a coal and corn merchant. On the death of his wife at the end of the first year of their married life, he proceeded to Liverpool, where he acted as a private tutor for a short time. He returned to Woodbridge in 1810, where he secured an engagement in the local bank of the Messrs. Alexander. This appointment he held for 40 years. He died at Woodbridge, Feb. 19, 1849. During the same year his daughter published his Poems and Letters, with a Memoir. His poetical works were numerous, including:— (1) Metrical Effusions , 1812; (2) Poems by an Amateur, 1818; (3) Poems , 1820; (4) Napoleon, and other Poems, 1822; (5) Poetic Vigils, 1824; (6) Devotional Verses founded on Select Texts of Scripture, 1826; (7) A Widow's Tale, 1S27; (8) New Year's Eve, 1829; (9) The Reliquary, 1836; (10) Household Verses, 1845. A complete list of his works is given in Joseph Smith's Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books, Lond., J. Smith, 1867, vol. i. pp. 196-200. From these works about 20 pieces have come into common use as hymns. These are found principally in the Scottish Evangelical Union Hymnal, on the one hand, and various American Unitarian collections on the other. The best known are, “Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace," and "Walk in the light, so shalt thou know." From his Devotional Poems, &c, 1826, the following have passed into the Scottish Evangelical Union Hymnal, 1878:— 1. Fear not, Zion's sons and daughters. Gracious Promises. This is part of a poem on Isaiah xliii. 1, “Fear not, Jacob, tabulated." 2. Hath the invitation ended? Invitation. 3. See we not beyond the portal? Present vision Imperfect. This is part of the poem on 1 Cor. xiii. 12, “Dim and dark our present vision." 4. Those who live in love shall know. Peace. 5. Would'st thou share this benediction! Poor in Spirit. In addition, there are also in various collections:— 6. Around Bethesda's healing wave. Consolation. This is on pp. 182-185, in his Napoleon, and other Poems, 1822, in 10 stanzas of 6 lines. A cento therefrom is given in a few American hymnals, including Mr. Beecher's Plymouth Collection, No. 746, as, "The waters of Bethesda's pool." 7. There is a life more dear. Spiritual Life. From the Devotional Verses, 1826, p. 96, into Kennedy, 1863, No. 1177, with the omission of stanza v. 8. Say not the law divine. Spiritual Law. Also from the Devotional Verses, 1826, p. 34, into various American hymnals, generally Unitarian, as the Hymn and Tune Book, Boston, 1868, No. 342, &c, where, however, it is rewritten from an irregular metre to S.M. This had previously appeared in Hedge and Huntington's Hymns for the Church of Christ, Boston, U.S., 1853. Other hymns, given in great part in American Unitarian collections, are annotated under their respective first lines. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Barton, Bernard, p. 116, i. Other hymns in common use:— 1. God made the country, yet in scenes. Country Life. This begins with stanza iii. of a poem "Addressed to a Friend in London" in The Reliquary, 1836, p. 83. 2. Lamp of our feet! whereby we trace. Holy Scriptures, published in The Reliquary, 1836, p. 116, in 11 stanzas of 4 lines. It is in common use in its full form, and also abbreviated as (1) "Word of the ever-living God"; and (2) "Word of the everlasting God." In extensive use. 3. There is a Friend more tender, true. Jesus, the Friend. This begins with stanza iii. of "But yet, however cheerless seem," in his Poems & Letters, 1853, p. 254. 4. Walk in the light! So shalt thou know. (Walking in the Light.) Published in his Devotional Verses, 1826, p. 242, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It is found in many modern collections, and is one of the most popular of his hymns. 5. We journey through a vale of tears. Heaven Anticipated. In his Poems & Letters, 1853, p. 193. Of these hymns, Nos. 3, 5, are of an earlier date than the Poems & Letters of 1853; but we have failed to find them in Barton's earlier works. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Mark H. Forscutt

1834 - 1903 Person Name: Mark H. Forscutt, 1834-1903 Author of "Met in Thy Sacred Name, O Lord" in Hymns of the Saints Mark Hill Forscutt (19 June 1834 – 18 October 1903) was an English hymn writer and a leader in several denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement. A convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), Forscutt broke with that denomination for a number of reasons, not the least of which was the practice of plural marriage. Forscutt went on to serve in leadership positions in the Morrisite sect and later in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS Church). Forscutt was born in Godmanchester, England. When Forscutt joined the LDS Church as a 19-year-old in 1853, his father disowned him and insisted that he move out of his childhood home. From 1855 to 1860, Forscutt was a missionary for the LDS Church in England. Forscutt was married in March 1860 to fellow Latter-day Saint Elizabeth Unsworth. On their marriage day, Forscutt and his wife began their emigration to Utah Territory with the intention of joining the gathering of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City. Upon arriving in Utah, he became a secretary to Brigham Young, the president of the LDS Church. Shortly after his arrival, Forscutt began to learn about the LDS practice of plural marriage, which he had not been aware of previously. This discovery, combined with other disagreements with Brigham Young, led Forscutt to disassociate himself from the LDS Church. Forscutt became affiliated with a group led by Joseph Morris; he was an apostle in the Morrisite organization and was involved in the 1861 Morrisite War. After these incidents, Forscutt joined the United States Army unit at Fort Douglas in Salt Lake City and was stationed in Ruby Valley (now Nevada) before returning to Salt Lake City. In 1865, Forscutt joined the RLDS Church in Salt Lake City. He soon left the territory fearing for his life as an apostate from the LDS Church. Forscutt became a close personal friend of Joseph Smith III. Forscutt later served as a full-time missionary for the RLDS Church in England and the Society Islands. He was a copyist in the process that led to the 1866 publication of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible in 1866. Forscutt composed a number of hymns and was the editor of Saints' Harmony, an RLDS Church hymnal published in 1889. Forscutt was a preacher in the RLDS Church until his death. On 2 May 1879, Forscutt preached the sermon at the funeral of Emma Smith Bidamon, the widow of Joseph Smith, Jr. and mother of Joseph Smith III. Mark and Elizabeth Forscutt were the parents of three children Amy Forscutt Parr, Ruby Forscutt Faunce, and Mark Zenas Forscutt. They divorced in 1867. --

Mabel Williams Crayne

1880 - 1980 Person Name: Mabel Williams Crayne, 1880-1980 Author of "Lord, Let Your Holy Spirit Come" in Community of Christ Sings

João Soares da Fonseca

Translator of "Fiel, Eterno e Santo Amor" in Hinário para o Culto Cristão

Joseph Proud

Person Name: Joseph Proud, 1745-1826 Author of "I Love the Voice Divine" in The Cyber Hymnal


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