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Hymnal, Number:hrgc1892

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To-day Thy mercy calls us

Author: Oswald Allen Hymnal: HRGC1892 #590 (1894) Meter: 7.6 D Lyrics: 1 To-day Thy mercy calls us To wash away our sin, However great our trespass, Whatever we may have been; However long from mercy Our hearts have turned away, Thy precious blood can cleanse us, And make us white to-day. 2 To-day Thy gate is open, And all who enter in Shall find a Father's welcome, And pardon for their sin. The past shall be forgotten, A present joy be given, A future grace be promised, A glorious crown in heaven. 3 To-day the Father calls us, His Holy Spirit waits; His blessèd angels gather Around the heavenly gates: No question will be asked us How often we have come; Although we oft have wandered, It is our Father's home. 4 Oh, all-embracing mercy! Oh, ever-open door! What shall we do without Thee When heart and eyes run o'er? When all things seem against us, To drive us to despair, WE know one gate is open, One ear will hear our prayer. Amen. Topics: Parochial Missions; Christ's Call; Trust Languages: English Tune Title: [To-day Thy mercy calls us]
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When at thy footstool, Lord, I bend

Author: Rev. H. F. Lyte Hymnal: HRGC1892 #591 (1894) Meter: Lyrics: 1 When at Thy footstool, Lord, I bend, And plead with Thee for mercy there, Think of the sinner's dying Friend, And for His sake receive my prayer. 2 Oh, think not of my shame and guilt, My thousand stains of deepest dye! Think of the blood which Jesus spilt, And let that blood my pardon buy. 3 Think, Lord, how I am still Thine own, The trembling creature of Thy hand; Think how my heart to sin is prone, And what temptations round me stand. 4 Oh, think upon Thy holy Word, And every plighted promise there! How prayer should evermore be heard, And how Thy glory is to spare. 5 Oh, think not of my doubts and fears, My strivings with Thy grace divine; Think upon Jesus' woes and tears, And let His merits stand for mine. 6 Thine eye, Thine ear, they are not dull; Thine arm can never shortened be; Behold me here; my heart is full; Behold, and spare, and succor me. Topics: Parochial Missions Languages: English Tune Title: [When at thy footstool, Lord, I bend]
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Jesus Christ is passing by

Author: J. Denham Smith Hymnal: HRGC1892 #592 (1894) Lyrics: 1 Jesus Christ is passing by; Sinner, lift to Him thine eye; As the precious moments flee, Cry, "Be merciful to me." 2 Jesus Christ is passing by; Will He always be so nigh? Now is the accepted day; Seek for healing while you man. 3 Fearest thou He will not hear? Art thou bidden to forbear? Let no obstacle defeat; Yet more earnestly entreat. 4 Lo! He stands and calls to thee, "What wilt thou then have of Me?" Rise and tell Him all thy need; Rise, He calleth thee indeed. 5 "Lord, I would Thy mercy see; Lord, reveal thy love to me: Let it penetrate my soul; All my heart and life control." 6 Oh, how sweet ! the touch of power Comes; it is salvation's hour: Jesus gives from guilt release; Faith hath saved thee, go in peace. 7 Glory to the Saviour's Name! He is ever still the same; To His matchless honor raise Never-ending songs of praise. Amen. Topics: Septuagesima; Parochial Missions Languages: English Tune Title: [Jesus Christ is passing by]
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There is a fountain filled with blood

Author: W. Cowper Hymnal: HRGC1892 #593 (1894) Meter: Lyrics: 1 There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Emmanuel's veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, as vile as he, Wash all my sins away! 3 Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power Till all the ransomed Church of God Be save to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I'll sing Thy power to save. When this poor lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. Topics: Parochial Missions Languages: English Tune Title: [There is a fountain filled with blood
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Only one prayer to-day

Author: W. C. Dix Hymnal: HRGC1892 #594 (1894) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Only one prayer to-day, One earnest, tearful plea; A litany from out the heart, Have mercy, Lord, on me. 2 Although my sin is great, Still to my God I flee: Yes, I can dare look up, and say, "Have mercy, Lord, on me. 3 Because of Jesus' cross, And that unfathomed sea, The crimson tide which laves the world, Have mercy, Lord, on me. 4 No other Name than His, My hope, my help may be; Oh, by that one all-saving Name, Have mercy, Lord, on me! 5 In garb of sorrow clad I crave Thy pardon free; In life to die, in death to live; Have mercy, Lord, on me. Amen. Topics: Parochial Missions Languages: English Tune Title: [Only one prayer to-day]
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Turned by Thy grace, I look within

Author: Rev. E. A. Bradley Hymnal: HRGC1892 #595a (1894) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Turned by Thy grace, I look within My restless soul, nor knew till now The stains I bear, the wounds my sin Has scarred upon my Saviour's brow. 2 The sight afflicts my guilty soul: My conscience cries and spares me not. Grief's bitter waves now o'er me roll: Tears flow that cannot cleanse one spot. 3 O God, my God, I see my sin: I crucified the Lord of love. Wormwood and gall I gave to Him; And sorely grieved God's holy Dove. 4 Turned back and won by grace so free, My sin confessed I'll ne'er repeat: Converted now, my aim shall be To tread the prints of Christ's dear feet. 5 The wrong my sin has done, confessed, Return four-fold shall now make right. My soul shall then by God be blest Through Christ's atonement in His sight. 6 Forgiveness for the wrongs done me, With my whole heart I freely give; 'Tis only so that there can be Pardon from Christ and grace to live. 7 My sin thus seen, wept o'er confest, Turned from and loathed as paining Thee, As Thou forgiv'st, O Saviour blest, Is pardoned, cleansed! My soul is free. Amen. Topics: Parochial Missions; Penitence Languages: English Tune Title: [Turned by Thy grace, I look within]
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Turned by Thy grace, I look within

Author: Rev. E. A. Bradley Hymnal: HRGC1892 #595b (1894) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Turned by Thy grace, I look within My restless soul, nor knew till now The stains I bear, the wounds my sin Has scarred upon my Saviour's brow. 2 The sight afflicts my guilty soul: My conscience cries and spares me not. Grief's bitter waves now o'er me roll: Tears flow that cannot cleanse one spot. 3 O God, my God, I see my sin: I crucified the Lord of love. Wormwood and gall I gave to Him; And sorely grieved God's holy Dove. 4 Turned back and won by grace so free, My sin confessed I'll ne'er repeat: Converted now, my aim shall be To tread the prints of Christ's dear feet. 5 The wrong my sin has done, confessed, Return four-fold shall now make right. My soul shall then by God be blest Through Christ's atonement in His sight. 6 Forgiveness for the wrongs done me, With my whole heart I freely give; 'Tis only so that there can be Pardon from Christ and grace to live. 7 My sin thus seen, wept o'er confest, Turned from and loathed as paining Thee, As Thou forgiv'st, O Saviour blest, Is pardoned, cleansed! My soul is free. Amen. Topics: Parochial Missions; Penitence Languages: English Tune Title: [Turned by Thy grace, I look within]
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The Spirit, in our hearts

Author: Bp. H. U. Onderdonk Hymnal: HRGC1892 #596 (1894) Meter: Lyrics: 1 The Spirit in our hearts, Is whispering, Sinner, come: The Bride, the Church of Christ, proclaims To all His children, Come. 2 Let him that heareth say To all about him, Come: Let him that thirsts for righteousness To Christ, the fountain, come. 3 Yes, whosoever will, OH, let him freely come, And freely drink the stream of life! 'Tis Jesus bids him come. 4 Lo, Jesus, Who invites, Declares, I quickly come. Lord! even so; I wait Thy hour! Jesus, my Saviour, come. Amen. Topics: Parochial Missions; Christ's Call Languages: English Tune Title: [The Spirit, in our hearts]
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Jesus, and shall it ever be

Author: J. Grigg Hymnal: HRGC1892 #597 (1894) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Jesus, and shall it ever be A mortal man ashamed of Thee? Ashamed of Thee, Whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days? 2 Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far Let night disown each radiant star; 'Tis midnight with my soul, till He, Bright Morning Star, bid darkness flee. 4 Ashamed of Jesus! that dear friend On Whom my hopes of heaven depend! No; when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere His Name. 5 Ashamed of Jesus! empty pride! I'll boast a Saviour crucified; And oh, may this my portion be, My Saviour not ashamed of me. Amen. Topics: Parochial Missions Languages: English Tune Title: [Jesus, and shall it ever be]
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Ashamed of Thee! O dearest Lord

Author: Bp. W. W. How Hymnal: HRGC1892 #598 (1894) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Ashamed of Thee! O dearest Lord, I marvel how such wrong can be; And yet how oft in deed and word Have I been found ashamed of Thee! 2 Ashamed of Thee! my King, my God, Who soughtest me with wondrous love, Whose feet the way of sorrow trod To bring me to Thy home above. 3 Ashamed of Thee! of that blest Name Which speaks of mercy full and free! Nay, Lord, I would my only shame Might be to be ashamed of Thee. 4 Ashamed of Thee! Whose love divine Was not ashamed of our lost race, But even this cold heart of mine Dost make Thy home and dwelling-place. 5 Ashamed of Thee! O Lord, I pray This cruel wrong no more may be; And in Thy last great Advent-day, Oh, be not Thou ashamed of me! Amen. Topics: Parochial Missions; Confession of Christ Languages: English Tune Title: [Ashamed of Thee! O dearest Lord]


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