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Young Men And Maidens

Author: Joseph Williams Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Young men and maidens raise Lyrics: 1 Young men and maidens raise, On this triumphant morn, A grateful song of heartfelt praise To Christ at Bethle’m born; Your voices loud and sweet, Expressive of your heart, May sing to Him in praises meet, And sorrow all depart. 2 The Father, from His throne, The world’s creator gave His well beloved, His only Son, A ruined world to save. By faith from countries far, The eastern magi came, Led by a bright and dazzling star, To worship at His fane. 3 The infant Christ they found, And lovely was the sight, Their peace and joy would now abound, And praise be their delight; With worship Him they greet, Nor could they gifts withhold, But humbly lay at Jesu’s feet Myrrh, frankincense, and gold. 4 We offer Thee, good Lord, Our humble sacrifice; "A contrite heart," declares Thy word, Thou never will despise. O Lord, accept the gift Of our unhallowed heart, Our souls at last to Heaven lift, To dwell where now Thou art. Used With Tune: FRANSTADT Text Sources: Christmas Minstrelsy by Joseph Williams and Henry Gauntlett (London and Mancehster: Novello & Bremner, 1864)

You May Have the Joy-Bells

Author: J. Edward Ruark Appears in 114 hymnals First Line: You may have the joy-bells ringing in your heart Refrain First Line: Joy-bells ringing in your heart Lyrics: 1. You may have the joy-bells ringing in your heart, And a peace that from you never will depart; Walk the straight and narrow way, Live for Jesus ev’ry day, He will keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart. Refrain Joy-bells ringing in your heart, Joy-bells ringing in your heart; Take the Savior here below With you ev’rywhere you go; He will keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart. 2. Love of Jesus in its fullness you may know; And this love to those around you sweetly show; Words of kindness always say; Deeds of mercy do each day, Then He’ll keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart. [Refrain] 3. You will meet with trials as you journey home; Grace sufficient He will give to overcome; Though unseen by mortal eye, He is with you ever nigh, And He’ll keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart. [Refrain] 4. Let your life speak well of Jesus ev’ry day; Own His right to ev’ry service you can pay; Sinners you can help to win If your life is pure and clean, And you keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [You may have the joy-bells ringing in your heart]

Your Mission

Author: Ellen M. H. Gates Meter: D Appears in 120 hymnals First Line: If you cannot, on the ocean Lyrics: 1. If you cannot, on the ocean, sail among the swiftest fleet, Rocking on the highest billows, laughing at the storms you meet, You can stand among the sailors, anchored yet within the bay, You can lend a hand to help them, as they launch their boats away. 2. If you are too weak to journey up the mountain steep and high, You can stand within the valley, while the multitudes go by; You can chant in happy measure, as they slowly pass along; Though they may forget the singer, they will not forget the song. 3. If you have not gold and silver ever ready to command; If you cannot toward the needy reach an ever open hand; You can visit the afflicted, o’er the erring you can weep; You can be a true disciple, sitting at the Savior’s feet. 4. If you cannot, in the conflict prove, yourself a soldier true, If, where fire and smoke are thickest, there’s no work for you to do; When the battlefield is silent, you can go with careful tread, You can bear away the wounded, you can cover up the dead. 5. If you cannot, in the harvest, gather up the richest sheaves, Many a grain both ripe and golden oft the careless reaper leaves; Go and glean among the briars growing rank against the wall, For it may be that their shadow hides the heaviest wheat of all. 6. Do not, then, stand idly waiting, for some greater work to do; Fortune is a lazy goddess, she will never come to you. Go and toil in any vineyard, do not fear to do or dare, If you want a field of labor, you can find it anywhere. Used With Tune: BEECHER


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Tune authorities

[Yo escucho, buen Jesús]

Appears in 433 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Lewis Hartsough Tune Key: E Flat Major Incipit: 13532 11124 65351 Used With Text: Yo Escucho, Buen Jesús


Meter: Appears in 134 hymnals Tune Sources: Scottish Psalter, 1615 Tune Key: F Major or modal Incipit: 13546 35223 55451 Used With Text: The Savior, What A Noble Flame


Meter: Appears in 140 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: John Wainwright Tune Key: C Major Incipit: 11234 53456 56712 Used With Text: The God of Glory Sends His Summons Forth


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Published text-tune combinations (hymns) from specific hymnals

Yo Escucho, Buen Jesús

Author: Lewis Hartsough; Juan B. Cabrera Hymnal: CYBER #13888 Lyrics: 1 Yo escucho, buen Jesús, Tu dulce voz de amor, Que desde el árbol de la cruz, Invita al pecador. Yo soy pecador, Nada hay bueno en mí; Ser objeto de Tu amor Deseo, y vengo a Ti. 2 Tú ofreces el perdón De toda iniquidad, Si arrepentido el corazón Implora Tu piedad. Yo soy pecador; Ten de mí piedad, Quita todo mi dolor Y borra mi maldad. 3 Tú ofreces aumentar La fe del que creyó, Y gracia sobre gracia dar A quien en Ti esperó. Creo en Ti, Señor, Sólo espero en Ti: Haz que Tu infinito amor Habite siempre en mí. Languages: Spanish Tune Title: [Yo escucho, buen Jesús]

You May Have the Joy-Bells

Author: J. Edward Ruark Hymnal: CYBER #7799 First Line: You may have the joy-bells ringing in your heart Refrain First Line: Joy-bells ringing in your heart Lyrics: 1. You may have the joy-bells ringing in your heart, And a peace that from you never will depart; Walk the straight and narrow way, Live for Jesus ev’ry day, He will keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart. Refrain Joy-bells ringing in your heart, Joy-bells ringing in your heart; Take the Savior here below With you ev’rywhere you go; He will keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart. 2. Love of Jesus in its fullness you may know; And this love to those around you sweetly show; Words of kindness always say; Deeds of mercy do each day, Then He’ll keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart. [Refrain] 3. You will meet with trials as you journey home; Grace sufficient He will give to overcome; Though unseen by mortal eye, He is with you ever nigh, And He’ll keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart. [Refrain] 4. Let your life speak well of Jesus ev’ry day; Own His right to ev’ry service you can pay; Sinners you can help to win If your life is pure and clean, And you keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [You may have the joy-bells ringing in your heart]

Young Men in Christ the Lord

Author: Robert Weidensall Hymnal: CYBER #7800 Lyrics: 1. Young men in Christ the Lord, Own Him your Savior God, His name adore; For by His wondrous sacrifice, He paid the great redemption price, That all might have eternal life, That come to God through Him. 2. Young men in Christ the Lord, Be mighty in His Word, Its truths declare; And seek the Holy Spirit’s power, By faith and persevering prayer, That ye may witness anywhere, That sinful men are found. 3. Young men in Christ the King, Your grateful tribute bring, Of love and praise; United in His royal name, With loyal hearts His Word proclaim, Throughout the world to all young men, Ye must be born again. 4. Young men in Christ the friend, On Him all hopes depend, Of true relief; To every burdened soul you meet, His gracious, loving words so sweet, Come unto Me, with love repeat, And I will give you rest. 5. Young men in Christ, arise, The world before you lies, Enslaved in sin; Make haste to swell the mission band, Prepared to go at His command, To save lost men in every land, At any sacrifice. 6. Young men in Christ the Son, In Him we all are one; For this He prayed; Then let us join the heavenly throng, To sound His praise in endless song, For all we have and are belong To Christ, our Lord divine. Languages: English Tune Title: [Young men in Christ the Lord]


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Authors, composers, editors, etc.

Mrs. R. B. Young

Hymnal Number: 1906 Author of "God's Call to Israel" in The Cyber Hymnal

G. A. Young

1855 - 1935 Person Name: George Young Hymnal Number: 1823 Author of "God Leads Us Along" in The Cyber Hymnal

Andrew Young

1807 - 1889 Hymnal Number: 6793 Author of "There Is a Happy Land" in The Cyber Hymnal Young, Andrew, second son of David Young, for more than fifty years a most efficient teacher in Edinburgh, was born at Edinburgh, April 23, 1807. After passing through a distinguished eight years' literary and theological course at the University of Edinburgh, he was appointed in 1830, by the Town Council, Head Master of Niddry Street School, Edinburgh, where he began with 80 pupils, and left with the total at 600. In 1840 he became Head English Master of Madras College, St. Andrews, where he was equally successful. He retired from St. Andrews in 1853, and lived in Edinburgh, where he was for some time the Superintendent of the Greenside Parish Sabbath School He died Nov. 30, 1889; Many of Mr Young's hymns and poems were contributed to periodicals. A collected edition of these was published in 1876, as The Scottish Highlands and Other Poems. His poems entitle him to rank in the first order of Scottish minor poets. Some of his hymns are very sweet. His "There is a happy land" (q. v.) has attained great popularity. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)