John Hopkins

Short Name: John Hopkins
Full Name: Hopkins, John, d. 1570
Birth Year (est.): 1470
Death Year: 1570 does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by John Hopkins (74)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
All laud and praise with heart and voiceJ. H. (Author)2
All people hearken and give earJ. H. (Author)3
All people that on earth do dwellHopkins (Author)English5
Amid the press with men of mightJ. H. (Author)3
At Bethlehem, in wintery coldJohn H. Hopkins, Jr. (Author)English1
Attend my people to my Law, And to my words inclineJohn Hopkins (Author)English3
Be light and glad, in God rejoiceJ. H. (Author)4
Do not, O God, refrain thy tongueJohn Hopkins (Author)English3
Give laud unto the LordJ. H. (Author)English3
God is our refuge and our strength, In straits a present aidJohn Hopkins (Author)English1
God save me for thy holy NameJ. H. (Author)3
Great is the Lord, and with great praiseJ. H. (Author)3
Have mercy Lord on me I prayJohn Hopkins (Author)3
Have mercy on me Lord after Thy great abounding graceJohn Hopkins (Author)3
Have mercy on us Lord, And grant to us thy graceJ. H. (Author)3
He that within the secret placeJ. H. (Author)English3
O hear my prayer Lord and letJ. H. (Author)English1
How pleasant is thy dwelling place!John Hopkins (Author)3
I mercy will and judgment sing, O Lord God, unto theeJ. H. (Author)1
I said I will look to my ways, For fear I should go wrongJohn Hopkins (Author)English3
I waited for the Lord my God, And patiently did bearJohn Hopkins (Author)English2
I waited long and sought the LordJohn Hopkins (Author)3
I with my voice to God do cryJ. H. (Author)English3
In God the Lord be glad and lightJohn Hopkins (Author)English3
It is a thing both good and meetJ. H. (Author)English3
Like as the Hart doth breath & brayJ. H. (Author)3
Lord bow thine ear to my requestJ. H. (Author)English3
Lord give thy judgements to the KingJohn Hopkins (Author)3
Lord God of health the hope and stayJ. H. (Author)2
Lord, plead my cause against my foes, Confound their force and mightJohn Hopkins (Author)3
My heart doth take in handJ. H. (Author)3
My Lord my God is all distressJohn Hopkins (Author)3
My soul praise thou the Lord alwaysJohn Hopkins (Author)English3
My soul to God shall give good heedJ. H. (Author)3
O come let us lift up our voiceJ. H. (Author)2
O God give eare and do applyJ. H. (Author)3
O God my God, wherefore dost thou John Hopkins (Author)1
O God my heart prepared isJohn Hopkins (Author)English3
O God the Gentiles do invadeJ. H. (Author)English3
O God to me take heedJ. H. (Author)2
O Lord I put my trust in thee, Let nothing put me shameJohn Hopkins (Author)3
O Lord thou didst us cleane forsakeJ. H. (Author)2
O Lord thou dost revenge all wrongJohn Hopkins (Author)English3
O Lord unto my voice give earJ. H. (Author)3
O sing a new song to the Lord For wonders he hath doneJohn Hopkins (Author)English1
O sing ye now unto the LordJ. H. (Author)English3
Put me not to rebuke O LordJ. H. (Author)3
Regard O Lord, for I complainJ. H. (Author)3
Save me O God, and that with speedJ. H. (Author)3
Send aid and save me from my foesJ. H. (Author)3
Sing ye with praise unto the Lord, New songs with joy and mirthJ. H. (Author)English3
Sing ye with praise unto the Lord A new and pleasant songJohn Hopkins (Author)English2
Take pity for thy promise sakeJ. H. (Author)3
That City shall full well endureJ. H. (Author)English3
The earth is all the Lords, with allJ. H. (Author)3
The God of gods, the Lord, Hath called the earth by nameJ. H. (Author)3
The Lord as King aloft doth raigneJ. H. (Author)2
The Lord doth reign, wherat the earthJ. H. (Author)English3
The Lord doth reign, although at itJ. H. (Author)English3
The Lord is both my health and lightJ. H. (Author)3
The Lord is our defence and aidJ. H. (Author)3
The wicked with his works unjustJ. H. (Author)3
Thou hast been merciful indeedJohn Hopkins (Author)English3
Thou herd that Israel dost keepJ. H. (Author)2
Thou Lord hast been our sure defenseJ. H. (Author)English3
Thy praise alone, O Lord, doth reignJohn Hopkins (Author)English5
To all that now in Jewry dwellJohn Hopkins (Author)English3
To sing the mercies of the LordJ. H. (Author)2
Unto thee (God) will we give thanksJohn Hopkins (Author)3
Why art thou (Lord) so long from usJohn Hopkins (Author)3
Why dost thou tyrant boast abroadJ. H. (Author)3
Ye people all with one accordJohn Hopkins (Author)3
Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice; It is a seemly sightJ. H. (Author)English3
Ye Rulers that are put in trustJ. H. (Author)3
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