Christoph Christian Sturm

Short Name: Christoph Christian Sturm
Full Name: Sturm, Christoph Christian, 1740-1786
Birth Year: 1740
Death Year: 1786

Sturm, Christoph Christian, son of Johann Jakob Sturm, lawyer (Imperial notary) at Augsburg, was born at Augsburg, Jan. 25, 1740. He studied at tlie universities of Jena (M.A. 1761) and Halle. He was then appointed, in 1762, as one of the masters in the Paedagogium at Halle, and in 1765 became Conrector of the school at Sorau, in Brandenburg. In 1767 he returned to Halle as fourth pastor of the Market Church, and became third pastor in the same year. He left Halle in 1769, to become second pastor of the church of the Holy Spirit at Magdeburg, where he passed the happiest part of his professional life, and where he wrote most of his devotional works. Finally, in 1778, he was appointed chief pastor of St. Peter's Church at Hamburg. Here he at first lived happily, beloved and respected as a preacher and author, until, in 1782, his views on the Salvation of the Heathen led J. M. Goetze, chief pastor of St. Katherine's Church in Hamburg, to accuse him of nationalism, &c. The resulting controversy embittered and shortened Sturm's life. In his latter years he suffered from a weak chest; and in the night of Aug. 10-11, 1786, he was seized with an attack of spitting of blood, from which he never recovered. He died at Hamburg, on Aug. 26, 1786 (Koch, vi., 357; Bode, p. 158, &c).

Sturm is best known to English readers by his devotional works, which were for some time very popular, viz., his "Conferences with God in the Morning Hours " (Unterhaltungen mit Gott in der Morgenstunden, &c, Halle, 1768), and his "Reflections on the Works of God" (Betrachtungen über die Werke Gotte, &c, Halle, 1772-76). He was one of the most prolific hymnwriters of the Rationalistic period, being the author of more than 400 hymns. His productions are less dreary than most of the time, and are not without earnestness, devoutness, and lyric power; but they are often too rhetorical, and not sufficiently simple. They found great favour with the compilers of hymnbooks from 1765 to 1845, but not many of them are retained in later collections. His specialities were hymns on the Works of God in Nature, and hymns for Children. We need only note the following:—(1) Der Christ am Sonntage, Halle & Leipzig, 1764-65 [Hamburg Library]. This was a weekly paper, which contained 88 hymns by Sturm. (2) Sammlung geistlicher Gesänge über die Werke Gottes in der Natur, Halle, 1775 [British Museum and Wemigerode Library]. Over 40 of the hymns are originals by Sturm. (3) Volständiges Gesangbuch für Kinder, Halle, 1777 [Hamburg Library]. More than 60 hymns seem to have been written by Sturm for this work. (4) Predigtentwürfe, Hamburg, 1779-86 [British Museum]. An eight years' course of sermon outlines on the Gospels for Sundays and Festivals; with over 80 hymns by Sturm, some being recasts from other authors. (5) Lieder und Kirchengesängen, Hamburg, 1780 [Royal Library, Hannover]. With 54 hymns, many being recasts of his earlier hymns, made by himself or by J. S. Diterich. (6) Gesangbuch für Gartenfreunde und Liebhaber der Natur, Hamburg, 1781 [Hamburg Library]. More than 60 of the hymns seem to have been written by Sturm for this work.

The hymns by Sturm which have passed into English are:—
i. Auferstanden, auferstanden, Ist der Herr, der tins versöhnt. Easter. In his Predigtentwürfe, vol. iii., 1781, p. 144, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines.
ii. Dank, Dank, sey dir für dein Erbarmen.
iii. Ein Pilgrim bin ich in der Welt. Christian Pilgrimage. In his Christ am Sonntage, vol. ii., p. 359 (number for Sunday, Nov. 18, 1764), in 7 stanzas of 7 lines, entitled "The Consolation of Eternity." Translation as "I'm but a weary pilgrim here." By Dr. H. Mills, 1845, p. 168.
iv. Gott, wenn mein Aug', der Welt entrückt. For the Dying. In his Christ am Sonntage, vol. iii., p. 30 (at the end of a meditation in a churchyard on the Last Judgment, for Sunday Dec. 9, 1764), in 5 st. of 12 lines. This form is repeated by Sturm, in 1780, as above, p. 18, and has been translation as "Dear Saviour, while I here am blest." By Dr. H. Mills, 1845, p. 131.
v. Heut öffhet sich die neue Bahn. New Year. In his Predigtentwürfe, vol. vi., 1784, p. 40, in 4 stanzas of 7 lines, given for New Year's Day, 1784. The translations are:— (1) "Life's course must recommence today." By Miss Cox, 1841, p. 49. (2) "I now commence a separate stage." By Lady E. Fortescue, 1843, p. 18.
vi. Schmal ist der Weg, auf welchem Christen gehen. Christian Pilgrimage. In his Christ am Sonntage, vol. i., p. 130 (for Sunday, Jan. 22, 1764), in 9 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled, "The Way to Heaven."
vii. Wenn der Erde Gründe beben. Second Advent. In his Lieder und Kirchengesänge, 1780, p. 73, in 5 st. of 5 lines., entitled, "The Day of the World's Judgment” and beginning. "Wamn der Erde." In the Württemberg Gesang-Buch, 1791, No. 363. Translation as "When the solid earth is quaking." By C. W. Shields, in Sacred Lyrics from the German, Philadelphia 1859, p. 215. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.]

-- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Texts by Christoph Christian Sturm (32)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Af dig, o Gud! jag kallad ärChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)Swedish2
Auferstanden, auferstanden, ist der uns mit Gott versöhntC. C. Sturm (Author)German6
Betet an vor Gott, ihr SünderChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)German3
Dies ist der Tag, zum Segen eingeweihetChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)German3
Dir, Jesu, bring ich mich aufs NeueChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)German2
Du går, Guds lam! du mildaChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)Swedish2
Du, Herr, bist meine ZuversichtChristoph C. Sturm (Author)German9
Du kamst vom Himmel uns zu dienenSturm (Author)German5
Ein Pilger bin ich in der WeltChristoph C. Sturm (Author)German7
Einst geh ich ohne Beben zu meinem Tode hinChristoph C. Sturm (Author)German9
Erwacht zum neuen LebenChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)German10
Halleluja, Jesus lebet, Erlöste Brüder, kommt, erhebetC. C. Sturm, 1740-1786 (Author)German12
Här ensam på mitt plågolägerC. C. Sturm (Author)Swedish2
Herr, dir gelob' ich neue TreueC. C. Strum (Author)German10
Ich preise dich, und singe, Herr, deine liebe RatC. C. Sturm (Author)German5
Ich weiß an wen mein Glaub' sich hältChristoph C. Sturm (Author)German26
Jerusalem! i öfverdådChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)Swedish1
Lobt den höchsten Jesus lebetChristoph C. Sturm (Author)German2
Mein Erlöser! auch für michC. C. Sturm, 1740-1786 (Author)German4
Mein Heiland, wenn mein Geist erfreutChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)German2
Namtumaini Bwana tuChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)Swahili2
Nicht eine Welt, die in ihr Nichts vergehtChr. Sturm (Author)German2
Nie bist du, Höchster, von uns fernChristoph C. Sturm (Author)German31
On this new road, I'm now aboutChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)English2
Schau' hin! Dort in GethsemaneChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)German2
Sei mir gegrüßt, du Heil der WeltChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)German4
Sichrer Mensch, jetzt [noch] ist es ZeitChristoph C. Sturm (Author)German24
Vom Grab, an dem wir wallenC. C. Sturm, 1740-1786 (Author)German6
Vor Dir verklagt uns das GewissenChristoph C. Sturm (Author)German2
Wachet auf, so ruft die Stimme, so rufet einst der Engel StimmeChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)German6
Was soll ich ängstlich klagenChristoph Christian Sturm (Author)German15
Wenn der Erde Gründe beben und in Totengrüten LebenChristoph C. Sturm (Author)German2
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