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Scripture:John 16:4-15

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Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove

Author: Browne Meter: Appears in 602 hymnals Scripture: John 16:8-13 Lyrics: 1 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from above: Be thou our guardian, thou our guide! O'er every thought and step preside. 2 To us the light of truth display, And make us know and choose thy way; Plant holy fear in every heart That we from God may ne'er depart. 3 Lead us to holiness--the road That we must take to dwell with God; Lead us to Christ, the living way, Nor let us from his precepts stray. 4 Lead us to God, our final rest, To be with him, forever blest; Lead us to heaven, its bliss to share-- Fullness of joy forever there! Topics: The Holy Spirit; Prayer for the Spirit
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Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed

Author: Lyle Appears in 562 hymnals Scripture: John 16:7-8 Lyrics: 1 Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed His last farewell, A guide, a comforter, bequeathed With us to dwell. 2 He comes his graces to impart A willing guest, While he can find one humble heart Wherein to rest. 3 And all the good that we possess, His gift we own; Yea, every thought of holiness, And victory won. 4 Spirit of purity and grace, Our weakness see: Oh, make our hearts thy dwelling-place, And worthier thee. Topics: The Holy Spirit; The Source of Every Good Gift
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Come Now Almighty King

Author: Anonymous Meter: Appears in 1,799 hymnals Scripture: John 16:13 First Line: Come, now almighty King Lyrics: 1 Come, thou almighty King, Help us your name to sing, Help us to praise. Father all glorious, Ever victorious, Come and reign over us, Ancient of Days. 2 Come, thou Incarnate Son, Your life in us begun, Our prayer attend. Come and your people bless, And give your Word success: Strengthen your righteousness, Savior and Friend! 3 Come holy Comforter, Your sacred witness bear In this glad hour. Your grace to us impart, Now rule in ev'ry heart, Never from us depart, Spirit of Pow'r! 4 To the great One in Three Eternal praises be For evermore! Your sov'reign majesty May we in glory see And to eternity Love and adore! Topics: Seasons and Feasts Christ the King; Holy Name Used With Tune: ITALIAN HYMN
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Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire

Author: Rabanus Maurus, 9th C.; John Cosin Meter: Appears in 239 hymnals Scripture: John 16:12 Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, and kindle with celestial fire; thou the anointing Spirit art, who dost thy sevenfold gifts impart. 2 Thy blessed unction from above is comfort, life, and fire of love; enable with perpetual light the dullness of our blinded sight. 3 Anoint and cheer our soiled face with the abundance of thy grace; keep far our foes; give peace at home; where thou art guide, no ill can come. 4 Teach us to know the Father, Son, and thee, of both, to be but one; that through the ages all along thy praise may be our endless song: [Coda:] Praise to thy eternal merit, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Topics: Holy Spirit Anoninting of; Holy Spirit Anointing of; Holy Spirit gifts of; Holy Spirit Illuminator; Holy Spirit Images of; Holy Spirit Lifegiver Used With Tune: VENI CREATOR

Holy Spirit, come, confirm us

Author: William Brian Foley (1919-2000) Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Scripture: John 16:7 Topics: The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - Confirmation; God in Trinity; Holy Spirit gifts of; Holy Spirit name and images for; Renewal Used With Tune: ALL FOR JESUS
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Holy Spirit, Truth Divine

Author: Samuel Longfellow Meter: Appears in 274 hymnals Scripture: John 16:13 Lyrics: 1 Holy Spirit, truth divine, dawn upon this soul of mine. Voice of God and inward light, wake my spirit, clear my sight. 2 Holy Spirit, love divine, glow within this heart of mine. Kindle every high desire, purify me with your fire. 3 Holy Spirit, power divine, fill and nerve this will of mine. Boldly may I always live, bravely serve, and gladly give. 4 Holy Spirit, law divine, reign within this soul of mine. Be my law, and I shall be firmly bound, forever free. 5 Holy Spirit, peace divine, still this restless heart of mine. Speak to calm this tossing sea, grant me your tranquility. 6 Holy Spirit, joy divine, gladden now this heart of mine. In the desert ways I sing spring, O Living Water, spring! Topics: Illumination; Law of God; Will of God; Pentecost and Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit; Illumination; Joy; Law of God; Ministry & Service; Peace; Will of God Used With Tune: SONG 13

Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading

Author: Wilson Niwagila; Howard S. Olson, b. 1922 Meter: with refrain Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: John 16:7-15 Refrain First Line: Come, come, come, Holy Spirit, come (Njoo, njoo, njoo, Roho mwema) Topics: Pentecost, The Holy Spirit Used With Tune: NJOO KWETU, ROHO MWEMA
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Come, Holy Spirit, come! Let thy bright beams arise

Author: Hart Meter: Appears in 542 hymnals Scripture: John 16:8-13 Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Spirit, come! Let thy bright beams arise: Dispel the sorrow from our minds, The darkness from our eyes. 2 Convince us of our sin; Then lead to Jesus' blood, And to our wondering view reveal The mercies of our God. 3 Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove, And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never-dying love. 4 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life in every part, And new-create the whole. 5 Come, Holy Spirit, come! Our minds from bondage free; Then shall we know, and praise, and love, The Father, Son, and Thee. Topics: The Holy Spirit; The Illuminating Power
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Come Down, O Love Divine

Author: Richard Frederick Littledale (1833-1890); Bianco da Siena (d. 1434) Meter: 6.6.11 D Appears in 109 hymnals Scripture: John 16:7 Lyrics: 1 Come down, O Love Divine, seek out this soul of mine, and visit it with your own ardour glowing; O Comforter, draw near, within my heart appear, and kindle it, your holy flame bestowing. 2 O let it freely burn, till earthly passions turn to dust and ashes, in its heat consuming; and let your glorious light shine ever on my sight, and clothe me round, the while my path illuming. 3 Let holy charity my outward vesture be, and lowliness becomes my inner clothing; true lowliness of heart, which takes the humbler part, and o'er its own shortcomings weeps with loathing. 4 And so the yearning strong, with which the soul will long, shall far outpass the power of human telling; we cannot guess its grace, till he become the place wherein the Holy Spirit makes a dwelling. Topics: Our Response to Christ In Penitence; The Holy Spirit The Coming of the Spirit; Holy Spirit as Comforter; Humility; Longing; Purity Of Heart Used With Tune: DOWN AMPNEY

There is a Redeemer

Author: Melody Green (b. 1946) Meter: Appears in 32 hymnals Scripture: John 16:7 Topics: Life in Christ Our Response to Christ - In Devotion; Salvation and Redemption; Temptation; Thanksgiving Used With Tune: [There is a Redeemer]


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