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Hymnal, Number:ll1881

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Holy Night

Appears in 136 hymnals First Line: Holy night! peaceful night! Lyrics: 1 Holy night! peaceful night! All is dark, save the light, Yonder where they sweet vigil keep O'er the Babe who, in silent sleep, Rests in heavenly peace, Rests in heavenly peace. 2 Holy night! peaceful night! Only for shepherd's sight, Came blest visions of angel throngs, With their loud hallelujah songs, Saying, Jesus is come, Saying, Jesus is come. 3 Holy night! peaceful night! Child of heav'n! Oh, how bright Thou didst smile on us when Thou wast born! Blest indeed was that happy mourn; Full of heavenly joy, Full of heavenly joy. Topics: Christmas Used With Tune: [Holy night! peaceful night!]
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Appears in 843 hymnals First Line: I am coming to the cross Refrain First Line: I am trusting, Lord, in Thee Lyrics: 1 I am coming to the cross; I am poor, and weak and blind; I am counting all but droll, I shall full salvation find. Chorus: I am trusting, Lord, in Thee; Blessed Lamb of Calvary; Humbly at thy cross I bow, Save me, Jesus, save me now. 2 Long my heart has sighed for thee, Long has evil reigned within; Jesus sweetly speaks to me,-- "I will cleanse you from all sin." [Chorus] 3 Here I give my all to thee, Friends, and time, and earthly store; Soul and body thine to be, Wholly thine for evermore. [Chorus] Used With Tune: YARBROUGH
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I want to be a worker

Author: I. B. Appears in 187 hymnals First Line: I want to be a worker for the Lord Refrain First Line: I will work, I will pray Lyrics: 1 I want to be a worker for the Lord, I want to love and trust his holy word, I want to sing and pray, and be busy ev'ry day In the vineyard of the Lord. Chorus: I will work, I will pray, In the vineyard in the vineyard of the Lord, I will work, I will pray, I will labor ev'ry day In the vineyard of the Lord. 2 I want to be a worker ev'ry day, I want to lead the erring in the way That leads to heav'n above, where all is peace and love, In the kingdom of the Lord. [Chorus] 3 I want to be a worker strong and brave, I want to trust in Jesus' pow'r to save, All who will truly come, shall find a happy home, In the kingdom of the Lord. [Chorus] 4 I want to be a worker, help me Lord, To lead the lost and erring to thy word, That points to joys on high, where pleasures never die, In the kingdom of the Lord. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [I want to be a worker for the Lord]
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Beulah land

Author: Edgar Page Appears in 315 hymnals First Line: I've reach'd the land of corn and wine Refrain First Line: Oh, Beulah land, sweet Beulah land Lyrics: 1 I've reach'd the land of corn and wine, And all its riches freely mine; Here shines undimm'd one blissful day, For all my night has pass'd away. Chorus: Oh, Beulah land, sweet Beulah land, As on thy highest mount I stand, I look away across the sea, Where mansions are prepared for me. And view the shining glory shore, My heav'n, my home, forevermore. 2 My Saviour comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we; He gently leads me by his hand, For this is heaven's border land. [Chorus] 3 A sweet perfume upon the breeze, Is borne from ever-vernal trees, All flow'rs that never fading grow Where streams of life forever flow. [Chorus] 4 The zephyrs seem to float to me, Sweet sounds of heaven's melody, As angels with the white-robed throng Join the sweet redemption song. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [I've reach'd the land of corn and wine]
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Lead me, Saviour

Appears in 308 hymnals First Line: Saviour, lead me, lest I stray Refrain First Line: Lead me, lead me Lyrics: 1 Saviour, lead me, lest I stray, Gently lead me all the way; I am safe when by my side, I would in Thy love abide. Chorus: Lead me, lead me, Saviour lead me lest I stray; Gently down the stream of time, Lead me, Saviour all the way. 2 Thou, the refuge of my soul, When life's stormy billows roll, I am safe when Thou art nigh, All my hopes on Thee rely. [Chorus] 3 Saviour, lead me then at last, When the storm of life is past, To the land of endless day, Where all tears are wiped away. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [Saviour, lead me, lest I stray]
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Pleyel's hymn

Appears in 198 hymnals First Line: To thy pastures fair and large Lyrics: 1 To thy pastures fair and large, Heav'nly Shepherd lead thy charge; And my couch with tend'rest care, 'Mid the springing grace prepare. 2 When I faint with summmer's heat, Thou shalt guide my weary feet. To the streams that still and slow, Thro' the verdant meadows flow. 3 Safe the dreary vale I tread, By the shades of death o'erspread, With Thy rob and staff supplied, This my guard, and that my guide. Used With Tune: [To thy pastures fair and large]
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Appears in 1,231 hymnals First Line: When I can read my title clear Lyrics: 1 When I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to ev'ry fear, I'll bid farewell to ev'ry fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. 2 Should earth against my soul engage, And fiery darts be hurled, Then I can smile at Satan's rage, Then I can smile at Satan's rage, And face a frowning world. 3 Let cares, like a wild deluge, come, Let storms of sorrow fall; So I but safely reach my home, So I but safely reach my home, My God my heav'n, my all. Used With Tune: NINETY-FIFTH
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Old Hundred

Appears in 1,249 hymnals First Line: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Lyrics: 1 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father Son, and Holy Ghost. Used With Tune: OLD HUNDRED
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Troyte's chant

Appears in 566 hymnals First Line: My God, my Father, while I stray Lyrics: 1 My God, my Father, while I stray, Far from my home, on life's rough way, O teach me from my heart to say, "Thy will be done." 2 Though dark my path, and sad my lot, Let me be still and murmur not; Or breathe the prayer divinely taught, "Thy will be done." 3 What though in lonely grief I sigh, For friends beloved, no longer nigh, Submissive still would I reply, "Thy will be done." 4 If Thou shouldst call me to resign What most I prize--it ne'er was mine; I only yield what was thine-- "Thy will be done." Amen. Used With Tune: [My God, my Father, while I stray]
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Gloria in excelsis

Appears in 252 hymnals First Line: Glory be to God on high Lyrics: 1 Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will toward men. 2 We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory 3 O Lord God, heavenly King; God the Father Almighty. 4 O Lord, the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father. 5 That takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. 6 Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. 7 Thou that taketh away the sins of the world, receive our pray'r. 8 Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. 9 For thou only art holy; thou only art the Lord; 10 Thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art the most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Used With Tune: Glory be to God on high]


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