Millard's Hymns, Songs and Carols: for youthful voices and cheerful hearts

Author: Geo. Cooper
Composer: Harrison Millard
Publisher: H. Millard, New York , 1882
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
3Lead us, O Saviour, lead[Lead us, O Saviour, lead]Page Scan
4Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord[Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord]Page Scan
5Happy, happy carols[Happy, happy carols]Page Scan
6List our merry carol[List our merry carol]Page Scan
7In the lowly manger lying[In the lowly manger lying]Page Scan
8O lovely Star that shone so bright[O lovely Star that shone so bright]Page Scan
9Christ is born! Christ is born! shout the tidings far and wide[Christ is born! Christ is born! shout the tidings far and wide]Page Scan
10Come and join our merry band[Come and join our merry band]Page Scan
11Christmas bells are gaily ringing[Christmas bells are gaily ringing]Page Scan
12Oh! the joyful bells are ringing[Oh! the joyful bells are ringing]Page Scan
13Oh, the beautiful Hereafter[Oh, the beautiful Hereafter]Page Scan
14Give! 'tis the Saviour's precept[Give! 'tis the Saviour's precept]Page Scan
15Day by day our loved ones cross[Day by day our loved ones cross]Page Scan
16The angels roll'd the stone away[The angels roll'd the stone away]Page Scan
17Fight the good fight bravely[Fight the good fight bravely]Page Scan
18Christ is risen! Christ is risen![Christ is risen! Christ is risen!]Page Scan
20Vain the guard appointed[Vain the guard appointed]Page Scan
22There's a path that upward leadeth[There's a path that upward leadeth]Page Scan
23Lo! He's knocking at ev'ry heart[Lo! He's knocking at ev'ry heart]Page Scan
24While the sun is warm and bright[While the sun is warm and bright]Page Scan
25Beautiful mansions of the blest[Beautiful mansions of the blest]Page Scan
26Here in love we meet[Here in love we meet]Page Scan
27When you hear the cry of woe[When you hear the cry of woe]Page Scan
28Dawn may bring us care and pain[Dawn may bring us care and pain]Page Scan
29How sweet to gather side by side[How sweet to gather side by side]Page Scan
30Lest we faint beside the way[Lest we faint beside the way]Page Scan
31Keep your lamps burning[Keep your lamps burning]Page Scan
32Give us this day our daily bread[Give us this day our daily bread]Page Scan
33Our Father, who art in Heav'n[Our Father, who art in Heav'n]Page Scan
34Hallow'd be Thy name! we come[Hallow'd be Thy name! we come]Page Scan
35Raise the banner of the Cross[Raise the banner of the Cross]Page Scan
36Hopeful hearts are never weary[Hopeful hearts are never weary]Page Scan
37Weary wand'rers from the fold[Weary wand'rers from the fold]Page Scan
38Why do your hearts repine?[Why do your hearts repine?]Page Scan
39Shadows fall around us now[Shadows fall around us now]Page Scan
40Sabbath bells, so sweetly calling[Sabbath bells, so sweetly calling]Page Scan
42In the furrows of thy life[In the furrows of thy life]Page Scan
43The golden rule, the golden rule[The golden rule, the golden rule]Page Scan
44There are some who vanish early[There are some who vanish early]Page Scan
45The battle rages high[The battle rages high]Page Scan
46Shall we ever grow old up there?[Shall we ever grow old up there?]Page Scan
48A gentle word is never lost[A gentle word is never lost]Page Scan
49Angry words, Oh, never let them[Angry words, Oh, never let them]Page Scan
50While sunset glows o'er hill and vale[While sunset glows o'er hill and vale]Page Scan
51Oh, safely thro' the gloom of night[Oh, safely thro' the gloom of night]Page Scan
52Do you hear sweet voices singing?[Do you hear sweet voices singing?]Page Scan
53Over the stream to the beautiful land[Over the stream to the beautiful land]Page Scan
54Only a little while longer to wait[Only a little while longer to wait]Page Scan
55The poor ye have always[The poor ye have always]Page Scan
56Turn not from thy fallen brother[Turn not from thy fallen brother]Page Scan
57Little Christian heroes[Little Christian heroes]Page Scan
58If my duties I've slighted[If my duties I've slighted]Page Scan
59O'er the ocean sailing[O'er the ocean sailing]Page Scan
60Don't be discouraged, my brother[Don't be discouraged, my brother]Page Scan
61Wanderers, come to the fold[Wanderers, come to the fold]Page Scan
62Bear His banner onward[Bear His banner onward]Page Scan
63I'd love to see my Saviour[I'd love to see my Saviour]Page Scan
64One gentle thought comes o'er me[One gentle thought comes o'er me]Page Scan
65Ho! toilers in God's vineyard[Ho! toilers in God's vineyard]Page Scan
66Again we meet together[Again we meet together]Page Scan
67There's a rest from pain and sorrow[There's a rest from pain and sorrow]Page Scan
68Sing the dear old story[Sing the dear old story]Page Scan
69Where shall joy be found[Where shall joy be found]Page Scan
70Who waits at early morning?[Who waits at early morning?]Page Scan
71Why do you tarry, pilgrim?[Why do you tarry, pilgrim?]Page Scan
72We are marching to the river[We are marching to the river]Page Scan
73Sing of the Home of the good and the blest[Sing of the Home of the good and the blest]Page Scan
74Little sowers on life's way[Little sowers on life's way]Page Scan
75That's a kind word to say[That's a kind word to say]Page Scan
76Safe from ocean, safe from ocean[Safe from ocean, safe from ocean]Page Scan
77Safe in Thy arms, O Saviour dear and blest![Safe in Thy arms, O Saviour dear and blest!]Page Scan
78Hark! the blessed Angels[Hark! the blessed Angels]Page Scan
79See, 'tis the Lifeboat[See, 'tis the Lifeboat]Page Scan
80When from our home we miss the star[When from our home we miss the star]Page Scan
81How many souls grow weary[How many souls grow weary]Page Scan
82Another year, another year[Another year, another year]Page Scan
83Dark hung the night, and dreary[Dark hung the night, and dreary]Page Scan
84The sighing and the longing[The sighing and the longing]Page Scan
85My heart was filled with fears[My heart was filled with fears]Page Scan
86Gath'ring the sheaves in the rising sun[Gath'ring the sheaves in the rising sun]Page Scan
87O night so dark, so dreary[O night so dark, so dreary]Page Scan
88Sinner, heed the call[Sinner, heed the call]Page Scan
89Father, 'tis the eventide[Father, 'tis the eventide]Page Scan
90There are sunbeams to scatter[There are sunbeams to scatter]Page Scan
91When we gather in glory there[When we gather in glory there]Page Scan
92Who will be the first to meet us[Who will be the first to meet us]Page Scan
93Keep step on our march to the Saviour[Keep step on our march to the Saviour]Page Scan
94Send the Bible to the heathen[Send the Bible to the heathen]Page Scan
95What can I do for Thee[What can I do for Thee]Page Scan
96When I dream about the lov'd ones[When I dream about the lov'd ones]Page Scan
97O weary eyes that weep[O weary eyes that weep]Page Scan
98Oh, the joys so bright and loving[Oh, the joys so bright and loving]Page Scan
99Saviour, ever meek and mild[Saviour, ever meek and mild]Page Scan
100When the storm of earth is ended[When the storm of earth is ended]Page Scan
101What were the blessed words He said[What were the blessed words He said]Page Scan
102Faith in God's kindness[Faith in God's kindness]Page Scan
103The night was dark o'er Galilee[The night was dark o'er Galilee]Page Scan
104It may be tomorrow, it may be today[It may be tomorrow, it may be today]Page Scan
105I will arise and go to Him[I will arise and go to Him]Page Scan
106Something for Jesus, something each day[Something for Jesus, something each day]Page Scan

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