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Hymnal, Number:rmph1828

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The Reformed Methodist Pocket Hymnal

Publication Date: 1828 Publisher: Stephen Carr Publication Place: Taunton, Mass. Editors: Stephen Carr


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And now the scales have left mine eyes

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Appears in 21 hymnals
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God of all consolation, take

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Appears in 68 hymnals
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How did my heart rejoice to hear

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Appears in 302 hymnals


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A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Hymnal: RMPH1828 #I.66 (1828)
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A fountain of life and of grace In Christ, our

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Hymnal: RMPH1828 #I.117 (1828)
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Adam descended from above

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Hymnal: RMPH1828 #I.86 (1828)


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Samuel Wesley

1691 - 1739 Hymnal Number: I.214 Author of "The morning flowers display their sweets" in The Reformed Methodist Pocket Hymnal Samuel Wesley, M.A., the younger, was the eldest child of Samuel and Susanna Wesley, and was born in or near London in 1691. He received his early education from his mother, who always took a special interest in him as her firstborn. In 1704 he went to Westminster School, where he was elected King's Scholar in 1707. Westminster had, under the mastership of Dr. Busby for 55 years, attained the highest reputation for scholarship, and Samuel Wesley, as a classical scholar, was not unworthy of his school. In 1709, Dr. Spratt, Bishop of Rochester, patronised the young scholar, and frequently invited him to Bromley. In 1711 he went with a Westminster studentship to Christ Church, Oxford, and having taken his degree, returned to Westminster as an Usher. He then received Holy Orders and became an intimate friend of Bishop Atterbury, who was then Dean of Westminster. His intimacy with this prelate was a bar to his advancement, and he was bitterly disappointed at not being appointed undermaster at Westminster when that post was vacant. But he was faithful to his friend in his adversity, and the banished prelate warmly appreciated his attachment. In 1732 he was invited, without solicitation, to accept the headmastership of the Free School at Tiverton, and here he spent the remainder of his life. He strongly disapproved of John and Charles Wesley's proceedings; but though the brothers expressed their opinions to one another with characteristic frankness, the disagreement did not cause any interruption in the friendly relations between them. Samuel Wesley was universally acknowledged to be an honest, conscientious and deeply religious man. He was a most uncompromising High Churchman both in the political and the theological sense of that term; and there is no doubt that he was the mainstay of the Wesley family at Epworth. His kindness to his father and mother was unbounded, and he acted like a father to his younger brothers and sisters. He also took a great interest in works of charity, and was one of the first promoters of the Westminster Infirmary. He died at Tiverton in the 49th year of his age, Nov. 6, 1739. His epitaph in Tiverton Churchyard does not exaggerate his merits, when it describes him as— "a man for his uncommon wit and learning, For the benevolence of his temper, and simplicity of manner, Deservedly loved and esteemed by all: An excellent Preacher; But whose best sermon Was the constant example of an edifying life: So continually and zealously employed In acts of beneficence and charity, That he truly followed His blessed Master's example In going about doing good; Of such scrupulous integrity, That he declined occasions of advancement in the world, Through fear of being involved in dangerous compliances; And avoided the usual ways to preferment As studiously as many others seek them." Samuel Wesley published in 1736 A Collection of Poems on several occasions, some of which are full of a rather coarse humour, but all of a good moral and religious tendency. This work was reprinted in 1743, and again by W. Nichols in 1862. Dr. Adam Clarke specifies eight hymns of S. Wesley's composition which were in use among the Methodists of that time (1823). The Wesleyan Hymn Book of the present day contains five, the best-known of which is "The Lord of Sabbath let us praise." Six of his hymns are in common use, and are annotated as follows:— 1. From whence these dire portents around. 2. Hail, Father, Whose creating call. 3. Hail, God the Son in glory crowned. 4. Hail, Holy Ghost, Jehovah, Third. 5. The Lord of Sabbath, let ns praise. 6. The morning flowers display their sweets. -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

August Gottlieb Spangenberg

1704 - 1792 Person Name: A. G. Spangenberg Hymnal Number: I.180 Author of "High on his everlasting throne" in The Reformed Methodist Pocket Hymnal Spangenberg, August Gottlieb, son of Georg Spangenberg, Lutheran pastor at Klettenberg near Nordhausen, was born at Klettenberg, July 15, 1704. He entered the University of Jena in 1722, as a student of law, but soon abandoned law for the study of theology. He lived in the house of Professor Buddeus, graduated M.A. in 1726, and for some time lectured there. In Sept. 1732 he went to Halle as adjunct of the Theological faculty and superintendent of the Orphanage schools. Here he associated himself with the Separatists, and by an edict from Berlin was deprived of his offices, and, on April 8, 1733, was expelled from Halle. He at once proceeded to Herrnhut, and was received into the Moravian Community, with which he had become acquainted as early as 1727. In 1735 he accompanied the Moravian colony which settled in Georgia, and served also in Pennsylvania and in the Island of St. Thomas. He returned to Germany in 1739, and was for some time at Marienborn in Hesse. In Sept. 1741 he was present at an important Moravian Conference in London, and was there appointed a member of the Unity's Direction, and also director of their financial affairs. While in England he founded, in 1742, the first English Moravian settlement, at Smith House in Yorkshire. He was then, on June 15, 1744, consecrated at Herrenhaag as Moravian Bishop for North America, and from that time till 1762 was for the most part in America, working principally in Pennsylvania, and among the Indians, and paying two visits to Europe. In 1762 he became the senior member of the Unity's Direction as successor to Zinzendorf, and thereafter resided for the most part either at Herrnhut or at Barby. The last years of his life were spent at Berthelsdorf near Herrnhut, where he resigned his offices in Sept. 1791, and died Sept. 18, 1792. (Koch, v. 337; G. F. Otto's Lexicon Oberlausizischer Schriftsteller, iii. 306; Herzog's Real-Encyklopädie, xiv., 460, &c.) Spangenberg was an earnest and able man, was much beloved and respected, and was entrusted by the Brethren with many important missions, being e.g. the principal agent in the negotiations between the Moravians and the British Government. He did good service both in consolidating the Moravian organization and by untiring labours in America. His Autobiography appeared in 1784. He also wrote a life of Zinzendorf, in 8 vols., published at Barby 1772-75. His other chief work is his Idea fidei fratrum, &c, Barby, 1779 (English tr. as An Exposition of Christian Doctrine, as taught in the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, &c, London, 1784), which is accepted as an authorised exposition of the Moravian theology. He only wrote a few hymns, which are of fervent but rational piety, but do not entitle him to high rank as a, hymnwriter. They were mostly written before 1746. Ten of them are included in the Brüder Gesang-Buch of 1778. Of these ten hymns the following may be noted here:— i. Der König runt, und schauet doch. Christian Works. First published as No. 1004 in Appendix, i., 1737, to the Herrnhut Gesang-Buch 1735, and is in 8 stanzas of 10 lines. Tr. as:— High on His everlasting Throne. This is a spirited but free translation by J. Wesley, in Hymns & Sacred Poems, 1742. ii. Die Kirche Christi ist hin und her. Unity of the Christian Church. The hymn has been translated as:— The Church of Christ that He hath hallow'd here. This is a good translation of st. i.-iii. of the 1778 by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858, p. 58. iii. Heilige Einfalt, Gnadenwunder. Christian Simplicity. This is an excellent picture of his own Christian character. According to Bunsen, 1833, p. 904, it was written as a birthday hymn for his sister. The date which Bunsen gives for its composition (1744) is probably a misprint for 1741. Translated as:— 1. When simplicity we cherish. This is given in 14 stanzas as No. 387 in pt. ii., 1746, of the Moravian Hymn Book. In the 1789 and later eds. (1849, No. 603) it is reduced to 6 stanzas, and is entirely rewritten, save the opening line. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Samuel Medley

1738 - 1799 Hymnal Number: III.7 Author of "Awake, my soul, in [to] joyful [joyous] lays" in The Reformed Methodist Pocket Hymnal Medley, Samuel, born June 23, 1738, at Cheshunt, Herts, where his father kept a school. He received a good education; but not liking the business to which he was apprenticed, he entered the Royal Navy. Having been severely wounded in a battle with the French fleet off Port Lagos, in 1759, he was obliged to retire from active service. A sermon by Dr. Watts, read to him about this time, led to his conversion. He joined the Baptist Church in Eagle Street, London, then under the care of Dr. Gifford, and shortly afterwards opened a school, which for several years he conducted with great success. Having begun to preach, he received, in 1767, a call to become pastor of the Baptist church at Watford. Thence, in 1772, he removed to Byrom Street, Liverpool, where he gathered a large congregation, and for 27 years was remarkably popular and useful. After a long and painful illness he died July 17, 1799. Most of Medley's hymns were first printed on leaflets or in magazines (the Gospel Magazine being one). They appeared in book form as:— (1) Hymns, &c. Bradford, 1785. This contains 42 hymns. (2) Hymns on Select Portions of Scripture by the Rev. Mr. Medley. 2nd ed. Bristol. W. Pine. 1785. This contains 34 hymns, and differs much from the Bradford edition both in the text and in the order of the hymns. (3) An enlargement of the same in 1787. (4) A small collection of new Hymns, London, 1794. This contains 23 hymns. (5) Hymns. The Public Worship and Private Devotion of True Christians Assisted in some thoughts in Verse; principally drawn from Select Passages of the Word of God. By Samuel Medley. London. Printed for J. Johnson. 1800. A few of his hymns are also found in a Collection for the use of All Denominations, published in London in 1782. Medley's hymns have been very popular in his own denomination, particularly among the more Calvinistic churches. In Denham's Selections there are 48, and in J. Stevens's Selections, 30. Their charm consists less in their poetry than in the warmth and occasional pathos with which they give expression to Christian experience. In most of them also there is a refrain in the last line of each verse which is often effective. Those in common use include:— 1. Come, join ye saints, with heart and voice. (1800). Complete in Christ. 2. Death is no more among our foes. Easter. 3. Eternal Sovereign Lord of all. (1789). Praise for Providential Care. 4. Far, far beyond these lower skies. (1789). Jesus, the Forerunner. 5. Father of mercies, God of love, whose kind, &c. (1789.) New Year. 6. Great God, today Thy grace impart. Sermon. 7. Hear, gracious God! a sinner's cry. (1789). Lent. 8. In heaven the rapturous song began. Christmas. 9. Jesus, engrave it on my heart. (1789). Jesus, Needful to all. 10. Mortals, awake, with angels join. (1782). Christmas. 11. My soul, arise in joyful lays. (1789). Joy in God. 12. Now, in a song of grateful praise. Praise to Jesus. In the Gospel Magazine, June, 1776. 13. O could I speak the matchless worth. (1789.) Praise of Jesus. 14. O for a bright celestial ray. Lent. 15. O God, Thy mercy, vast and free. (1800). Dedication of Self to God. 16. O let us tell the matchless love. Praise to Jesus. 17. O what amazing words of grace. (1789). Foutain of Living Waters. 18. Saints die, and we should gently weep. (1800). Death and Burial. From his "Dearest of Names, Our Lord and King." 19. See a poor sinner, dearest Lord. Lent. 20. Sing the dear Saviour's glorious fame. (1789). Jesus the Breaker of bonds. In 1800 a Memoir of Medley was published by his son, which is regarded by members of the family now living as authoritative. But in 1833 appeared another Memoir by Medley's daughter Sarah, to which are appended 52 hymns for use on Sacramental occasions. These she gives as her father's. But 8 of them are undoubtedly by Thos. Kelly, published by him in 1815, and reprinted in subsequent editions of his Hymns. The remainder are by Medley. Nearly all of these 52 hymns (both Medley's and Kelly's) have been altered in order to adapt them to Sacramental use. In Sarah Medley's volume, Kelly's hymns all follow one another, and three of them are in a metre which Medley apparently never used. What could have been Sarah Medley's motive in all this it is hard to divine. She is said to have been a clever, though unamiable woman, and was herself the author of a small volume of Poems published in 1807. In the Memoir she does not conceal her hatred of her brother. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)