41. Oh! For the Noble Mind

1 O! For the noble mind,
That ne’er will stoop to shame,
But strives to leave behind
A spotless name.
A soul above the sordid mien
Who basely wrong will do for gain,
A soul that scorns to grovel thus,
Be this the soul for us.

O! For the noble mind,
That ne’er will stoop to shame,
But strives to leave behind
A spotless name.

2 O! For the will to keep,
The way we know is right;
And may that way, tho’ steep,
Be our delight.
Give us the heart no fears can shake,
“Nor pain nor loss for Jesus’ sake;”
Our consciences shall ne’er be sold
For all their shining gold.

O! For the will to keep,
The way we know is right;
And may that way, tho’ steep,
Be our delight.

3 O! For the times again,
When conscience ruled the day;
When holy, faithful men,
Shall truth obey.
The sacred cause of Jesus’ love,
Like Mary’s firm and steadfast prove,
Who rather than from duty fly
Shall bravely choose to die.

O! For the times again,
When conscience ruled the day;
When holy, faithful men,
Shall truth obey.

Text Information
First Line: O! For the noble mind
Title: Oh! For the Noble Mind
Author: H. D. K.
Refrain First Line: O! For the noble mind
Language: English
Publication Date: 1900
Tune Information
Name: [O! For the noble mind]
Composer: Arthur Berridge


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