1 Various the Objects Man desires,
Whilst he to Happiness aspires;
Each longing Sense, would be possest
Of what most suits his childish Taste;
There seeking lasting Peace, and solid Joy,
And heav'nly Sweets, which ne'er will fade nor cloy.
2 Of thee, my sov'reign Lord and King,
My longing soul desires one Thing:
I in thine House would ever dwell,
Thy Goodness, O my God, to tell;
There to behold, with Joy, thy beauteous Face,
Inquiring at thy Oracles of Grace.
3 This have I long desir'd of thee,
They Beauties in thine House to see;
One Day, my God, is better there,
Than are a thousand Days elsewhere:
For O! thy holy Temple is the Place
Where thou unveil'st thy Beauty and thy Grace.
4 Thy Body, Lamb, once bath'd in Blood,
That Temple is, that House of God;
Where all the church in Mystery,
As living Stones are built in thee;
To which by Faith, we all repair, and tell
How God is pleas'd in it, in us to dwell.
5 Thy Ministers, as Flames of Fire,
Attending with intense Desire;
Thy Servants round thy Table set,
Spread with divine, with heav'nly Meat:
Apparel'd in the spirit, and the Word,
Here dwell for-ever in thy Temple, Lord.
6 Brighter than all, O Morning-Star!
Thou shin'st with Rays resplendent here;
Brighter than Solomon of old
E'er shone in wisdom, Pow'r, or Gold:
Extasy'd more thy Saints than Sheba's Queen,
When those the Beauties of thine House are seen.