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Lord, to You My Soul Is Lifted (Psalm 25)

Author: Stanley Wiersma Hymnal: Glory to God #420 (2013) Meter: First Line: Lord, to you my soul is lifted Topics: Confession; Forgiveness; God's Covenant with Israel; Repentance; Will of God Scripture: Psalm 25 Languages: English Tune Title: GENEVAN 25

LORD, to You My Soul Is Lifted

Author: Stanley Wiersma Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Gray) #25 (1987) Meter: Topics: Deliverance; Love God's Love to Us; Profession of Faith; Return of Christ; Advent; Afflictions; Confession of Sin; Deliverance; Grace; Humility; Lord's Supper; Love God's Love to Us; Ministry & Service; Profession of Faith; Return of Christ; Sanctification Scripture: Psalm 25 Languages: English Tune Title: GENEVAN 25

LORD, to You My Soul Is Lifted

Author: Stanley Wiersma, 1930-1986 Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #25D (2012) Meter: Topics: Acrostic Psalms; Affliction; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Advent; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Forgiveness; God Daily Experience of; God Trust in; God as Guide; God as Judge; God's Compassion; God's Faithfulness; God's Forgiveness; God's Friendship; God's Promises; God's Protection; God's Way; Grace; Guilt; Hope; Humility; Jesus Christ Friend of Sinners; Jesus Christ Parables of; Joy; Lament Individual; Life Stages Youth; Loneliness; Mercy; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Prayer; Renewal; Rest; Salvation; Shame; The Fall; Trust; Truth; Worship; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 24-October 1; Year B, Lent, 1st Sunday; Year C, Advent, 1st Sunday; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 10-16 Scripture: Psalm 15 Languages: English Tune Title: GENEVAN 25
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LORD, to You My Soul Is Lifted

Hymnal: Trinity Psalter Hymnal #25A (2018) Meter: Topics: Confession and repentance; God Mercy of; Profession of Faith; Waiting upon God Scripture: Psalm 25 Languages: English Tune Title: GENEVAN 25

Lord, to You My Soul Is Lifted

Author: Stanley Wiersma Hymnal: The Presbyterian Hymnal #178 (1990) Meter: Topics: Supplication Scripture: Psalm 25 Languages: English Tune Title: GENEVAN 25

LORD, to You My Soul Is Lifted

Author: Stanley Wiersma, 1930-1986 Hymnal: Lift Up Your Hearts #625 (2013) Meter: Topics: Election; Humility; Lament General; Love God's Love for Us; Hymns That Are Prayer; Waiting; Elements of Worship Confession Scripture: Psalm 25 Languages: English Tune Title: GENEVAN 25
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LORD, hear my Pray'r, and to my Cry

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXLIII (1767) Lyrics: 1 LORD, hear my Pray'r, and to my Cry Thy wonted Audience lend; In thy accustom'd Faith and Truth, A gracious Answer send, Nor to thy Justice bring Thy servant strictly to be try'd; For no frail mortal Man Can in thy Sight be justify'd, 2 The spiteful Foe pursues my Life, Whose Comforts all are fled; He drives me into Caves as dark As Mansions of the Dead. My Spirit is o'erwhelm'd, And therefore sinks within my Breast; My Heart grows desolate, With heavy Woes too much oppress'd. 3 I call to mind the Days of old, And Wonders thou hast wrought, My former Dangers and Escapes Employ my musing Thought. To thee my in humble Pray'r, My Hands I fervently stretch out; My Soul for Comfort thirsts, Like Land oppress'd with constant Drought. 4 Hear me with Speed, my Spirit fails, Thy Face no longer hide; Lest I become forlorn, like them That in the Grave reside. Thy Kindness let me hear, Whose Trust on thee alone depends; Teach me thy perfect Way, For still my Soul to thee ascends. 5 Do thou, O LORD, from all my Foes, Preserve, and set me free; A safe Retreat against their Rage, My Soul implores from thee. Thy righteous Will, O GOD, Instruct me ever to obey; Let thy good Spirit lead And keep my Soul in thy right Way. 6 Oh, for the sake of thy great Name, Revive my drooping Heart: For thy Truth's sake, to me distress'd, Thy promis'd Aid impart. In Pity to my Grief, Do thou reduce my Foes to shame; Slay them that vex my Soul, Devoted to thy holy Name. Topics: Prayers Of a Sinner to obtain Forgiveness of Sins; Prayers When surrounded by Enemies; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 143 Languages: English Tune Title: [Lord, hear my Pray'r, and to my Cry]
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Lord, with thy wonted mercy hear

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #V (1767) Lyrics: 1 Lord, with thy wonted Mercy hear, The Voice of my Distress; To my complaint bow down then Ear, And all my Wrongs redress. To thee my King and God, I will direct my mournful Cry, Accept my secret Pray'r, For on thee alone rely. 2 Soon as the Morn with cheerful Light, Shall paint the floating Skies, To thee I will my Pray'r address; To thee my Voice shall rise: Ev'n when the early Dawn, Shall shoot abroad it's timed Ray, To thee i will look up, To thee my GOD, devoutly pray. 3 In Men to Folly still inclin'd, The LORD takes not Delight; Nor will permit the sinful wretch, To stand before his Sight. The Wrongs which I sustain, The GOD of Truth will not approve, Who from his holy Place, Will all Unrighteousness remove. 4 The stubborn Fool, who still with Scorn, Rejects his proffer'd Grace, He will reject with just Disdain, And banish from his Face; Those who unrighteous Things, Do still with wicked Hearts pursue, His Vengeance will not leave, To stand unpunish'd in his View. Part 2d: 5. The sland'ring Tongue, oh GOD of Truth! Thou surely wilt destroy; In lying Lips and faithless Hearts, Thy Spirit finds no Joy; So likewise dost thou hate, The Man who is to Blood inclin'd; And his deceitful Race, From thee shall no Protection find. 6 But when thy heav'nly Grace, shall me To thy blest courts restore, On thee I'll fix my longing Eyes, And humbly there adore; Ev'n at thy Temple Gate, With constant Zeal I will attend, And thence my Pray'r direct, To GOD, on whom I still depend. 7 Conduct me by thy righteous Laws, To me in mercy show, That sacred path of Truth, oh Lord! In which I ought to go. My Foes stand watching round, In Hopes my sudden Fall to see; Oh guard my heedless Steps, And from their Snares deliver me. 8 Their Mouths vent nothing but Deceit, To Slander still inclin'd; Their wicked Hearts against my Life, Have treach'rously design'd; Their Throat is like a Grave, That ever yawning to devour; They flatter with their Tongue, And still exult in lawless Pow'r. 9 In their own Counsels let them fall, By Loads of Guilt opprest; And as they others would have wrong'd, So let them be distrest. For they against thy Laws, Have ever harden'd Rebels been, They daily thee provok'd, By still persisting in their Sin. 10 But let all those, who trust in thee, Shout with triumphant Joy; And all their Hours in Songs of praise, Delightfully employ. Let those whom thou preserv'st, Thy Goodness all abroad proclaim; And tell what Bliss awaits, Those who revere thy holy Name. 11 To righteous men, the bounteous LORD, His Blessing will impart; Protection he affords to all, Who have an upright Heart. The LORD to all his Saints, His Grace and Favour will extend; And from approaching Harm, Their Lives as with a Shield defend. Topics: Description of Hyprocisy; Prayers Of the Church Particularly of Believers when slandered; Prophecies Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked Scripture: Psalm 5 Languages: English Tune Title: [Lord, with thy wonted mercy hear]
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O LORD! to my relief draw near

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #LXX (1767) Lyrics: 1 O LORD! to my Relief draw near. For never was more Need; In my Defence do thou appear, O GOD, and come with Speed. On them let Shame return, Who to destroy my Soul combine; O let them blush and mourn, Defeated in their base Design. 2 Their Doom let Desolation be, Their Malice be repaid, Who mock'd my Confidence in thee, And me their Pastime made. While Those who seek thy Face, To joyful Triumphs shall be rais'd, And all who prize thy Grace, Shall sing with me, the LORD be prais'd. 5 Thus wretched tho' I am, and poor, The LORD of me takes Care; Thou GOD, who only can'st restore, To my Relief repair! Topics: Prayers When surrounded by Enemies; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 70 Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord, to my relief draw near]
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To GOD I lift my Heart and Voice

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XXV (1767) Lyrics: 1 To GOD I lift my Heart and Voice, In whom my Trust is placed; Let not my Foes, O LORD, rejoice, Nor let me be disgraced! No Sorrows have surrounded Those, who on thee for Aid depend; But they shall be confounded, Who daring wilfully offend. 2 Teach me, O LORD! thy Truth impart, And grant me thy Direction; For all Day long, with humble Heart, I wait for thy Protection. Guide me in ev'ry Station, And lead me in the Way that's just, Thou GOD of my Salvation, In thee alone I put my Trust. 3 Thy Mercies call to Mind once more, With which I have been blessed; And let thy Goodness, as before, Be now to me expressed. LORD! pardon each Transgression, Committed in my heedless Youth; Accept of my Confession, And think of me, thou GOD of Truth. 4 The righteous GOD, his just Controul, And wond'rous Love displayed, In bringing back the wand'ring Soul, That had from Virtue strayed: In Justice, he will ever Guide those who his Direction seek, And from their sins deliver, The humble-minded and the meek. Part II 5 In ev'ry Precept GOD imparts, Are Truth and Mercy shining; To such as with religious Hearts, Are to his Will inclining; Tho' I have much transgressed, Yet let me not be put to Shame; Since Mercy, 'tis confessed, O LORD, doth most exalt thy Fame. 7 Whoe'er to God his Duty pays, And him with Fear respecteth; The LORD in all his righteous Ways, With constant Care directeth: His soul for ever blessed, Shall rest in peace, nor know Disgrace; His Wealth shall be possessed, By his surviving num'rous Race. 8 To all his Saints The LORD imparts, His secret Will and Pleasure; And plants in their obedient Hearts, His Precepts boundless Treasure. My Cry to him increases, That he may send his timely Aid: And break the Snare in pieces. Which for my heedless Feet is laid. 8 Turn thou, O LORD, and let my Grief, In Mercy be redressed; Patient I wait for thy Relief, With many Woes oppressed; The Sorrows are encreased, That trouble my tormented Mind; Oh! let me be released, And from this State Deliv'rance find. 9 From all Affliction let me be, O LORD, by thee defended; And in thy Mercy set me free, Tho' I have much offended. My Foes are daily growing, And for my Ruin still engage; Their Malice ever shewing, In lawless Force, and boundless Rage. 10 From their fierce Anger set me free, And let their Rage be tamed; Since I have put my Trust in thee, I shall not be ashamed. On thee my Hope is placed, LORD, perfect thou thy Servant's Mind: Let Israel, now disgraced, O GOD, thy sure Deliv'rance find. Topics: Prayers When percecuted; Prayers Of a Sinner to obtain Forgiveness of Sins Scripture: Psalm 25 Languages: English Tune Title: [To God I lift my heart and voice]


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