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Tune Identifier:"^genevan_84$"

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How Lovely Is Your House, O LORD

Author: Ada Roeper-Boulogne Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Gray) #84 (1987) Meter: Topics: Biblical Names & Places Jacob; Funerals; Marriage; Return of Christ; Biblical Names & Places Jacob; Church; Funerals; Lord's Supper; Marriage; Ministry & Service; Opening of Worship; Refuge; Return of Christ; Walk with God Scripture: Psalm 84 Languages: English Tune Title: GENEVAN 84

O God of Hosts

Author: William Kuipers, 1884-1933 Hymnal: Hymns for Youth #157 (1966) Meter: First Line: O God of hosts, O God of grace Scripture: Psalm 84 Languages: English Tune Title: O DIEU DES ARMEES (GENEVAN 84)

O God of Love (Ó seregeknek Istene)

Author: Th. de Bèze; A. Szenczi Molnár Hymnal: Little Psalterium #13 (1969) First Line: O God of love, O God of grace (Ó seregeknek Istene, Mely kedves gyönyörűsége) Languages: English; Hungarian Tune Title: [O God of love, O God of grace]

O God of Hosts, O God of Grace

Author: Rev. William Kuipers Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #172 (1934) Meter: Topics: Communion Service; Eternal Life; House of God ; Longing for God or Christ; Love for the Church; Nearness to God; Opening of Services; Pilgrimage; Sanctification; Spiritual Life Scripture: Psalm 84 Languages: English Tune Title: TABERNACLES
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Bless GOD, my Soul, thou, LORD, alone

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CIV (1767) Lyrics: 1 Bless GOD, my Soul; thou, LORD, alone Possessest Empire without Bounds; With Honour thou art crown'd, thy Throne Eternal Majesty surrounds: With Light thou dost thyself enrobe, And Glory for a Garment take; Heav'n's Curtains stretch'd beyond the Globe, Thy Canopy of State to make. 2 GOD builds on liquid Air, and forms His Palace Chambers in the Skies; The Clouds his Chariots are, and Storms The swift-wing'd Steeds with which he flies: As bright as Flame, as swift as Wind, His Ministers Heaven's Palace fill; To have their sundry Tasks assign'd; All proud to serve their Sov'reign's Will. 3 Earth on her Centre fix'd, he set, Her Face with Waters overspread; Nor proudest Mountains dar'd as yet, To lift above the Waves their Head: But when thy awful Face appear'd, Th'insulting Waves dispers'd; they fled, When once thy Thunder's Voice they heard, And by their Haste confess'd their Dread. 4 Thence up by secret Tracks they creep, And gushing from the Mountain's side; Through Valleys travel to the Deep, Appointed to receive their Tide; There hast thou fix'd the Ocean's Bounds, The threat'ning Surges to repel; That they no more o'erpass their Mounds, Nor to a second Deluge swell. Part II 5 Yet thence in smaller Parties drawn, The Sea recovers her lost Hills; And starting Springs from ev'ry Lawn, Surprise the Vales with plenteous Rills: The Fields, tame Beasts are thither led, Weary with Labour, faint with Drought; And Asses on wild Mountains bred, Have Sense to find these Currents out. 6 There shady Trees from scorching Beams, Yield shelter to the feather'd Throng; They drink, and to the bounteous Stream, Return the Tribute of their Song: His Rains from Heav'n parch'd Jills recruit, That soon transmit the liquid Store; Till Earth is burthen'd with her Fruit, And Nature's Lap can hold no more. 7 Grass, for our Cattle to devour, He makes the Growth of ev'ry Field; Herbs, for Man's Use of various Pow'r, That either Food or Physick yield: With cluster'd Grapes he crowns the Vine, To chear Man's Heart, opprest with Cares; Give Oil that makes his Face to shine, And Corn that wasted Strength repairs. Part III 8 The Trees of God, without the Care, Or Art of Man, with Sap are fed; The Mountain Cedar looks as fair, As those in Royal Gardens bred: Safe in the lofty Cedar's Arms, The Wand'rers of the Air may rest; The hospitable Pine from Harms Protects the Stork, her pious Guest. 9 Wild Goats the craggy Rock ascend, Its tow'ring Heights their Fortress make; Whose Cells in labyrinths extend, Where feebler Creatures Refuge take: The Moon's inconstant Aspect shows Th'appointed Seasons of the Year; Th'instructed Sun his Duty knows, His Hours to rise and disappear. 10 Darkness he makes the Earth to shroud, When Forest Beasts securely stray; Young Lions roar their Wants aloud, To Providence, that sends them Prey: They range all Night, on Slaughter bent, 'Till summon'd by the rising Morn; To skulk in Dens, with one Consent, The conscious Ravagers return. 11 Forth to the Tillage of the Soil, The Husbandman securely goes; Commencing with the Sun his Toil, With him returns to his Repose: How various, LORD, thy Works are found, For which thy Wisdom we adore! The Earth is with thy Treasure crown'd, 'Till Nature's Hand can grasp no more. Part IV 12 But still, the vast unfathom'd Main, Of Wonders, a new Scene supplies; Whose Depths Inhabitants contain, Of ev'ry Form and ev'ry Size: Full-freighted Ships from ev'ry Port, There cut their unmolested Way; Leviathan, whom there to Sport Thou mad'st, his Compass there to play. 13 These various Troops of Sea and Land, In Sense of common Want agree; All wait on thy dispensing Hand, And have their daily Alms from thee: They gather what thy Stores disperse, Without their Trouble to provide: Thou op'st thy Hand, the Universe, The craving World is all supply'd. 14 Thou for a Moment hid'st thy Face, The num'rous Ranks of Creatures mourn; Thou tak'st their Breath, all Nature's Race, Forthwith to Mother Earth return: Again thou send'st thy Spirit forth, T'inspire the Mass with vital Seed; Nature's restor'd, and Parent Earth, Smiles on her new created Breed. 15 Thus through successive Ages stands, Firm fix'd thy providential Care; Pleas'd with the Work of thy own Hands, Thou dost the Wastes of Time repair: One Look of thine, one wrathful Look, Earth's panting Breast with Terror fills, One Touch from Thee, with Clouds of Smoke, In Darkness shrouds the proudest Hills. 16 In praising GOD, while he prolongs My Breath, I will that Breath employ; And join Devotion to my Songs, Sincere, as in Him is my Joy: While Sinners from Earth's Face are hurl'd, My Soul, praise thou his holy Name, 'Till with my Song, the list'ning World Join Concert, and his Praise proclaim. Topics: Songs of Praise to God the Creation and Providence Scripture: Psalm 104 Languages: English Tune Title: [Bless God, my Soul, thou Lord, alone]
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Deliver me, O LORD, my GOD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #LIX (1767) Lyrics: 1 Deliver me, O LORD. my GOD, From all my cruel spiteful Foes; In my Defence exert thy Pow'r, To quell their Rage who me oppose: Preserve me from a wicked Race, Who make a Trade of doing Ill; Protect me from remorseless Men, Who daily seek my Blood to spill. 2 They lie in wait, and mighty Pow'rs Against my harmless Life combine, Implacable; yet LORD, Thou know'st, 'Tis done for no Offence of mine. In Haste they run about, and watch, IN Snares my guiltless Life to take; Look down, O LORD, on my Distress, And to my speedy Help awake! 3 Thou LORD of Hosts, and Israel's GOD, Their Heathen Rage at once suppress; Relentless Vengeance take on those, Who still most stubbornly transgress. At Evening, to beset my House, Like hungry growling Dogs they meet, While others thro' the City range, And lawless ransack ev'ry Street. 4 Their Throats envenom'd Slander breathe; Their Tongues are keen like sharpen'd Swords; "Who hears, (say they) or hearing, dares "Reprove or check our lawless Words?" But from thy awful Throne O LORD, Thou shalt their baffled Plots deride, And soon to Scorn and Shame expose, Their so much boasted heathen Pride. 5 On thee I wait; 'tis on thy Strength, For timely Succour I depend: 'Tis thou, O GOD, art my Defence, For thou alone canst me defend. Thy Mercy, LORD, which has so oft, From threat'ning Dangers set me free, Shall crown my Wishes, and at last Subdue my haughty Foes to me. Part II 6 Destroy them not, O LORD, at once, Restrain a while thy vengeful Blow; Lest we ungratefully, too soon Forget their sudden Overthrow. Disperse them thro' the Nations round, O GOD, by thy avenging Pow'r! Do thou bring down their haughty Pride, For thou art still our Shield and Tow'r. 7 Now in the Height of all their Hopes, Their growing Arrogance chastise, Whose Tongues have sinn'd without Restraint, And join'd to bitter Curses Lies: Nor shalt thou, whilst their Race endures, Thy righteous Anger, LORD, suppress, That distant Lands, by their just Doom, May Israel's powerful GOD confess. 8 At Evening let them still persist, Like hungry growling Dogs to meet; Still wander all the City round, And lawless traverse every Street: Then, as for Malice now they do, For pinching Hunger let them stray, And yell their vain Complaints aloud, Defeated of their wish'd-for Prey. 9 Whilst early I thy Mercy sing, And thy amazing Pow'r confess: For Thou hast been my sure Defence, My only Refuge in Distress. To thee, with never ceasing Praise, O GOD, my Strength! I'll loudly sing: Thou art my GOD, my Rock, from whence My Health, my Life, ny Safety spring. Topics: Prayers When surrounded by Enemies; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 59 Languages: English Tune Title: [Deliver me, O Lord, my God]
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In deep Distress I oft have cry'd

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXX (1767) Lyrics: 1 In deep Distress I oft have cry'd To GOD, who never yet deny'd, To rescue me, oppress'd with Wrongs; Once more, O LORD, Deliv'rance sned, From lying Lips my Soul defend, And from the Rage of sland'ring Tongues; Which daily strive to wound my Fame, And blest the Credit of my Name. 3 What little Profit can accrue, And yet, what heavy Wrath is due, O thou perfidious Tongue, to thee? Thy Sting upon thyself shall turn; Of lasting Flames, that fiercely burn, The constant Fuel thou shalt be: Thus shall the Vengeance of the LORD Thy Torment be and dread Reward. 3 But O! how wretched is my Doom, Who am a Sojourner become, In barren Mesech's desart Soil! With Kedar's wicked Tents inclos'd, To lawless Savages expos'd, Who live on nought but Theft and Spoil: Oh, when shall I Deliv'rance find, From such as grieve my troubled Mind! 4 My hapless Dwelling is with those, Who Peace and Amity oppose, And Pleasure take in others Harms: Sweet Peace is all I court and seek; But when to them of Peace I speak, They straight cry out, to Arms, to Arms. My Soul is overwhelm'd with Care, Whilst for the Battle they prepare. Topics: Description of Hyprocisy; Description of Slander and Backbiting; Prayers Of the Church Particularly of Believers when slandered; Prayers When deprived ot the Opportunitys of attending in God's House Scripture: Psalm 120 Languages: English Tune Title: [In deep Distress I oft have cry'd]
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O LORD, how lovely is the Place

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #LXXXIV (1767) Lyrics: 1 O LORD, how lovely is the Place Where thou, vouchsaf'st to shew thy Face, In Glory, ever bright array'd; My Soul faints for thy blest Abode, My Heart cries out to see her GOD With Lustre unobscur'd display'd. The Birds around thy Temple throng; And there they build and hatch their Young. 2 O LORD of Hosts! how blest are they, Who in thine House thy Praise display, Whose Hopes in thee are firmly plac'd; Who with a pious Zeal do tread The Ways that to thy Temple lead, For they shall never be disgrac's. In parched Vales they know no Want, For thou refreshing Rain shall grant. 3 Thus they proceed, free from all Fear, From Strength to Strength, 'till all appear On Sion's Mount, for ever bless'd. LORD let my humble Pray'r be heard, My Soul's sincere Desires regard; To thee, O Jacob's GOD! address'd; To us thy sure Protection bring, And look on thine anointed King. 4 For in thy Courts one Day to dwell, In solid Pleasure, doth excell A Thousand Days, wherever spent. A Habitation of my GOD, I choose to be my fix'd Abode; And, dwelling there, would be content, Rather to keep his Temple Gate, Than live with wicked Men in State. 5 For GOD, our great Defence and Light, To guide us in the Way that's right, His Grace and Glory still bestows; And to all those who justly live, The LORD shall ev'ry Blessing give; His plenteous Mercy ever flows. O GOD, how highly blest ishe, Whose Trust is still repos'd in thee! Topics: Description of Happiness of Man; Prayers When deprived ot the Opportunitys of attending in God's House; Thanksgivings For diverse Mercies shown to the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 84 Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord, how lovely is the Place]
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O 'twas a joyful Sound to hear

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXXII (1767) Lyrics: 1 O 'twas a joyful Sound to hear Our num'rous Tribes devoutly say, Up, Israel, to the Temple haste, And keep your solemn festal Day: At Salem's Courts we must appear, With all our congregated Pow'rs; In strong and beauteous Order rang'd, Like her united Tow'rs. 2 'Tis hither, by Divine Command, That all the Tribes of GOD repair; Before his Ark, to celebrate His holy Name with Praise and Pray'r. Tribunals stand erected there, Where Truth and Equity take place; There stand the Courts and Palaces Of holy David's Royal Race. 3 O, pray we then for Salem's Peace; For they shall ever prosp'rous be, (Thou holy City of our GOD!) Who true Affection bear to thee: May Peace within thy sacred Walls For evermore a Guest be found; With Plenty and Prosperity, May all thy Palaces be crown'd! 4 For my dear Brethren's sake, and Friends, To me no less than Brethren dear, I'll pray, may Peace in Salem's Tow'rs An everlasting Guest appear! My Soul shall ever seek thy Good, My Heart shall ever wish thee well; For Sion and the Temple's sake, Where GOD himself vouchsafes to dwell. Topics: Description of The Church: Establishment and Steadfastness; Prayers Of the Church for her Preservation and Prosperity in all Ages Scripture: Psalm 122 Languages: English Tune Title: [O 'twas a joyful Sound to hear]
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Herr Zebaoth, wie lieblich schön

Author: Jorissen Hymnal: Gesangbuch für deutsche Gemeinden #3 (1901) Languages: German Tune Title: [Herr Zebaoth, wie lieblich schön]


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