202. Launch Out the Life-Boat

1 Launch out the life-boat, there’s a cry o’er the lea,
“O come and help us, there’s a storm on the sea.”
Souls now are sinking into darkness away;
Hark! hear their crying, send the lift-boat today.

Launch out the life-boat, launch out the life-boat,
Launch out the life-boat, o’er the wild billows wave.
Launch out the life-boat, do not delay;
Souls now are sinking, send the life-boat today.

2 Sinners are sinking ‘neath the waves of their crime,
See their ship low’ring on the quicksands of time.
O Christian workers, rise up in your might,
Send out the life-boat, bring your friends to the light. [Refrain]

3 Hark! hear them calling as they in their sins sink,
“Send us your life-boat, we are nearing death’s brink.”
Jesus is ready not to start with the crew;
O Christian soldier, He is calling for you. [Refrain]

4 Raging in madness is the storm of the sea;
Heaving and surging winds blow swift o’er the lea.
Trembling and fearful, sinners wave beck’ning hands;
Launch out the life-boat, bring them safe to the land. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: Launch out the life-boat, there’s a cry o’er the lea
Title: Launch Out the Life-Boat
Author: S. G. Oslin
Refrain First Line: Launch out the life-boat, launch out the life-boat
Language: English
Publication Date: 1900


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