Author: Barney E. Warren Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: Blow the gospel trumpet, brother, over land and sea Lyrics: 1 Blow the gospel trumpet, brother, over land and sea,
Sound the news to all creation, Christ will set you free;
He will break the chains of bondage, let the tidings sound,
He is able, do not doubt Him, let His grace abound.
2 Sing, and pray, and preach for Jesus everywhere you go,
Wake the slumb’ring, sinful nations on the brink of woe;
Tell them of that cleansing fountain flowing deep and wide
From Mount Calv’ry’s sacred summit, from His pierced side.
3 In the Spirit’s holy unction preach the word of God,
Till its melting power brings the lost to Jesus’ blood;
Compass every heathen nation filled with sinful dearth,
Scatter light and truth from heaven over all the earth.
4 Send the gospel proclamation all around the globe,
Freedom, freedom for the captive in his sinful robe;
Search in every hidden corner for the honest ones,
Use the time and work for Jesus till the judgment comes. Scripture: Joel 2:1 Used With Tune: [Blow the gospel trumpet, brother, over land and sea] Text Sources: Timeless Truths (; Faith Publishing House, Echoes from Heaven, 1976 (129); The Gospel Trumpet Company, Select Hymns, 1911 (26)
The Gospel Trumpet