Abraham Coles

Abraham Coles
Short Name: Abraham Coles
Full Name: Coles, Abraham, 1813-1891
Birth Year: 1813
Death Year: 1891

Born: December 26, 1813, Scotch Plains, New Jersey.
Died: May 3, 1891.

Coles grad­u­at­ed from Jeff­er­son Med­i­cal Coll­ege, Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia, in 1835. In 1866, he was pre­si­dent of the New Jer­sey Me­di­cal So­ci­e­ty; in 1871, Prince­ton Un­i­ver­si­ty award­ed him an LLD de­gree. His works in­clude:

Dies Irae (New York, 1859)
Stabat Mater Dolorosa, 1865
Stabat Mater Speciosa, 1866
Old Gems in New Settings, 1866
The Microcosm, 1866, 1881
The Evangel in Verse, 1874
The Light of the World, 1884


Texts by Abraham Coles (29)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Divine, eternal WordAbraham Coles (Author)2
Ever, my Lord, with TheeAbraham Coles, M.D. (1812-1891) (Author)English4
Everywhere the groves are ringingAbraham Coles (Author)2
From thee, begetting sure convictionAbraham Coles (Author)English8
God of all, above and underAbraham Coles (Author)2
Have we not all one FatherAbraham Coles (Author)2
Here are partings and painful farewellsAbraham Coles (Author)2
How sweet the memory of thoseAbraham Coles (Author)2
I sing the Shepherd of the sheepAbraham Coles (Author)2
Let us to Jehovah raiseAbraham Coles (Author)2
Lift to him your hymns of laudAbraham Coles (Author)2
Lift up your heads, ye gates, swing wideAbraham Coles (Author)2
O beautiful and grandAbraham Coles (Author)2
O'er the ocean is wafted the tremulous cryAbraham Coles (Author)2
Out of the mouths of babes and sucklingsAbraham Coles (Author)2
Savior of the human raceAbraham Coles (Author)2
Set my anxious heart at restAbraham Coles (Author)2
The Lord has risen as He saidAbraham Coles (Author)English2
The memory of Jesus' nameAbraham Coles (Author)English2
The sweet prophetic voiceAbraham Coles (Author)2
They err who think that God is farAbraham Coles (Author)2
Thou God of love, thy glories brightAbraham Coles (Author)2
To sit at Jesus' feetAbraham Coles (Author)2
We cannot build aloneA. Coles, M.D. (1813-1891) (Author)English5
We hail each return of the day of thy birthAbraham Coles (Author)2
What things shall happenAbraham Coles (Author)4
When Jesus speaks, so sweet the soundAbraham Coles, M.D. (1812-1891) (Author)English4
Wicked hands, how sad the storyAbraham Coles (Author)2
Ye messengers of God to menAbraham Coles (Author)2
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