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Text Identifier:who_hath_believed_who_hath_believed

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Who hath believed, who hath believed?

Hymnal: Children's Hymnal of the Presbyterian Church in Canada #57 (1884) Languages: English
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Blessed Jesus! kind Jesus! the meek, lowly Jesus!

Author: James Gall Hymnal: The Presbyterian Book of Praise #547 (1897) Meter: with refrain First Line: Who hath believed? Who hath believed? Topics: Hymns for the Young The Son - His Praise Scripture: Isaiah 53:1 Languages: English Tune Title: WHO HATH BELIEVED?
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Who hath believed? Who hat believed?

Author: James Gall Hymnal: The Presbyterian Book of Praise #547 (1915)

Who Hath Believed The Tidings?

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12133 Meter: First Line: Who hath believed the tidings? Who? Lyrics: 1 Who hath believed the tidings? Who? Or felt the joys our words impart? Gladly confessed our record true, And found the Savior in his heart? Planted in nature’s barren ground, And cherished by Jehovah’s care, There shall th’immortal Seed be found, The Root divine shall flourish there. 2 See the Desire of Nations comes, Nor outward pomp bespeaks Him near: A veil of flesh the God assumes, A servant’s form He stoops to wear. He lays His every glory by; Ignobly low, obscurely mean, Of beauty void, in reason’s eye, The source of loveliness is seen. 3 Rejected and despised of men, A man of griefs, inured to woe; His only intimate is pain, And grief is all His life below. We saw, and from the irksome sight Disdainfully our faces turned; Hell followed Him with fierce despite, And earth the humble Object scorned. 4 Surely for us He humbled was, And grieved with sorrows not His own: Of all His woes were we the cause, We filled His soul with pangs unknown. Yet Him th’Offender we esteemed, Stricken by Heav’n’s vindictive rod, Afflicted for Himself we deemed, And punished by an angry God. 5 But, O! with our transgressions stained, For our offense He wounded was; Ours were the sins that bruised and pained And scourged, and nailed Him to the cross. The chastisement that bought our peace, To sinners due, on Him was laid: Conscience, be still! Thy terrors cease! The debt’s discharged, the ransom’s paid. 6 What though we all as wandering sheep Have left our God, and loved to stray, Refused His mild commands to keep, And madly urged the downward way? Father, on Him Thy bolt did fall, The mortal law Thy Son fulfilled, Thou laid on Him the guilt of all, And by His stripes we all are healed. 7 Accused, His mouth He opened not; He answered not, by wrongs oppressed. Pure though He was from sinful spot, Our guilt He silently confessed. Meek as a lamb to slaughter led, A sheep before His shearers dumb, To suffer in the sinner’s stead Behold the spotless Victim come! 8 Who could His heav’nly birth declare, When bound by man He silent stood; When worms arraigned Him at their bar, And doomed to death th’eternal God! Patient the sufferings to sustain, The vengeance to transgressors due, Guiltless He groaned and died for man: Sinners, rejoice, He died for you! 9 For your imputed guilt He bled, Made sin a sinful world to save; Meekly He sunk among the dead: The rich supplied an honored grave! For, O! devoid of sin, and free From actual or entailed offense, No sinner in Himself was He, But pure and perfect innocence. 10 Yet Him th’almighty Father’s will With bruising chastisements pursued, Doomed Him the weight of sin to feel, And, sternly just, required His blood. But, lo! the mortal debt is paid, The costly sacrifice is o’er; His soul, for sin an offering made, Revives, and He shall die no more. 11 His numerous seed He now shall see, Scattered through all the earth abroad, Blest with His immortality, Begot by Him, and born of God. Head to His Church o’er all below, Long shall He here His sons sustain; Their bounding hearts His power shall know, And bless the loved Messiah’s reign. 12 ’Twixt God and them He still shall stand, The children whom His Sire hath giv’n; Their cause shall prosper in His hand, While Righteousness looks down from Heaven: While pleased He counts the ransomed race, And calls and draws them from above; The travail of His soul surveys, And rests in His redeeming love. 13 “Tis done! My justice asks no more, The satisfaction’s fully made: Their sins He in His body bore, Their Surety all the debt has paid. My righteous Servant and My Son Shall each believing sinner clear; And all who stoop to abjure their own, Shall in His righteousness appear. 14 “Them shall He claim His just desert, Them His inheritance receive, And many a contrite humble heart Will I for His possession give. Satan He thence shall chase away, Assert His right, His foes o’ercome; Stronger than hell, retrieve the prey, And bear the spoil triumphant home. 15 "For charged with all their guilt He stood, Sinners from suffering to redeem; For them He poured out all His blood, Their substitute, He died for them. He died, and rose His death to plead, To testify their sins forgiven: And still I hear Him intercede, And still He makes their claim to Heaven." Languages: English Tune Title: REDEMPTION GROUND
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Who hath believed our report?

Hymnal: The Tribute of Praise #C17 (1874) Tune Title: [Who hath believed our report?]
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Who hath believed our report?

Hymnal: The Tribute of Praise and Methodist Protestant Hymn Book #C17 (1882) Languages: English Tune Title: [Who hath believed our report?]

He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions

Author: R. J. O. Hymnal: Tabernacle Hymns #350 (1931) First Line: Who hath believed after hearing the message Lyrics: 1 Who hath believed after hearing the message, To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? He shall grow up as a plant new and tender, And as a root out of a barren field. Refrain: He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement of our peace was upon him, And with his stripes we are healed. 2 He was despised and by all men rejected, Weighted with sorrows, acquainted with grief; Smitten, afflicted, by God was forsaken, He suffered alone; no one could bring relief. [Refrain] 3 Like as a lamb he was bro’t to the slaughter, Speechless as sheep to the shearers led; He was cut off from the land of the living, For our transgressions on Calv’ry bled. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Who hath believed after hearing the message]

He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions

Author: Richard J. Oliver Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal #673 (1961) First Line: Who hath believed after hearing the message Topics: Christ Atoning work of; Christ Rejected; Hymns for Informal Occasions; Imputation, of Righteousness; Imputation, of Sin Scripture: Isaiah 53:1-8 Languages: English Tune Title: [Who hath believed after hearing the message]
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Who hath believ'd thy sacred word?

Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #LXVIII (1816) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Who hath believ'd thy sacred word? The message of thy Son, Reveal thine arm Almighty Lord! And make his office known. 2 The Jews dispis'd his person here, Esteem'd him vile and mean, For in the form he did appear, No comliness was seen. 3 A man, of sorrow pain and grief, He was on earth below; In him the Jew's had no belief, But odious in their view. 4 They turn'd their eyes away from him, And treated him with scorn; He suffered pain and grief for them, Their sorrows he hath born. 5 The Lord in justice pleas'd to bruise, Him, though his only son; He suffered for the stubborn Jews, And Nations yet unknown, 6 Like wand'ring sheep we ran astray, And left the fold of God, Each wand'ring in the crooked way. And in the downward road. 7 But all our sins on hin were laid, We by his wounds are heal'd; God's vengence on the Shepherd's head. Is our redemption seald. 8 Ten thousand captive souls enslav'd And doom'd to endless pain; Are from their graves and prisons sav'd, And brought to God again. 9 His joyful soul shall ever see! The purchase of his blood! Great numbers justified shall be, And reconcil'd to God. 10 His honor's, life and ev'ry breath For sinners then he gave Was like the wicked in his death, And took with them his grave. 11 But God shall raise his honor's high, And give him great reward; He who for sinner's once did die, Now reigns as Sovereign Lord. Topics: Good Friday Scripture: Isaiah 53 Languages: English
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Who hath believed our report?

Hymnal: The Tribute of Praise #C17 (1871)


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