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Once in Royal David's City

Author: C. F. Alexander1818-95 Meter: Appears in 410 hymnals Topics: Jesus, Savior of Gentiles Lyrics: 1 Once in royal David's city Stood a lowly cattle shed Where a mother laid her Baby In a manger for his bed. Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little child. 2 He came down to earth from heaven, Who is God and Lord of all, And His shelter was a stable, And His cradle was a stall; With the poor and mean and lowly, Lived on earth our Savior holy. 3 Jesus is our childhood's pattern; Day by day like us He grew; He was little, weak, and helpless; Tears and smiles like us He knew, And He feeleth for our sadness, And He shareth in our gladness. 4 And our eyes at last shall see Him, Through His own redeeming love; For that Child, so dear and gentle Is our Lord in heav'n above; And he leads His children on To the place where He is gone. 5 Not in that poor lowly stable With the oxen standing by We shall see Him; but in heaven, Set at God's right hand on high; Where, like stars, His children crowned, All in white shall wait around. Used With Tune: IRBY
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Jesus shall reign where'er the sun

Meter: Appears in 1,805 hymnals Topics: Our Lord Jesus Christ His Manifestation to the Gentiles Lyrics: 1 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Does His successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 To Him shall endless prayer be made, And praises throng to crown His head; His Name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice. 3 People and realms of every tongue Dwell on His love with sweetest song; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on His Name. 4 Blessings abound where'er He reigns; The prisoner leaps to burst his chains, The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. 5 Let every creature rise and bring Peculiar honours to our King: Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud Amen. Amen. Used With Tune: WARRINGTON

Psalm 65 Part 3

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 106 hymnals Topics: Gentiles church First Line: Good is the Lord, the heav'nly King Lyrics: Good is the Lord, the heav'nly King, Who makes the earth his care; Visits the pastures ev'ry spring, And bids the grass appear. The clouds, like rivers raised on high, Pour out at thy command Their wat'ry blessings from the sky, To cheer the thirsty land. The softened ridges of the field Permit the corn to spring; The valleys rich provision yield, And the poor lab'rers sing. The little hills, on every side, Rejoice at falling showers; The meadows, dressed in all their pride, Perfume the air with flowers. The barren clods, refreshed with rain, Promise a joyful crop; The parching grounds look green again, And raise the reaper's hope. The various months thy goodness crowns; How bounteous are thy ways! The bleating flocks spread o'er the downs, And shepherds shout thy praise. Scripture: Psalm 65
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Prayer, for all Missionaries

Meter: Appears in 178 hymnals Topics: Solemn Prayers, offered up for Jew, Gentile, and the Fulness of the Lost in Adam First Line: Great God, the nations of the earth Lyrics: 1 Great God, the nations of the earth Are by creation thine; And in thy works by all beheld, Thy radiant glories shine. 2 But, Lord, thy greater love has sent Thy gospel to mankind, Unveiling what rich stores of grace Are treasur'd in thy mind. 3 Lord, when shall these glad tidings spread The spacious earth around, 'Till ev'ry tribe and ev'ry soul Shall hear the joyful sound: 4 O when shall Afric's sable sons Enjoy the heav'nly word, And vassals long enslav'd become The freemen of the Lord? 5 When shall th' untutor'd heathen tribes, A dark bewilder'd race, Sit down at our Immanuel's feet, And learn and feel his grace? 6 Haste, sov'reign mercy, and transform Their cruelty to love; Soften the tiger to a lamb, The vulture to a dove! 7 Smile, Lord, on each divine attempt To spread the gospel’s rays, And build on sin’s demolish'd throne, The temples of thy praise! Scripture: Jeremiah 31:7 Text Sources: Rippon's Coll.

Psalm 45

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 75 hymnals Topics: Church of the Gentiles; Gentiles church First Line: My Savior and my King Lyrics: My Savior and my King, Thy beauties are divine; Thy lips with blessings overflow, And every grace is thine. Now make thy glory known, Gird on thy dreadful sword, And ride in majesty to spread The conquests of thy word. Strike through thy stubborn foes, Or melt their hearts t' obey, While justice, meekness, grace, and truth, Attend thy glorious way. Thy laws, O God, are right; Thy throne shall ever stand; And thy victorious gospel proves A sceptre in thy hand. [Thy Father and thy God Hath without measure shed His Spirit, like a joyful oil, T' anoint thy sacred head.] [Behold, at thy right hand The Gentile church is seen, Like a fair bride in rich attire, And princes guard the queen.] Fair bride, receive his love, Forget thy father's house; Forsake thy gods, thy idol gods, And pay thy Lord thy vows. O let thy God and King Thy sweetest thoughts employ; Thy children shall his honors sing In palaces of joy. Scripture: Psalm 45
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Rise, crowned with light, imperial Salem, rise

Author: Pope Appears in 219 hymnals Topics: Christ's manifestation to the Gentiles; Gentiles coming into the Church
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The Sufferings and Death of Christ

Appears in 19 hymnals Topics: Gentiles given to Christ; Gentiles given to Christ First Line: Why has my God my soul forsook Lyrics: 1 Why has my God my soul forsook, Nor will a smile afford? (Thus David once in anguish spoke, And thus our dying Lord.) 2 Though ’tis thy chief delight to dwell Among thy praising saints, Yet thou canst hear a groan as well, And pity our complaints. 3 Our fathers trusted in thy name, And great deliverance found; But I’m a worm, despis'd of men, And trodden to the ground. 4 With shaking head they pass me by, And laugh my soul to scorn; In vain he trusts in God, they cry, Neglected and forlorn. 5 But thou art he, who form'd my flesh, By thine almighty word; And since I hung upon the breast My hope is in the Lord. 6 Why will my father hide his face When foes stand threatening round In the dark hour of deep distress, And not an helper found? Pause. 7 Behold thy darling left among The cruel and the proud, By foes encompass'd fierce and strong, As lions roaring loud. 8 From earth and hell my sorrows meet, To multiply the smart; They nail my hands, they pierce my feet, And try to vex my heart. 9 Yet if thy sovereign hand let loose The rage of earth and hell, Why will my heavenly Father bruise The son he loves so well? 10 My God, if possible it be, With-hold this bitter cup; But I resign my will to thee, And drink the sorrows up. 11 My heart dissolves with pangs unknown, In groans I waste my breath; Thy heavy hand has brought me down, Low as the dust of death. 12 Father, I give my spirit up, And trust it in thy hand; My dying flesh shall rest in hope, And rise at thy command. Scripture: Psalm 22:1-16
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O God of God, O Light of Light

Author: J. Julian, 1839-1913 Meter: D Appears in 50 hymnals Topics: Jesus, Savior of Gentiles Lyrics: 1 O God of God, O Light of Light, Thou Prince of Peace, Thou King of kings! To Thee where angels know no night The song of praise forever rings. To Him who sits upon the throne, The Lamb once slain for sinful men, Be honor, might, all by Him won, Glory and praise! Amen, Amen. 2 Deep in the prophets' sacred page, Grand in the poets' winged word, Slowly, in type, from age to age, Nations beheld their coming Lord, Till through the deep Judean night Rang out the song "Good will to men!" Hymned by the first-born sons of light, Reechoed now, "Good will!" Amen. 3 That life of truth, those deeds of love, That death of pain, mid hate and scorn-- These all are past, and now above He reigns, our King, once crowned with thorn. Lift up your heads, ye heav'nly gates! So sang His hosts, unheard by men, Lift up your heads, for you He waits. We lift them up. Amen, Amen. 4 Nations afar, in ign'rance deep, Isles of the sea, where darkness lay, These hear His voice, they wake from sleep, And throng with joy the upward way. They cry with us, "Send forth Thy light, O Lamb, once slain for sinful men! Burst Satan's bonds, O God of might; Set all men free!" Amen, Amen. 5 Sing to the Lord a glorious song; Sing to His name, His love forthtell! Sing on, heav'n's host, His praise prolong; Sing, ye who now on earth do dwell! Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain! From angels praise and thanks from men! Worthy the Lamb, enthroned to reign, Glory and pow'r! Amen, Amen. Used With Tune: CREATION
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O'er the realms of pagan darkness

Author: Cotterill Appears in 97 hymnals Topics: The Light to lighten the Gentiles
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Israel punished and pardoned; or, God's unchangeable Love

Appears in 42 hymnals Topics: Conversion of Jews and Gentiles; Conversion of Jews and Gentiles First Line: God of eternal love Lyrics: 1 God of eternal love, How fickle are our ways! And yet how oft did Israel prove Thy constancy of grace! 2 They saw thy wonders wrought, And then thy praise they sung; But soon thy works of power forgot, And murmur'd with their tongue. 3 Now they believe his word, While rocks with rivers flow; Now with their lusts provoke the Lord, And he reduc'd them low. 4 Yet when they mourn'd their faults, He hearken'd to their groans; Brought his own covenant to his thoughts, And call'd them still his sons. 5 Their names were in his book, He sav'd them from their foes; Oft he chastis'd, but ne'er forsook The people that he chose. 6 Let Israel bless the Lord, Who lov'd their ancient race; And Christians join the solemn word, Amen to all the praise. Scripture: Psalm 106:43-48


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