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Faith of Our Fathers! Living Still

Author: Rev. Frederick W. Faber Meter: Appears in 840 hymnals Topics: Conscience; Faith; Faith of our Fathers; Gospel; Spiritual Liberty; Persecution Of Believers; Perseverance Of The Saints; Profession of Faith; Reformation Day; Witnessing; Zeal Lyrics: 1 Faith of our fathers! living still In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword; O how our hearts beat high with joy Whene'er we hear that glorious Word! Faith of our fathers, holy faith! We will be true to thee till death. 2 Our fathers, chained in prisons dark, Were still in heart and conscience free; How sure will be their children's peace If we, like them, should die for thee! Faith of our martyrs, holy faith! We will be true to thee till death. 3 Faith of our fathers! we will love Both friend and foe in all our strife, And preach thee, too, as love knows how, By kindly words and virtuous life. Faith of our fathers, holy faith! We will be true to thee till death. Used With Tune: ST. CATHERINE
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The Church pleading with God under sore Persecution

Appears in 48 hymnals Topics: Persecuted Saints; Persecuted Saints First Line: Will God forever cast us off! Lyrics: 1 Will God for ever cast us off! His wrath forever smoke Against the people of his love, His little chosen flock? 2 Think of the tribes so dearly bought With their Redeemer’s blood; Nor let thy Sion be forgot, Where once thy glory stood. 3 Lift up thy feet, and march in haste, Aloud our ruin calls; See what a wide and fearful waste Is made within thy walls. 4 Where once thy churches pray'd and sang Thy foes profanely rage; Amid thy gates their ensigns hang, And there their hosts engage. 5 How are the seats of worship broke? They tear the buildings down, And he that deals the heaviest stroke, Procures the chief renown. 6 With flames they threaten to destroy Thy children in their rest; Come let us burn at once, they cry, The temple and the priest. 7 And still to heighten our distress, Thy presence is withdrawn; Thy wonted signs of power and grace, Thy power and grace are gone. 8 No prophet speaks to calm our grief, But all in silence mourn; Nor know the times of our relief The hour of thy return. Pause. 9 How long, eternal God, how long, Shall men of pride blaspheme; Shall saints be made their endless song, And bear immortal shame? 10 Canst thou forever sit and hear Thine holy name profan'd? And still thy jealousy forbear, And still with-hold thine hand? 11 What strange deliverance hast thou shown In ages long before! And now no other God we own, No other God adore. 12 Thou didst divide the raging sea By thy resistless might, To make thy tribes a wondrous way, And then secure their flight. 13 Is not the world of nature thine, The darkness and the day? Didst thou not bid the morning shine, And mark the sun his way? 14 Hath not thy power form'd every coast, And set the earth its bounds, With summer’s heat, and winter’s frost, In their perpetual rounds? 15 And shall the sons of earth and dust That sacred pow'r blaspheme? Will not thy hand that form'd them first Avenge thine injur'd name? 16 Think on the covenant thou hast made, And all thy words of love; Nor let the birds of prey invade And vex thy trembling dove. 17 Our foes would triumph in our blood, And make our hope their jest; Plead thine own cause, almighty God, And give thy children rest. Scripture: Psalm 74
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The Church's Complaint in Persecution

Appears in 43 hymnals Topics: Persecuted Saints; Persecuted Saints First Line: Lord, we have heard thy works of old Lyrics: 1 Lord, we have heard thy works of old, Thy works of power and grace, When to our ears our fathers told, The wonder of their days. 2 They saw the beauteous churches rise, The spreading gospel run; While light and glory from the skies Through all their temples shone. 3 In God they boasted all the day, And in a cheerful throng Did thousands meet to praise and pray, And grace was all their song. 4 But now our souls are seiz'd with shame, Confusion fills our face, To hear the enemy blaspheme, And fools reproach thy grace. 5 Yet have we not forgot our God, Nor falsely dealt with heaven, Nor have our steps declin'd the road Of duty thou hast given. 6 Though dragons all around us roar With their destructive breath, And thine own hand has bruis'd us sore, Hard by the gates of death. Pause. 7 We are expos'd all day to die, As martyrs for thy name; As sheep for slaughter bound we lie, And wait the kindling flame. 8 Awake, arise, almighty Lord, Why sleeps thy wonted grace? Why should we look like men abhor'd, Or banish'd from thy face? 9 Wilt thou forever cast us off, And still neglect our cries? Forever hide thine heavenly love From our afflicted eyes? 10 Down to the dust our soul is bow'd, And dies upon the ground; Rise for our help, rebuke the proud, And all their powers confound. 11 Redeem us from perpetual shame, Our Saviour and our God; We plead the honours of thy name, The merits of thy blood. Scripture: Psalm 44:1-3

Psalm 37 Part 1

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 37 hymnals Topics: Prayer and faith of persecuted saints First Line: Why should I vex my soul, and fret Lyrics: Why should I vex my soul, and fret To see the wicked rise? Or envy sinners waxing great By violence and lies? As flowery grass, cut down at noon, Before the ev'ning fades, So shall their glories vanish soon In everlasting shades. Then let me make the Lord my trust, And practise all that's good; So shall I dwell among the just, And he'll provide me food. I to my God my ways commit, And cheerful wait his will; Thy hand, which guides my doubtful feet, Shall my desires fulfil. Mine innocence shalt thou display, And make thy judgments known, Fair as the light of dawning day, And glorious as the noon. The meek at last the earth possess, And are the heirs of heav'n; True riches, with abundant peace, To humble souls are giv'n. Rest in the Lord, and keep his way, Nor let your anger rise, Though Providence should long delay To punish haughty vice. Let sinners join to break your peace, And plot, and rage, and foam; The Lord derides them, for he sees Their day of vengeance come. They have drawn out the threat'ning sword, Have bent the murd'rous bow, To slay the men that fear the Lord, And bring the righteous low. My God shall break their bows, and burn Their persecuting darts, Shall their own swords against them turn, And pain surprise their hearts. Scripture: Psalm 37:1-15

Psalm 35 Part 1

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals Topics: Faith and prayer of persecuted saints; Persecuted saints their prayer and faith; Prayer and faith of persecuted saints First Line: Now plead my cause, Almighty God Lyrics: Now plead my cause, Almighty God, With all the sons of strife; And fight against the men of blood, Who fight against my life. Draw out thy spear and stop their way, Lift thine avenging rod; But to my soul in mercy say, "I am thy Savior God!" They plant their snares to catch my feet, And nets of mischief spread; Plunge the destroyers in the pit That their own hands have made. Let fogs and darkness hide their way, And slipp'ry be their ground; Thy wrath shall make their lives a prey, And all their rage confound. They fly like chaff before the wind, Before thine angry breath; The angel of the Lord behind Pursues them down to death. They love the road that leads to hell; Then let the rebels die, Whose malice is implacable Against the Lord on high. But if thou hast a chosen few Amongst that impious race, Divide them from the bloody crew, By thy surprising grace. Then will I raise my tuneful voice, To make thy wonders known; In their salvation I'll rejoice, And bless thee for my own. Scripture: Psalm 35:1-9
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The Way and End of the Righteous and the Wicked

Appears in 79 hymnals Topics: Prayer and faith of persecuted saints First Line: My GOD, the Steps of pious Men Lyrics: 1 My GOD, the Steps of pious Men Are order'd by thy Will; Tho' they should fall, they rise again, Thy hHand supports them still. 2 The Lord delights to see their Ways, Their Virtue he approves; He'll ne'er deprive them of his Grace, Nor leave the Man he loves. 3 The heav'nly Heritage is theirs, Their Portion and their Home; He feeds them now, and makes them Heirs Of Blessings long to come. 4 Wait on the Lord, ye Sons of Men, Nor fear when Tyrants frown; Ye shall confess their Pride was vain, When Justice casts them down. Pause. 5 The haughty Sinner have I seen, Nor fearing Man nor God, Like a tall Bay-Tree fair and green, Spreading his Arms abroad. 6 And, lo! he vanish'd from the Ground, Destroy'd by Hands unseen; Nor Root, nor Branch, nor Leaf was found Where all that Pride had been. 7 But mark the Man of Righteousness, His sev'ral Steps attend; True Pleasure runs thro' all his Ways, And peaceful is his End. Scripture: Psalm 37:23-37
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The Church's Prayer under Affliction; or, the Vineyard of God wasted

Appears in 91 hymnals Topics: Persecuted Saints; Persecuted Saints First Line: Great Shepherd of thine Israel Lyrics: 1 Great Shepherd of thine Israel, Who didst between the cherubs dwell, And lead the tribes, thy chosen sheep, Safe through the desert and the deep: 2 Thy church is in the desert now, Shine from on high, and guide us through; Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be sav'd and sigh no more. 3 Great God, whom heavenly hosts obey, How long shall we lament and pray? And wait in vain thy kind return? How long shall thy fierce anger burn? 4 Instead of wine and cheerful bread, Thy saints with their own tears are fed; Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be sav'd and sigh no more. Pause I. 5 Hast thou not planted with thy hands A lovely vine in heathen lands? Did not thy power defend it round, And heavenly dews enrich the ground? 6 How did the spreading branches shoot, And bless the nations with the fruit; But now, dear Lord, look down and see Thy mourning vine, that lovely tree. 7 Why is her beauty thus defac'd? Why hast thou laid her fences waste? Strangers and foes against her join, And every beast devours the vine. 8 Return, almighty God, return; Nor let thy bleeding vineyard mourn: Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be sav'd and sigh no more. Pause II. 9 Lord, when this vine in Canaan grew, Thou wast its strength and glory too; Attack'd in vain by all its foes, Till the fair branch of promise rose. 10 Fair branch, ordain'd of old to shoot From David’s stock, from Jacob’s root; Himself a noble vine, and we The lesser branches of the tree: 11 ’Tis thy own Son; and he shall stand Girt with thy strength at thy right hand; Thy first-born Son, adorn'd and blest With power and grace above the rest. 12 Oh! for his sake attend our cry, Shine on thy churches lest they die; Turn us to thee, thy love restore, We shall be sav'd, and sigh no more. Scripture: Psalm 80
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Charity to the Poor; or, Religionin Words and Deeds

Appears in 38 hymnals Topics: Prayer and faith of persecuted saints First Line: Why do the wealthy Wicked boast Lyrics: 1 Why do the wealthy Wicked boast, And grow profanely bold? The meanest Portion of the Just Excels the Sinner's Gold. 2 The Wicked borrows of his Friends, But ne'er designs to pay; The Saint is merciful and lends, Nor turns the Poor away. 3 His Alms with lib'ral Heart he gives Amongst the Sons of Need; His Mem'ry to long Ages lives, And blessed is his Seed. 4 His Lips abhor to talk prophane, To slander or defraud; His ready Tongue declares to Men What he has learn'd of GOD. 5 The Law and Gospel of the Lord Deep in his Heart abide; Led by the Spirit, and the Word, His Feet shall never slide. 6 When Sinners fall, the Righteous stand, Preserv'd from ev'ry Snare; They shall possess the promis'd Land, And dwell for ever there. Scripture: Psalm 37:16-31

Psalm 35 Part 2

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 52 hymnals Topics: Faith and prayer of persecuted saints; Persecuted saints their prayer and faith; Prayer and faith of persecuted saints First Line: Behold the love, the gen'rous love Lyrics: Behold the love, the gen'rous love, That holy David shows; Hark, how his sounding bowels move To his afflicted foes! When they are sick his soul complains, And seems to feel the smart; The spirit of the gospel reigns, And melts his pious heart. How did his flowing tears condole As for a brother dead! And fasting mortified his soul, While for their life he prayed. They groaned, and cursed him on their bed, Yet still he pleads and mourns; And double blessings on his head The righteous God returns. O glorious type of heav'nly grace! Thus Christ the Lord appears; While sinners curse, the Savior prays, And pities them with tears. He, the true David, Isr'el's King, Blest and beloved of God, To save us rebels, dead in sin, Paid his own dearest blood. Scripture: Psalm 35:12-14
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A Complaint against Persecutors

Appears in 58 hymnals Topics: Persecuted Saints; Persecuted Saints First Line: And will the God of grace Lyrics: 1 And will the God of grace Perpetual silence keep? The God of justice hold his peace, And let his vengeance sleep? 2 Behold what cursed snares The men of mischief spread: The men that hate thy saints and thee, Lift up their threatening head. 3 Against thy hidden ones, Their counsels they employ, And malice with her watchful eye Pursues them to destroy. 4 "Come, let us join, they cry, "To root them from the ground, "Till not the name of saints remain, "Nor memory shall be found." 5 Awake, almighty God, And call thy wrath to mind; Give them like forests to the fire, Or stubble to the wind. 6 Convince their madness, Lord, And make them seek thy name; Or else their stubborn rage confound, That they may die in shame. 7 Then shall the nations know Thy glorious, dreadful word, Jehovah is thy name alone, And thou the sovereign Lord. Scripture: Psalm 83


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