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The God of Abraham Praise

Author: Daniel ben Judah, c. 1400; Newton Mann, 1836-1926; Max Landsberg, 1845-1928 Meter: D Appears in 454 hymnals Topics: Promise and Covenant Scripture: Exodus 3:6 Used With Tune: LEONI Text Sources: revised version of the Yigdal
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Standing at the portal

Author: Frances Ridley Havergal, 1836-1879 Meter: D with refrain Appears in 171 hymnals Topics: Covenant Refrain First Line: Onward, then, and fear not Lyrics: 1 Standing at the portal of the opening year, words of comfort meet us hushing every fear, spoken through the silence by God's loving voice, tender, strong and faithful, making us rejoice. Refrain: Onward, then, and fear not, children of the day, for God's word shall never, never pass away. 2 "I, your God, am with you: do not be afraid; I will help and strengthen; do not be dismayed, for I will uphold you with my own right hand; you are called and chosen in my sight to stand." [Refrain] 3 God will not forsake us and will never fail; God's eternal covenant ever will prevail. Resting on this promise, what have we to fear? God is all-sufficient for the coming year. [Refrain] Scripture: Joshua 1:5 Used With Tune: ST. ALBAN'S
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'Twas on that night

Author: John Morison, 1750-1798 Appears in 63 hymnals Topics: Covenant First Line: 'Twas on that night when doomed to know Lyrics: 1 'Twas on that night when doomed to know the eager rage of every foe, that night in which he was betrayed, the Saviour of the world took bread, 2 and after thanks and glory given to God who rules in earth and heaven, that symbol of his flesh he broke, and thus to all his followers spoke: 3 "My broken body thus I give for you, for all; take, eat and live; and oft the sacred rite renew that brings my saving love to view." 4 Then in his hands the cup he raised and God anew he thanked and praised; the fullness of God's grace he showed, and from his lips salvation flowed. 5 "My blood I thus pour forth," he cries, "to cleanse the soul in sin that lies; in this the covenant is sealed, and heaven's eternal grace revealed. 6 "With suffering love this cup is given; let all partake the wine of heaven, and when you gather, let it pour in living memory of this hour." Scripture: Matthew 26:26-29 Used With Tune: ROCKINGHAM Text Sources: Scottish Paraphrases, alt.
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Baptized into Your Name Most Holy

Author: Johann J. Rambach; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 45 hymnals Topics: Covenant of Grace Lyrics: 1 Baptized into your name most holy, O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I claim a place, though weak and lowly, among your seed, your chosen host. Buried with Christ, and dead to sin: your Spirit e'er shall live within. 2 My loving Father, me you've taken fore'er to be your child and heir; my faithful Savior, me you've given your righteous, holy life to share; O Holy Spirit, you will be a comfort, guide, and help to me. 3 And I have vowed to fear and love you, and to obey you, Lord, alone; because the Holy Spirit moved me I dared to pledge myself your own, renouncing sin to keep the faith, and war with evil unto death. 4 My faithful God, your Word fails never, your cov'nant surely will abide; oh, cast me not away forever, should I transgress it on my side! Though I have oft my soul defiled, in love forgive, restore your child. 5 Yes, all I am and love most dearly I offer now, O Lord, to you. Oh, let me make my vows sincerely, and what I say, help me to do. Let naught within me, naught I own, serve any will but yours alone. 6 And never let my purpose falter, O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, but keep me faithful to your altar, till you shall call me from my post. So unto you I live and die, and praise you evermore on high. Scripture: Romans 6:4 Used With Tune: NEUMARK Text Sources: Rev. in Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978; alt. 1990

Let him to whom we now belong

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-88; Alfred Harold Wood, 1896-1989 Meter: Appears in 125 hymnals Topics: Covenant Lyrics: 1 Let him to whom we now belong his sovereign right assert, and take up every thankful song and every loving heart. 2 He justly claims us for his own, who bought us with a price: as Christian live to Christ alone, to Christ alone we die. 3 We come in deep humility your easy yoke to prove, and own it perfect liberty to serve the Lord we love. 4 Jesus, your own at last receive, fulfil our hearts’ desire; and let us to thy glory live and in thy cause expire. 5 Our souls and bodies we resign; with joy we render thee our all, no longer ours, but Thine, to all eternity. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Used With Tune: JACKSON
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Supplication and Testimony

Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: Covenant Promises First Line: Thy lovingkindness, Lord, is good and free Lyrics: 1 Thy lovingkindness, Lord, is good and free: In tender mercy turn Thou unto me; Hide not Thy face from me in my distress, In mercy hear my prayer, Thy servant bless. 2 Needy and sorrowful, to Thee I cry; Let Thy salvation set my soul on high; Then I will sing and praise Thy holy Name, My thankful song Thy mercy shall proclaim. 3 With joy the meek shall see my soul restored; Your heart shall live, ye saints that seek the Lord; He helps the needy and regards their cries, Those in distress the Lord will not despise. 4 Let heav'n above His grace and glory tell Let earth and sea and all that in them dwell; Salvation to His people God will give, And they that love His Name with Him shall live. Scripture: Psalm 69 Used With Tune: EVENTIDE
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"Saints' Inventory"

Author: Benjamin Beddome Appears in 65 hymnals Topics: Covenant Divine First Line: If God is mine, then present things Lyrics: 1 If God is mine, then present things And things to come are mine; Yea, Christ, his word, and Spirit too, And glory all divine. 2 If he is mine, then from his love He very trouble sends; All things are working for my good, And bliss his rod attends. 3 If he is mine, let friends forsake, Let wealth and honor flee: Sure he who giveth me himself Is more than these to me. 4 Oh, tell me, Lord, that thou art mine; What can I wish beside? My soul shall at the fountain live, When all the streams are dried. Scripture: Genesis 22:14 Used With Tune: BROWN
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"Full Salvation"

Author: Frances R. Havergal Appears in 320 hymnals Topics: Covenant Divine First Line: I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus Lyrics: 1 I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus, Trusting only thee! Trusting thee for full salvation, Great and free. 2 I am trusting thee for pardon, At thy feet I bow; For thy grace and tender mercy, Trusting now. 3 I am trusting thee for cleansing In the crimson flood; Trusting thee to make me holy By thy blood. 4 I am trusting thee to guide me; Thou alone shalt lead, Every day and hour supplying All my need. 5 I am trusting thee for power, Thine can never fail; Words which thou thyself shalt give me Must prevail. 6 I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus; Never let me fall; I am trusting thee for ever, And for all. Scripture: Esther 4:16 Used With Tune: TRUST

Just as I am, without one plea

Author: Charlotte Elliott, 1789-1871 Appears in 2,139 hymnals Topics: Covenant, Commitment and Dedication Scripture: 1 John 1:7 Used With Tune: WOODWORTH Text Sources: Adapt.: Jubilate Hymns, alt.
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Shepherd of Tender Youth

Author: Clement of Alexandria, 220 A.D.; Henry M. Dexter Meter: Appears in 280 hymnals Topics: Covenant; Covenant Lyrics: 1 Shepherd of tender youth, Guiding in love and truth Through devious ways; Christ, our triumphant King, We come Thy Name to sing; Hither our children bring To shout Thy praise. 2 Thou art the great High Priest, Thou hast prepared the feast Of heavenly love. In all our mortal pain, None calls on Thee in vain; Help Thou didst not disdain, Help from above. 3 Ever be Thou our Guide, Our Shepherd, and our Pride, Our Staff and Song. Jesus, Thou Christ of God, By Thy enduring Word Lead us where Thou hast trod; Make our faith strong. 4 So now, and till we die, Sound we Thy praises high, And joyful sing. Let youth, yea, all the throng Who to Thy Church belong, Unite to swell the song To Christ our king. Used With Tune: TRINITY (ITALIAN HYMN)


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