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Topics:songs of response

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Rise, Zion, shine, thy Light has come

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CCXLVII (1791) Topics: liturgical Songs of Response Lyrics: 1 Rise, Zion, shine, thy Light is come, The glorious Day's begun, These Beams we see so bright that be, Dart from the glorious Sun. 2 Of Righteousness, that rising is; The Day doth dawn apace; The Songs of Praise we hear a Days: Of Christ and his Free Grace. 3 Are Tokens plain, the Lamb once slain Is hast'ning to his Throne; The Bride doth say, come, haste away, My dear beloved One. 4 The Saints rejoice, the Turtle's Voice Is heard within the Land: The hundred Forty four Thousand Shall soon with Jesus stand. 5 And they shall sing, to Christ their King, Their Songs in such a Strain, That learn can none but those alone Who with the Lord shall reign. 6 Ye taught Ones of the Lord, sing Praise To th' Lamb th' Throne upon; 'Tis only he taught you and me To sing the Lamb's new Song. Languages: English
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The Goodness of God

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CCCXXXIX (1791) Topics: liturgical Songs of Response First Line: Ye humble Souls, approach your God Lyrics: 1 Ye humble Souls, approach your GOD With Songs of sacred Praise, For he is good, Immensely good, And kind are all his Ways. 2 All Nature owns his guardian Care, In him we live and move; But nobler Benefits declare The Wonders of his Love. 3 He gave his Son, his only Son, To ransom Rebel Worms; 'Tis here he makes his Goodness known In it diviner Forms. 4 To this dear Refuge, LORD we come, 'Tis here our Hope relies; A save Defence, a peaceful Home, When Storms of Trouble rise. 5 Thine Eye beholds, with kind Regard, The Souls who trust in thee; Their humble Hope thou wilt regard, With Bliss divinely free. 6 Great GOD,to thy Almighty Love, What Honours shall we raise? Not all the raptur'd Songs above Can render equal Praise. Scripture: Nahum 1:7
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Awake, and sing the song

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #XIII (1791) Topics: liturgical Songs of Response Lyrics: 1 Awake, and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb; Wake every Heart and ev'ry Tongue, To praise the Saviour's Name. 2 Sing of his dying Love, Sing of his rising Pow'r, Sing how he intercedes above, For those whose sins he bore. 3 Sing till we feel our Hearts Ascending with our Tongues, Sing till the love of Sin departs, And grace inspires our Songs. 4 Sing on your Heav'nly Way, Ye ransom'd Sinners, sing; Sing on, rejoicing ev'ry Day In Christ th' eternal King. 5 Sing till you hear Christ say, Your Sins are all forgiv'n; Sing on rejoicing ev'ry day, Till we all meet in Heavn'n. 6 Soon shall ye hear Christ say, "Ye blessèd Children, come:" Soon will he call you hence away, And take his Wand'rers home. Languages: English
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To Jesus Christ

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #L (1791) Topics: liturgical Songs of Response First Line: Come, let us all unite to praise Lyrics: 1 Come let us all unite to praise The Saviour of Mankind, Our thankful Hearts in solemn lays, Be with our Voices join'd. 2 But how shall Dust his Worth declare, When Angels try in vain; Their Faces veil when they appear Before the Son of Man. 3 O Lord, we cannot Silent be,-- By Love we are constrain'd To offer our best Thanks to Thee, Our Saviour, and our Friend! 4 Tho' feeble are our best Essays, Thy Love will not dispise Our grateful Songs of humble Praise, Our well-meant Sacrifice. 5 Let ev'ry Tongue thy Goodness show, And spread abroad thy Fame: Let ev'ry Heart with praise o'erflow, And bless thy sacred Name! 6 Worship and Honour, Thanks and Love, Be to our Jesus giv'n! By Men below,--by Hosts above,-- By all in Earth and Heav'n! Languages: English
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From all that dwell below the skies

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #LXXX (1791) Topics: liturgical Songs of Response Scripture: Psalm 19
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Rise, my Soul, and stretch thy Wings

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CCXLVI (1791) Topics: liturgical Songs of Response Lyrics: 1 Rise, my Soul, and stretch thy Wings, Thy better Portion Trace; Rise from Transitory Things, Tow'rds Heav'n, thy native Place; Sun, and Moon, and Stars decay, Time shall soon this Earth remove; Rise, my Soul, and haste away To Seats prepar'd above. 2 Rivers to the Ocean run, Nor stay in all their Course; Fire ascending seeks the Sun, Both speed them to their Source; To a Soul that's born of GOD, Pants to view his glorious Face; Upward tends to his Abode, To rest in his Embrace. 3 Fly the Riches, fly me Cares; While I that Coast explore; Flattering World, with all thy Snares, Solicit me no more. Pilgrims fix not here their Home; Strangers tarry but a Night, When the last dear Morn is come, They'll rise to joyful Light. 4 Cease, ye Pilgrims, cease to mourn, Press onward to the Prize; Soon our Saviour will return, Triumphant in the Skies: Yet a Season, and you know Happy Entrance will be giv'n, All our Sorrows left below, And Earth exchang'd for Heav'n. Languages: English
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Fear not, it is your Father's good Pleasure to give you the Kingdom

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CCCXLII (1791) Topics: liturgical Songs of Response First Line: Ye little Flock, whom JESUS feeds Lyrics: 1 Ye little Flock, whom JESUS feeds, Dismiss your anxious Cares; Look to the Shepherd of your Souls, And smile away your Fears. 2 Tho' Wolves and Lions prowl around, His Staff is your Defence: 'Midst Sands and Rocks your Shepherd's Voice Calls Streams and Pastures thence. 3 Your Father will a Kingdom give, And give it with Delight; His feeblest Child his Love shall call To triumph in his Sight. 4 Ten Thousand Praises, Lord, we bring For sure Supports like these; And o'er the pious Dead we Sing Thy living Promises. 5 For all we Hope, and they enjoy, We bless a Saviour's Name; Nor Shall that Stroke disturb the Songs, Which breaks this mortal Frame. Scripture: Luke 12:32 Languages: English
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Come see the Pow'r of Christ our King

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #LIII (1791) Topics: liturgical Songs of Response Lyrics: 1 Come see the Pow'r of Christ our King When on the Cross the Saviour hung, His Grace a dying Thief did bring, To own him with his Heart and Tongue. 2 Our Malefactor scorn'd Christ's Name, The other did his Sin reprove; Then said by Faith to God's dear Lamb, "Remember me O Lord above." 3 What noble Faith in him appear'd, That he could trust a dying Lord! He soon the blessed Jesus heard pronounce this sweet reviving Word; 4 "Amen, this Day thy Soul shall be "With me in Paradise above." This made the dying Pris'ner free; These Words were full of boundless Love. 5 What Comfort did this Speech convey, To his poor guilty wretched Mind! When thus he heard the Saviour say, Great Peace the Criminal did find. 6 Thus Jesus Christ forgave the Thierf, And shew'd great Mercy to the Man; So in the midst of Woe and Grief, His Joy and Happiness began. 7 O how he sings the Saviour's Praise, Who took him at the very last, When he his youthful Strength and Days In Satan's Cause had spent and past! 8 Now he adores God's holy Name, And stands before the Saviours Face; And will eternally proclaim The boundless Riches of his Grace! Scripture: Luke 23:39-43 Languages: English
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Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #LVI (1791) Topics: liturgical Songs of Response First Line: Come ye Sinners Poor and Wretched Lyrics: 1 Come ye Sinners Poor and Wretched, Weak and wounded sick and sore; Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of Pity, Love and Pow'r; He is able, He is willing; doubt no more. 2 Ho! ye Needy, come and welcome, God's Free-Bounty glorify, True belief and true Repentance, Ev'ry Grace that brings us nigh, Without Money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Let not Conscience make you linger, Nor of Fitness fondly dream: All the Fitness he requireth, Is to feel you Need of him; This he gives you, 'Tis the Spirits glimm'ring Beam. 4 Come ye weary, heavy laden, Bruis'd and mangled by the Fall. If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all; Not the Righteous, Sinners Jesus came to call. 5 Agonizing in the Garden, Lo your Maker prostrate lies! On the bloody Tree behold him, Hear him cry before he dies, "It is finish'd," Sinner, will not this suffice? 6 Lo! th' incarnate God ascended, Pleads the Merit of his Blood; Venture on him, venture freely, Let no other Trust intrude: None but Jesus, Can do helpless Sinners good. 7 Saints and Angels, join'd in Concert, Sing the Praises of the Lamb, While the blissful Seats of Heaven, Sweetly Echo with his Name, Hallelujah! Sinners here may do the same. Languages: English
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Disciples of Christ

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #LXVI (1791) Topics: liturgical Songs of Response Lyrics: 1 Disciples of Christ Ye Friends of the Lamb; Attend, and assist In sing his Fame: Eternal Thanksgiving The Faithful should pay, The Living, the Living, As we do this Day. 2 A Body of Clay He humbly put on. And then took away The Sin we had done; And in it endured The Wrath to us due, The Curse we incurred, Our Stripes and our Woe. 3 Not only he dy'd, But also arose; Laid Weakness aside, And over his Foes, (Sin, Death, and the Devil,) He triumph'd, and o'er This World, and all Evil, Dominion and Pow'r. 4 O merciful Lamb, Who sits on the Throne, We bow at thy Name, The Saviour we own, Deserving our Blessing, And Blessing we'll give, Without ever ceasing, So long as we live. Languages: English


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