Author: Nicolaus Selnecker, 1532-1592; Jesper Svedberg, 1653-1785 Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Abide with us, O Saviour dear,
For dark and lowering clouds appear;
And let Thy light, Thy Word divine,
Continue in Thy church to shine.
2 This is a dark and evil day,
Forsake us not, O Lord, we pray;
And let us in our grief and pain
They Word and Sacraments retain.
3 Lord Jesus, help, Thy church uphold,
For we are weak, indifferent, cold;
Give us Thy Spirit and Thy grace,
And spread Thy truth in every place.
4 And keep us steadfast in Thy Word,
Stay Satan's fatal wiles, O Lord;
To us Thy grace and power reveal,
And let Thy church Thy presence feel.
5 And, gracious Lord, consider too
How many teachers are untrue;
By wisdom they would know the Lord,
And set at naught His holy Word.
6 Those haughty spirits, Lord, restrain,
Who do thy holy Word disdain,
And ever seek for something new,
Contrived to change Thy doctrines true.
7 And since the cause is Thine we pray,
Do Thou the arm of evil stay;
And grace and power and wisdom lend
To those who would Thy Word defend.
8 Thy Word is in distress and need
Our comfort and defence indeed;
By it Thy church keep pure within
And free from error, shame, and sin.
9 Grant that Thy Word may light our way
That we in darkness may not stray,
But through this vale of sin and woe,
May to the heavenly mansions go. Topics: The Church Used With Tune: ACK, BLIF HOS OSS, O JESU KRIST
Abide with us, O Saviour Dear