1 Lord Jesus Christ, to Thee we pray:
The wrath of God is turned away;
Thine agony and bitter death
Redeemed us from eternal wrath.
2 That we may keep this truth in mind,
Thy broken body here we find;
Here we receive Thy precious blood,
A cleansing, sacrificial flood.
3 Then praise the Father, by whose love
The Son descended from above,
Became the Bread of Life to thee,
And bore thy sins upon the tree.
4 Most firmly this we do believe,
That here the sick their food receive,
Which heals them from the wounds of sin,
Creating heavenly health within.
5 Our Saviour saith: Come unto Me,
All ye who feel your poverty:
My mercy I will freely give,
Your anguished conscience to relieve.
6 If in thy heart this faith doth rest
Which thou hast here in words confessed,
A welcome guest thou here shalt be,
And Christ Himself shall banquet thee.
7 But fruits must still thy faith approve,
Thy neighbor thou must truly love;
That love let him from thee receive
Which here to thee thy God doth give.
Source: The Hymnal and Order of Service #240
First Line: | Lord Jesus Christ to Thee we pray |
Original Language: | German |
Author: | Martin Luther |
Translator: | William M. Reynolds |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |