1 Beautiful hands at the gateway tonight,
Resting on Jesus the source of all light;
Eyes looking down upon loved ones at home,
Beautiful white hands, are beckoning, come.
Beautiful hands, Beckoning hands,
Calling the dear ones to heavenly lands;
Beautiful hands, Beckoning hands,
Beautiful, beautiful, beckoning hands.
2 Hands of a mother to mem'ry so dear,
Beckoning higher the waiting ones here;
Angels are watching those beautiful hands,
calling the loved ones, to heavenly lands. [Chorus]
3 Beckoning hands of the little ones gone,
Baby voice calling, oh, father, come home;
Hands of a brother, a sister, a friend,
Out from the gateway tonight they extend. [Chorus]
4 Beckoning hands of a Saviour divine,
Palms that were pleas'd for the sins that were mine;
Hands that were bruised and nailed to the tree,
Seeming to say to us, "Come unto me." [Chorus]
Source: Songs of Beulah Land, a Revival and Church Songbook #128