Jesucristo nos convida


Jesucristo nos convida

Author: Juan Bautista Cabrera Ivars
Published in 5 hymnals

Representative Text

1 Jesucristo nos convida
A su santa comunión.
Nos ofrece el pan de vida
Y el cáliz de redención.

2 A tu dulce llamamiento
Acudimos ¡oh Señor!,
Que en tu comunión aumento
Hallen nuestra fe y amor.

3 Respondiendo a tantos dones,
¿Qué podemos ofrecer?
Toma nuestros corazones,
Nuestras almas, nuestro ser.

4 En tu mesa prometemos
En tu santo amor viver,
Y que fiels te seremos
Buen Jesús, hasta el morir.

Source: Culto Cristiano #123

Author: Juan Bautista Cabrera Ivars

Juan Bautista Cabrera Ivars was born in Benisa, Spain, April 23, 1837. He attended seminary in Valencia, studying Hebrew and Greek, and was ordained as a priest. He fled to Gibraltar in 1863 due to religious persecution where he abandoned Catholicism. He worked as a teacher and as a translator. One of the works he translated was E.H. Brown's work on the thirty-nine articles of the Anglican Church, which was his introduction to Protestantism. He was a leader of a Spanish Reformed Church in Gibraltar. He continued as a leader in this church when he returned to Spain after the government of Isabel II fell, but continued to face legal difficulties. He then organized the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church and was consecrated as bishop in 1894. He… Go to person page >



Instances (1 - 4 of 4)

Himnos de la Iglesia #482

Libro de Liturgia y Cántico #391

Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #767

Worship (4th ed.) #946

Include 1 pre-1979 instance
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