1 Create in me, Lord, a new heart and all clean!
My spirit renew and control;
And then will I lead the transgressor to Thee,
For Thou only savest the soul.
Cleanse me, O Lord! Cleanse me, O Lord!
Cleanse! Cleanse in the Blood of the Lamb!
Cleanse me, O Lord! Cleanse me, O Lord!
Cleanse! Cleanse in the Blood of the Lamb!
2 My sins though as scarlet, make white in the Blood,
Thou’st promised to cleanse them as snow;
Though red, like to crimson, oh! make them as wool,
Thy love is sufficient I know. [Refrain]
3 In David’s glad House is the Fountain prepared,
It flows for uncleanness and sin;
Oh! help me, dear Lord, its great virtues to test,
Oh! wash me without, and within. [Refrain]
4 To Thee I am coming, confessing my want,
Thy faithfulness, Lord, I believe;
My guilt put away, and then cleanse me, dear Lord,
Thine uttermost grace I’d receive. [Refrain]
5 The Gift of thy Power—a baptismal fire—
My Pentecost let it now be;
Thus sealed as I’m cleansed, and henceforth to be Thine,
Forever kept only by Thee. [Refrain]
Source: Beulah Songs: a choice collection of popular hymns and music, new and old. Especially adapted to camp meetings, prayer and conference meetings, family worship, and all other assemblies... #89