Mildred Leightner Dillon

Short Name: Mildred Leightner Dillon
Full Name: Dillon, Mildred Leightner, 1912-
Birth Year: 1912

Mildred Leightner Dillon was the wife of William S. Dillon. Bill and his wife were on a ship crossing the Atlantic when the ships movement caused the grand piano Mildred was playing to collapse on her, pinning her. He said that while she was pinned, and they were working to free her, she wrote the song "Safe Am I."

Walter Witten (friend)

Texts by Mildred Leightner Dillon (5)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Every day He loves me, Every day He caresMildred Leightner Dillon (Author)English2
I praise Him, I love Him, this Savior of mineMildred Leightner Dillon (Author)English2
I wish you knew my Jesus, And loved Him as I doM. L. Dillon (Author)English4
Safe am I, safe am IMildred Leightner Dillon (Author)English9
我願你認識耶穌 (Wǒ yuàn nǐ rènshí yēsū)Mildred Leightner Dillon (Author)Chinese2
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