1 The battle is on, the banners are waving,
The soldiers of God are fighting today;
Our glorious King the wayward is saving;
So fall into line and hasten away.
The battle is on, the battle is on,
The forces of God now fight against wrong,
The army of sin will have to give in,
The faithful shall sing the victory song.
2 The battle is on! O soldier, keep fighting,
Have faith in the great Commander who leads;
The wrongs of the world Jehovah is righting,
The fearless and true to glory He speeds. [Refrain]
3 The battle is on! The crown we are sinning,
To us it will come when ended the strife;
Then, happy and pure, where no one is sinning,
Our souls shall enjoy perpetual life. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifting Songs #38