1 Waken a song to the Lamb that was slain,
Sing it with joy, sing it with joy!
Let it re-echo in happiest strain,
Loud let the melody ring.
Jesus hath risen, hath conquered the grave,
Sing it with joy, sing it with joy!
Risen with power, and mighty to save,
Blessed Redeemer and King.
Beautiful, beautiful song,
Beautiful, beautiful song,
Now a beautiful, beautiful anthem raise;
Sing a song of joy,
To the Prince of Peace,
Sing a beautiful, beautiful song of praise.
2 Tell how the angels appeared at the tomb,
Sing it with joy, sing it with joy!
Tell how the Savior hath scatter’d its gloom,
Loud let his praises ascend!
Tell that the plan of salvation is done,
Sing it with joy, sing it with joy!
Tell it with glorious victory won,
Thor’ our Redeemer and Friend. [Refrain]
3 Carol the tidings, the story proclaim,
Sing it with joy, sing it with joy!
How from the grave he with victory came,
And that he liveth again.
Death now is shorn of her terrible sting,
Sing it with joy, sing it with joy!
Jesus is risen, our glorified King,
Risen forever, amen! [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.3 #36