1 Wherefore are ye doubting and fearing,
And not to his word giving heed?
This promise for you has been written,
“My God shall supply all your need.”
My God shall supply,
My God shall supply all your need;
According to his riches in gory by Christ Jesus,
My God shall supply all your need.
2 We come to a bountiful storehouse,
A rich and unfailing supply,
And he who your ev’ry need knoweth,
No good think will ever deny. [Refrain]
3 Lo! even the ravens he feedeth,
And counteth the sparrows that fall;
Much more for his children he careth,
And hears them, tho’ feebly they call. [Refrain]
4 Come humbly yet boldly before him,
His fulness of blessing to claim;
He knoweth our needs, and supplies them,
Thro’ merits of Jesus’ dear name. [Refrain]
Source: The Old Story in Song #10