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Hebe Herz dich in die Hoehe

Hymnal: Gottiche Liebes und Lobesgethoene #d13 (1730) Publication Date: 1730 Languages: German

Herr Jesu Christ, ach siehe doch die Schmerzen

Author: J. C. Beissel Hymnal: Gottiche Liebes und Lobesgethoene #d14 (1730) Publication Date: 1730 Languages: German
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How shall I meet my Saviour?

Hymnal: Psalmodia Germanica #3 (1732) Publication Date: 1732 Lyrics: I. How shall I meet my Saviour? How shall I welcome Thee? What Manner of Behaviour Is now requir'd of me? Let thine Illumination Set Heart and Hands aright, That this my Preparation Be pleasing in thy Sight. II. Whilst with the gayest Flowers Thy Sion strews the way, I'll raise with all my Powers To Thee, a grateful Lay: To Thee the King of Glory I'll tune a Song Divine; And make thy Love's bright Story In graceful Numbers shine. III. What hast thou not performed, Lord, to retrieve my Loss, While I was so deformed By Sin and Hellish Dross? The Sense of lost Salvation Quite drove me to Despair, But thy own Incarnation Brought my Redemption near. IV. I lay in Fetters groaning, Thou cam'st to set me free. My Shame I was bemoaning; With Grace thou cloathedst me. Thou raisest me to Glory; Endow'st me with thy Bliss, Which is not transitory, As worldly Treasure is. V. What caus'd thy Incarnation? What brought Thee down to me? Thy Love to my Salvation Contriv'd my Liberty. O Love, beyond Expression! Wherewith thou dost embrace Mankind in its Digression From Thee, the Source of Grace. VI. Let this Consideration Heal up your wounds within, Ye Sons of Desolation, That feel the Smart of Sin. Take Courage, your Salvation Stands waiting at the door; The Gospel Consolation Is nearer than before. VII. 'Tis none of your Endeavour, Nor any Mortal Care Cou'd draw his Sav'reign Favour To Sinners in Despair; Uncall'd he comes with Gladness To save you from the Fall, And cure all Grief and Sadness You're still opprest withal. VIII. Be not cast down nor frighted At Sin, tho' ne'er so great; No! Jesus is delighted The Greatest to remit. He comes repenting Sinners With Life and Love to crown; And make them happy Winners Of Glory like his own. IX. Then fear not ye the Clamour Of Satan and his Clan; The Word, his pow'rful Hammer, Destroys their wicked Plan. He comes as King of Glory, Whose Nod confounds their Host; He carries all before ye, And baffles all their Boast. X. He comes to pass his Sentence On all his Enemies. But Children of Repentance Shall meet with Love and Peace. Come, Prince of Grace and Wonder! Fetch thy Beloved Home; Reveal thy Glories yonder; Thy longing Spouse says, Come! Topics: Incarnation of Christ Languages: English
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He reigns, the Lord our Saviour reigns

Hymnal: Psalmodia Germanica #16 (1732) Publication Date: 1732 Lyrics: I. He reigns, the Lord our Saviour reigns; Praise him in Evangelick Strains; Let all the Earth in Songs rejoyce, And distant Islands join their Voice. II. The Lord is come, the Heav'ns proclaim His Birth, the Nations learn his Name; An unknown Star directs the Road Of Eastern Sages to their god. III. All ye bright Armies of the skies, Go worship where the Saviour lies. Angels and Kings before him bow, The Great on high, the Great below. IV. Let Idols totter to the Ground, And their own Worshipers confound; But Judah shout, but Zion sing, And Earth confess her Sov'reign King. V. Rejoice, ye Christians, and record The Sacred Honours of the Lord: None but the Souls that feel his Grace, Can triumph in his Holiness. Topics: Epiphany of Christ Languages: English

Herr Jesu Christ, ach siehe doch die Schmerzen

Author: J. C. Beissel Hymnal: Vorspiel der Neuen-Welt #d22 (1732) Publication Date: 1732

Himmelslust, ist bewusst

Author: J. C. Beissel Hymnal: Vorspiel der Neuen-Welt #d23 (1732) Publication Date: 1732
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He that confides in his Creator

Hymnal: Psalmodia Germanica #61 (1732) Publication Date: 1732 Lyrics: I. He that confides in his Creator, Depending on him all his Days, Shall be preserv'd in Fire and Waer, And sav'd in Grief a Thousand Ways. He that makes God his Stand and Stay, Builds not on Sand that glides away. II. What gain'st thou by thy Cark and Caring? What is it for thou pin'st away? Thy Rest and Health thou art impairing, By Sighs and Groans from Day to Day. Thou art but adding Grief to Grief, Instead of getting sure Relief. III. Wou'd we but be a little quiet, And rest in God's good Providence, Who thus prescribes us wholesome Diet By Methods cross to Flesh and Sense; We might obtain. For surely he Knows best what's good for thee and me. IV. He knows the Hours of Joy and Gladness, As well as proper Time and Place; Are we but faithful in our Sadness, Seek not our selves, but seek his Praise: He'll come before we are aware, And dissipate our greatest Care. V. Don't hearken to thy giddy Reason, As if God had forsaken thee, And think him happy who, this Season, Is glitt'ring in Prosperity. To Morrow, Spite of all his Brags, May see Thee rich, and Him in Rags. VI. God can, this Hour, with ev'ry Dainty The poor Man's Table nobly spread; And strip the Rich of all his Plenty, And send him out to beg his Bread. He, when he pleases, turns the Scale. By Him alone, we rise or fall. VII. Do Thou, with Faith, observe thy Station; Keep God's Commands, and sing his Praise, Rely on him for Preservation, On whom the whole Creation stays. The Man that's truly wise and just Makes God and God alone his Trust. Repeat: The Man that's truly wise and just Makes God and God alone his Trust. Topics: Divine Providence Languages: English Tune Title: [He that confides in his Creator]
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How bright appears the Morning-Star

Hymnal: Psalmodia Germanica #162 (1732) Publication Date: 1732 Lyrics: I. How bright appears the Morning-Star, With Grace and Truth beyond Compare, The Royal root of JESSE; O David's Son, of Jacob's Line! My Soul's Delight, and Spouse Divine, Thy Love can only bless me. Precious, Gracious, Far and Glorious, e'er victorious, Thou my Treasure, Far beyond all earthly Pleasure. II. My choicest Pearl, and precious Crown, God and the Virgin Mary's Son, Thou King of endless Glory! Thou art compar'd to Sharon's flow'r; Thy Gospel and its saving Pow'r Excells what's Transitory. Lovely Lilly, O Hosanna, Heav'nly Manna, Thy sweet Favour Be mine everlasting Savour. III. Thy Love, so pow'rful and divine, Dart deep into this Heart of mine, Thou brilliant Stone and Jewel! Confirm me more and more to be A Branch of Thee, the living Tree, That Self may lose its Fewel. Sighing, Dying Is thy Creature; for in Nature Is no Pleasure Without Thee, my King and Treasure. IV. From God descends a Glance of Joy. When thou, with thy most gracious Eye, Beholdst thy loving Creature: Immanuel! my sov'reign Good, Thy Word, thy Spirit, Flesh and Blood Renew my very Nature; Grant me sweetly Thine Embraces, that the Graces Of Salvation May root out all Depravation. V. Thou Father, from Eternity, In Mercy was inclin'd to me, Through CHRIST, thy well-beloved; Thy son has chose me for his Bride; In this my Spouse I can confide; My Love shall ne'er be moved. O! this Bliss is Of his giving, who's the Living Bread and Manna; Ever will I sing HOSANNA. VI. Tune all your Strings of Lute and Harp, Resolve the Notes of Flat and Sharp Into Celestial Concords, That Nothing may disturb my Frame, Which is wrapt up in JESUS' Name, The sweetest of all Comforts. Ringing, Singing, In your Praises, let the Phrases Of your Duty Please the Lord of Bliss and Beauty. VII. My Joy to all the World be known, That my Beloved keeps his Throne, On Hills of Light and Glory. He'll kindly bring me to that Place, Where all the Wonders of his Grace Shall lie disclos'd before me. Amen! Amen! Lord my Sov'reign! come and govern All the Nations; Come! I wait with great Impatience. Topics: Spiritual Marriage Languages: English Tune Title: [How bright appears the Morning-Star]

Hymn for Sunday

Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns #XXIV (1737) Publication Date: 1737 First Line: Behold we come, dear Lord, to thee Lyrics: 1 Behold we come, dear Lord, to thee And bow before thy Throne, We come to offer all our Vows, Our Souls to thee alone. 2 Whate’er we have, whate’er we are, Thy Bounty freely gave; Thou dost here in Mercy spare, And wilt hereafter save. 3 But o! can all our Store afford No better Gifts for thee? Thus we confess thy Riches, Lord, And thus our Poverty. 4 'Tis not our Tongues or Knees can pay The mighty Debt we owe: Far more we shou'd, than we can say, Far lower sho'd we bow. 5 Come then my Soul, bring all thy Powers And grieve thou hast no more, Bring every Day thy choicest Hours And thy great God adore. 6 But above all prepare thy Heart On this his own blest Day, In its sweet Task to bear a part, And sing and love and pray! Languages: English

Hymn to the Holy Ghost

Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns #XXII (1737) Publication Date: 1737 First Line: Come holy Spirit, send down those Beams Lyrics: 1 Come holy Spirit, send down those Beams Which gently flow in silent Streams From thy eternal Throne above; Come thou enricher of the Poor, Thou bounteous source of all our Store, Fill us with Faith and Hope and Love. 2 Come thou, our Soul's delightful Guest, The wearied Pilgrim's sweetest rest, The fainting Sufferer's best relief; Come thou, our Passions cool allay: Thy Comfort wipes all Tears away, And turns to Peace all Joy and Grief. 3 Lord, wash our sinful Stains away, Water from Heaven our barren Clay, Our Sickness cure, our Bruises heal; To thy sweet Yoke our stiff Necks bow, Warm with thy fire our Hearts of Snow, And there enthron'd for ever dwell. 4 All Glory to the sacred Three One everlasting Deity, All Love and Power and Might and Praise; As at the first, e'er time begun, May the same Homage still be done When Earth and heaven itself decays. Languages: English


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