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Scripture:Psalm 71

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In thee I put my steadfast trust

Meter: Appears in 31 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71 Topics: Miscellaneous

In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust

Meter: D Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71 Topics: Old Age; Refuge, God, Christ, Our; Rock, God, Christ, Our; Fortress And Retreat, God Our; Trust and Confidence; Glorifying God Used With Tune: I SEE THEE STANDING, LAMB OF GOD

In You, O LORD, I Put My Trust

Author: Clarence P. Walhout Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71 Topics: Biblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Lent; Cruelty; Elements of Worship Baptism; Faith; God Daily Experience of; God Trust in; God as Rock; God's Love; God's Presence; God's Strength; Hope; Jesus Christ Mind of; Jesus Christ Teacher; Lament General; Life Stages Birth; Life Stages Old Age; Life Stages Youth; Loneliness; Mercy; Musical Instruments; Occasional Services Funerals; Occasional Services New Year; Remembering; Remnant of Isarel; Trust; Witness; Year A, B, C, Holy Week, Tuesday of Holy Week; Year C, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 4th Sunday; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 21-27 Used With Tune: WAREHAM
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In te Domine

Author: J. H. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71 First Line: My Lord my God is all distresse Lyrics: 1 My Lord my God in all distresse, my hope is whole, in thee: Then let no shame my souel oppresse, nor once take hold on me. 2 As thou art just defend me Lord, and rid me out of dread: Give eare and to my suit accord, and send me help at need, 3 Be thou my rock, to whom I may for aid all times resort: Thy promise is to help alway, thou art my fence and fort. 4 Save me, my God, from, winked men, and from their strength and power; From folk unjust, and eke from them that cruelly devoure. 5 Thou art my stay whereon I trust, thou, Lord of hoasts art he: Yea from my youth I had a lust. still to depend on thee: 6 Thou hast me kept even from my birth, and I through thee was born: Wherefore I will thee praise with mirth both evening and at morn. 7 As to a monster seldome seen, much folk about me throng: But thou art now and still hast been my fence and aid so strong. 8 Wherefore my mouth no time shall lack thy glory and thy praise: And eke my tongue shall not be slack To honour thee alwaiess. 9 Refuse me not O Lord, I say, when age my limbs doth take: And when my strength doth wast away, do not my soule forsake. 10 Among themselves my foes enquire to take me through deceit. And they against me do conspire. that for my soule laid wait. The second Part: 11 Lay hand and take him now they said for God from him is gone: Dispatch him quite, for to his aid. (I wis) there cometh none. 12 Do not absent thy selfe away, O Lord when need shall be: But that in time of griefe thou may in hast give help to me. 13 With shame confound and overthrow all those that seek my life: Oppresse them with rebuke also, that faine would work me strife. 14 But I will patiently abide thy help at all assayes: Still more and more, each time and tide, I will set forth thy praise. 15 My mouth thy justice shall record, that daily help doth send: For of thy benefits O Lord, I know no count nor end. 16 Yet will I go and seek forth one, with thy good help O God, The saving health of thee alone, to shew and set abroad. 17 For of my youth thou tookst the care, and dost instruct me still: Therefore thy wonders to declare I have great mind and will. 18 And as in youth from wanton rage, thou didst me keep and stay: Forsake me not unto mine age, and till my head be gray. The third Part: 19 That I thy strength & might may shew to them that now be here: And that our seed thy power may know Hereafter many a yeare. 20 O Lord thy justice doth exceed, thy doings all may see: Thy works are wonderfull indeed, O who is like to thee? 21 Thou mad'st me feele affliction sore, and yet thou didst me save: Yea thou didst help and me restore, and tookst me from the grave. 22 And thou mine honour dost increase, my dignity maintaine: Yea thou dost make all griefe to cease, and comfortst me againe. 23 Therefore thy faithfulnesse to praise, I will with violl sing, My harp shall sound thy laud alwaies, O Israels ho1y King. 24 My mouth will joy with pleasant voice when I shall sing to thee: And eke my soule will much rejoyce for thou hast set me free. 25 My tongue thy uprightness shall sound, and speak it daily still: For griefe and shame do them confound, that seek to work me ill.

In praise of God meet duty and delight

Author: Erik Routley, 1917-1982 Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 71:22 Lyrics: 1 In praise of God meet duty and delight, angels and creatures, flesh and spirits blest: in praise is earth transfigured by the sound and sight of heaven's everlasting feast. 2 The desert is refreshed by songs of praise, relaxed the frown of pride, the stress of grief; in praise forgotten all our human spite; in praise the burdened heart finds sure relief. 3 In praise our art and craft together meet, inspired, obedient, patient, practical; in praise join instrument and voice and sound to make one music for the Lord of all. 4 No skill of ours, no music made on earth, no mortal song could scale the height of heaven; yet stands that cross, through grace ineffable the instrument of praise to sinners given. 5 So, confident and festive, let us sing of wisdom, power and mercy there made known; the song of Moses and the Lamb be ours, through Christ raised up to life in God alone. Used With Tune: CLIFF TOWN
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In thee I put my steadfast trust

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 71 Lyrics: 1 In thee I put my stedfast Trust, LORD, let me not be put to Shame; Incline thine Ear, and save my Soul, For great and righteous is thy Name: To thee, for Help I will resort, For thou art still my Rock and Fort. 2 From cruel and ungodly Men, Protect my Soul and set me free; For thou my early Youth till now, My constant Hope hath been in thee: Thy Care did safely guard my infant Days, And brought me forth to sing thy Praise. 3 While some on me with Wonder gaze, Thy Hand unseen supports me still; Thy Honour therefore, and thy Praise, My Mouth with grateful Joy shall fill: Then cast me not, O LORD, away, Tho' Strength and Vigour should decay. 4 My Foes against my Fame, and me, With never ceasing Malice speak; Against my Soul they lay their Snares, And mutual Council daily take: "On GOD, say they, he did rely; 'Now take him whilst no Help is nigh." 5 But thou, my GOD, withdraw not far, On thee for speedy Help I call; To Shame and Ruin bring my Foes, Who seek with Craft to work my Fall: And I, who still on thee depend, My Time to come in Praise will spend: Part II 6 Thy righteous Acts and saving Health, My Mouth shall evermore declare; Unable yet to sum them all, Tho' counted o'er with utmost Care: LORD, in thy Strength I will go on, And trust thy Righteousness alone. 7 Thou, Lord, hast taught me from my Youth, To bless and praise thy glorious Name; And ever since thy wond'rous Works Have been with Joy my constant Theme. On them I will with Pleasure dwell, And to the world thy Goodness tell. 8 Then now forsake me not, when I With Age am grey and feeble grown; 'Till I to these and future Times, Thy Strength and mighty Pow'r have shown, For I thy Mercy will proclaim, And spread abroad thy glorious Name. 9 How high thy Justice soars, O GOD! How very great and wond'rous are The mighty Works which Thou hast done? O LORD! who can with Thee compare? Altho' thy Hand hath me oppress'd, Yet shall my Woes be all redress'd. 10 Thro' thee, my Time to come, shall be With growing Pow'r and Greatness crown'd; And me who dismal Years have past, Thy lasting comforts shall surround: Therefore my Harp and Voice I'll raise, To Jacob's GOD, in Songs of Praise. 11 Then grateful Joy shall fill my Mouth And chearful Hymns employ my Voice; My thankful Soul, by thee redeem'd, Shall in thy Strength and Pow'r rejoice; My tongue thy Justice shall proclaim, Because thou brought'st my Foes to Shame, Topics: Prayers Of the Old and Afflicted; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Used With Tune: [In thee I put my stedfast trust]
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In thee, O Lord, I place my Trust

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 71 Lyrics: 1. In Thee, O Lord, I place my Trust, Me never put to Shame. 2. Hear, save, and cause me to escape, For righteous is thy Name. 3. Be thou my dwelling Place most strong, Where I may still resort; Thy promised Safety, Lord, I plead, Thou art my Rock, and Fort. 4. Save me, O God, from wicked Hands, The cruel, and unjust. 5. For thou, Lord, God, haft been my Hope, And, from my Youth, my Trust. 6. By Thee, I've always been sustain'd, From my most early Days; Thou took'st me from my Mother's Womb; I'll ever sing thy Praise. 7. To many, I'm a Wonder grown; But on thy Strength I stay. 8. Let, with thy Praise, my Mouth be fill'd, And Honour all the Day. Second Part 9. Cast me not off, now, in the Time, Old Age doth me assail; O do not thou forsake me, Lord, When Strength, and Vigour, fail. 10. For my malicious Enemies Against me falsly speak; And they, who for my Life lay wait, Together Counsel take. 11. "Now God, (say they,) has him forsook, "Pursue, and on him seize; "There's none to save him from our Pow'r "He'll fall our Prey with Ease. 12. But thou, O God, be not far off From me, oppress'd with Grief; O thou, my God, with timely Speed, Appear for my Relief. 13. Confound, and bring to Nought, my Foes, Who, for my Life, combine; Reproach, and Infamy, be heap'd, On those my Hurt design. 14. My stedfast Hope shall still remain, On Thee, fix'd all my Days; To spread thy Glory, more and more, I'll add new Songs of Praise. 15. Thy Truth, and thy Salvation, Lord, My Mouth shall daily show; Whose growing Numbers far surmount The utmost I can know. 16. Depending on thy Strength, O God, I'll chearfully go on; Thy Righteousness I'll celebrate, I'll mention thine alone. Third Part 17. Thou, O my God, hast from my Youth, Unto this Day, me taught; And I have openly declar'd, The Wonders thou hast wrought. 18. And now, O God, forsake me not, When old, and gray, I'm grown; Till this, and to the future Age, Thy Strength, and Pow'r, I've shown. 19. Thy Justice, Lord, in Height transcends All that we can declare. Who mighty Works hast done; O God, Who may with Thee compare; 20. Thou, Troubles great, and fore, hast made Me, by Experience, know; Yet shalt thou me revive, and bring Up from the Depth of Woe. 21. Thou shalt my Greatness far increase; And to me Comfort bring. 22. Thy Truth, O Jacob's God, on Harp, And Psaltery, I'll sing. 23. Then shall my Lips, with Joy, abound, While I chant forth thy Praise; My grateful Soul, by Thee, redeem'd, Shall joyn thy Fame to raise. 24. My chearful Tongue, thy Righteousness, Shall ev'ry Day proclaim; For they're disgrac'd, that sought my Hurt, And brought to endless Shame.
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In thee, all-clement God, my hopes I place

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 71 Lyrics: 1 In thee, all-clement God, my hopes I place; O never let thy servant know disgrace; 2 But hear; thy kind indulgent mercy shew, And bid thy justice free me from the foe: 3 My rock, my fortress, my salvation, thou; Hope of my youth, and object of my vow, To thee I fly, as to a sure defence, To thee, blest guardian of my innocence; Cause thou the schemes of cruel men to fail; Nor let their efforts 'gainst my peace prevail. 6 To me thy mercies have been always great; Those mercies oft I gratefully repeat; How from my birth thy goodness thou hast shewn, How from my infant-years thou'st led me on. 7 Now of derision I an object prove; Yet still my certain refuge is thy love; 8 Therefore, while glads the radiant sun the day, Thine honour I, thy goodness will display. 9 Of impious foes protect me from the rage, And not forsake me in my feeble age: 10 Constant their secret mischiefs they prepare, And greatly hope, they shall my life ensnare: 11 "His God denies him aid; he's ours (they cry) "Now seize him, take him, and the wretch destroy." 12 But thou, O God, thy kind assistance lend, Baffle their hopes, and my poor soul defend; 13 With vile dishonour and with shame meet they, To certain ruin who'd my steps betray; Infatuate thou their schemes, their hearts confound, Who make it all their joy my soul to wound, 14 For in thy mercy I will ever hope, I'll praise the bounteous God that rais'd me up; 15 Thy love unmerited I'll daily sing, And to thy glorious name attune the string; 16 Extol the pow'r, that gives me strength in war, And thy strict justice faithfullv declare. 17 My youth thou'st guided in tne perfect road, Nor have I prov'd ungrateful to my God. 18 Now then, when age with all it's ills oppress, Now not desert me in my deep distress; That I to nations yet unborn may sing The pow'r, the mercy, of my heav'nly king. 19 Thy justice, Lord, ascends yon heav'ns above; O dread creator, who like thee can prove? 20 True; thou didst plunge me in the depths of grief, But soon thy mercy gave my soul relief: 21 Pow'r, wealth and honour, soon didst thou supply, And gav'st me peace and happiness t' enjoy. 22 Therefore my psalt'ry and my harp display Thy truth, O Israels God, from day to day; 23 Therefore my soul, by thee redeem'd from woe, In ardent praise her gratitude shall shew; 24 Therefore thy righteous acts shall fill my tongue; The justice of my God my constant song; Who on my foes did dire destruction pour, My foes, who sought his servant to devour.

In you, my God

Author: Francesca Leftley Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 71:3 First Line: In you, my God, may my soul find its peace Topics: Protection; Redemption and Salvation; The Witnessing Community Used With Tune: [In you, my God, may my soul find its peace]
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In You, LORD, I Take Refuge

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 71 Topics: Christ As Rock; Old Age; Trust and Assurance; Youth Used With Tune: ST. CHRISTOPHER Text Sources: OPC/URCNA 2016

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