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Tune Identifier:"^jesus_and_may_i_work_for_thee_nickle$"

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I Long to Work for Thee

Author: Rev. William Fawcett Appears in 12 hymnals First Line: Jesus, and may I work for Thee Refrain First Line: I'll work for Thee Lyrics: 1 Jesus, and may I work for Thee, A mortal man from sin set free? A mortal man with short'ning days, Permitted thus to work and praise. Chorus: I'll work for Thee, I'll work for Thee, Yes, dearest Lord, I'll work for Thee. 2 To work for Thee, the Morning Star, That saw me lost, and from afar Shed o'er my soul a light divine, And comforted this heart of mine. [Chorus] 3 To work for Thee, my dearest Friend, On whom my ev'ry hope depends; Who washed away my earthly shame, And gave to me a new, best name. [Chorus] 4 Yes, blessed Jesus, yes, I may Go work for Thee throughout this day, And all the joy or good I crave, Is but some fallen soul to save. [Chorus] 5 I'll work for Thee, Thou blessed One, Eternal God, eternal Son, And boast, but never boast in vain, I'll work for Him who once was slain. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [Jesus, and may I work for Thee]
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Für dich allein

Author: Carl Röhl; Rev. Wm. Fawcett Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: O herr laß stets mich würdig sein Used With Tune: [O herr laß stets mich würdig sein]

The Heavens Declare Thy Glory

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: The heav’ns de­clare Thy glo­ry, Lord Lyrics: 1 The heav’ns de­clare Thy glo­ry, Lord, Thy love is writ­ten in Thy Word; And we be­hold Thy bless­èd face In works of pow­er, and words of grace; We see Thee, Lord, when­e’er we look In na­ture, and in Scrip­ture’s book. 2 Thy own pro­phet­ic Word of old Thy fu­ture birth­place had fore­told; That Word’s ful­fill­ment now is grav’n In spangl­ed pag­es in the heav’ns; The star pro­claims of Da­vid’s stem The King new­born at Beth­le­hem. 3 The Gen­tile sag­es from afar, Traversing paths lit by a star, To Ju­dah come; the heav’n­ly ray Of pro­phecy then points the way; They see the star again ap­pear; How great their joy! for Thou art here! 4 Not stag­gered by Thy low es­tate— To sense how low, to faith, how great! Myrrh, frank­in­cense, and gold they bring To Thee as man, as Lord, and King; To Thee they op­en all their store, And in the Child their God adore. 5 Lord, make us keen of eye to heed All lights, by which Thou wouldst us lead; Help us to toil o’er plain and hill, In glad obe­di­ence to Thy will; To see by faith and hum­bly fall, And give to Thee, who giv­est all. 6 Thou first to Gen­tiles wast dis­played An in­fant in a cra­dle laid; But all shall see Thee on Thy Throne, And Thee their judge and king shall own; All kings be­fore Thee shall fall low, And ev­ery knee to Jesus bow. 7 Lord, may the isles Thy law re­ceive, And they, who know Thee not, believe; Arise, and on the na­tions shine; Thy preach­ers fill with grace di­vine; That all the world at length may see The light of Thine epi­pha­ny. Used With Tune: FRUMENTIUS Text Sources: The Holy Year (London: Rivingtons, 1862)

On Thee, Great God, We Still Attend

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 On Thee, great God, we still attend, ’Till judgment shall in mercy end, And wrath in universal grace: The promise to Thy church is sure, Our hearts, and lives, and language pure Shall speak our New-creator’s praise. 2 Then every soul his Lord shall know, And every spotless saint below Perform Thy will, like those above; We all shall think, and speak the same, And serve our God, and praise Thy name, With perfect harmony and love. Used With Tune: FRUMENTIUS Text Sources: Short Hymns on Select Passages of Holy Scripture (Bristol, England: E. Farley, 1762)

How Can The Brethren Testify?

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: How can the brethren testify Lyrics: How can the brethren testify That the true faith resides in me? On Christ if I indeed rely, The fruits of grace will show the tree, And all my life and actions prove The principle of humble love. Used With Tune: FRUMENTIUS Text Sources: Short Hymns on Select Passages of Holy Scripture (Bristol, England: E. Farley, 1762)

True Witness Of The Father's Love

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: True witness of the Father’s love Lyrics: 1 True witness of the Father’s love, Celestial messenger divine, Come in Thy Spirit from above, The hearts which Thou hast made incline, Thy faithful record to receive That all may hear Thy voice and live. 2 Send forth the everlasting Word, The Word of reconciling grace, That all may know their bleeding Lord, The freely proffered gift embrace, Hang on the all-atoning Lamb, And bless the sound of Jesus’ name. 3 Jesu, Thou only hast the key, Open the great effectual door, Extend Thy line from sea to sea, And glorify Thy mercy’s power, Redeem the wretched slaves of sin, And force Thy rebels to come in. 4 Now to Thy yoke their spirits bow, Thy way into their hearts prepare, Be present with Thy servants now, With me Thy meanest messenger, Who humbly at Thy bidding come, To call my fellow exiles home. 5 Fisher of men ordained by Thee, O might I catch them by Thy love! Thy love be first bestowed on me, And while the pleasing power I prove, My tongue shall echo to my heart, And tell the world how good Thou art. 6 Teach me to cast my net aright, The Gospel net of general grace, So shall I all to Thee invite, And draw them to their Lord’s embrace, Within Thine arms of love include, And catch a willing multitude. 7 O might I every mourner cheer, And trouble every heart of stone, Save, under Thee, the souls that hear, Nor lose, in seeking them, my own, Nor basely from my calling fly, But for Thy Gospel live, and die. Used With Tune: FRUMENTIUS Text Sources: Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749

Christians! The Glorious Hope Ye Know

Author: John Cawood Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Christians! the glorious hope ye know Which soothes the heart in every woe, While heathens helpless, hopeless lie: No ray of glory meets their eye. O give to their desiring sight The hope that Jesus brought to light. 2 Christians! ye taste the heavenly grace Which cheers believers in their race. Uncheered by grace, through heathen gloom See millions hastening to the tomb. To heathen lands that grace convey, Which trains the soul for endless day. 3 Christians! ye prize the Savior’s blood, In which the soul is cleansed for God. Millions of souls in darkness dwell, With none a Savior’s love to tell. O strive, that heathens soon may view That precious blood which cleanseth you! Used With Tune: FRUMENTIUS Text Sources: Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Public and Private Use, Adapted to the Festivals of the Church of England by Thomas Cotterill, eighth ed. 1819

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