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Tune Identifier:genevan_42_bourgeois

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The Coming of God

Author: Johannes G. Olearius Hymnal: Chalice Hymnal #123 (1995) First Line: Comfort, comfort you my people Lyrics: RESPONSE Comfort, comfort you my people, tell of peace, thus says our God. R Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem and cry to them that they have served their term, that their penalty is paid, that they have received from the Lord’s hand double for all their sins. R A voice cries out: ‘In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.’ Get you up to a high mountain, O Zion, herald of good tidings; lift up your voice with strength, O Jerusalem, herald of good tidings, lift it up, do not fear; say to the cities of Judah, ‘Here is your God!’ R Topics: God Known in Jesus Christ Advent; Canticles; Christian Year: Advent; Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ: Advent Languages: English Tune Title: [GENEVA 42]

'T Hijgend Hert, Der Jacht Ontkomen, Schreeuwt

Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15092 Meter: First Line: ’t Hijgend hert, der jacht ontkomen, schreeuwt Lyrics: 1 't Hijgend hert, der jacht ontkomen, schreeuwt Niet sterker naar ’t genot van de frisse water— Stromen, dan mijn ziel verlangt naar God. Ja, Mijn ziel dorst naar den Heer; God des levens, Ach, wanneer zal ik naad’ren voor uw ogen, in Uw huis uw naam verhogen? 2 ’k Denk aan U, o God, in ’t klagen Uit de landstreek der Jordaan. Van mijn leed doe ’k Hermon wagen, ’K roep van ’t klein gebergt’ U aan. ’K Zucht, daar kolk en afgrond loeit, Daar ’t gedruis der waat’ren groeit, Daar uw golven, daar uw baren Mijn benauwde ziel vervaren. 3 Maar de Heer zal uitkomst geven, Hij, die ’s daags zijn gunst gebiedt. ’K Zal in dit vertrouwen leven En dat melden in mijn lied; ’K zal zijn lof zelfs in den nacht Zingen, daar ik Hem verwacht, En mijn hart, wat mij moog’ treffen, Tot den God mijns levens heffen. Languages: Dutch Tune Title: BOURGEOIS
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Thy mercy, Lord, extend to me

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #LI (1767) Lyrics: 1 Thy Mercy, Lord, extend to me, As thou wert ever kind; Let me, oppress'd with Loads of guilt, Thy wonted Mercy find: Wash off my foul Offence, And cleanse me from my Sin; For I confess my Crime, and see How very great my Guilt hath been. 2 Against thee, O my GOD, alone, And only in thy Sight, Have I transgress'd, and tho' condemn'd, Must own thy Judgment right: In Guilt each Part was form'd, Of all this sinful Frame; In Sin I was conceiv'd and born, The hapless Heir of Guilt and Shame. 3 Yet thou, whose ever searching Eye, Does inward Truth require, In secret did'st with Wisdom's Laws My tender Soul inspire. With Hyssop purge me, LORD, And so I clean shall be; I shall with Snow in Whiteness vie, When wahs'd and purify'd by thee. 4 Make me, O LORD, to hear with Joy, Thy kind forgiving Voice; That so the Bones which thou hast broke, May with fresh Strength rejoice. Blot out my crying Sins, Nor me in Anger view; Create in me a Heart that's clean, A just and upright Mind renew. Part II 5 Withdraw not thou thy Help, O LORD! Nor cast me from thy Sight; Nor let thy Holy Spirit take Its everlasting Flight. The Joy thy Favour gives, Let me again obtain; And thy free Spirit's firm Support, My feeble fainting Soul sustain. 6 So I thy just and righteous Ways To Sinners will impart; Whilst my Advice shall wicked Men, To thy just Laws convert. My Guilt of Blood remove, My Saviour and my GOD; And my glad Tongue shall loudly tell, Thy Truth and righteous Acts abroad. 7 Do thou, O LORD, unlock my Lips, With Sorrow clos'd, and Shame; So shall my Mouth thy wond'rous Praise, To all the World proclaim. Could Sacrifice atone, Whole Flocks and Herds should die; But on such Off'rings, LORD, thou do'st Disdain to cast a gracious Eye. 8 A humble Spirit is alone, By GOD most highly priz'd; By him a contrite broken Heart, Shall never be despis'd. Let Sion ever be Of thy good Will assur'd; Let thy own City flourish long, By strong and lofty Walls secur'd. 9 'Tis there the Righteous shall attend, And pleasing Tribute pay; And Sacrifice of choicest Kind, Upon thy Altar lay. Topics: Description of Repentance; Prayers Of a Sinner to obtain Forgiveness of Sins; Prayers When zealous for the Knowledge and Fear of God Scripture: Psalm 51 Languages: English Tune Title: [Thy mercy, Lord, extend to me]
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To my just Plea and sad Complaint

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XVII (1767) Lyrics: 1 To my just Plea and sad Complaint, Attend, O righteous LORD! And to my Pray'r, which is unfeign'd, A gracious Ear afford. As thou my Ways hast seen, And I have upright been, So let my righteous Sentence be; For I resign my Cause to thee. 2 Thou, LORD, hast search'd my Heart by Day, And visited by Night; And on the strictest Trial found Its secret Motions right; Nor shalt thou only find My Heart to Good inclin'd, For I have purpos'd that my Tongue Shall be restrain'd and speak no Wrong. 3 I know what wicked Men would do, Their Safety to maintain; But me thy just and mild Commands, From bloody Paths restrain. That from thy righteous Way My Soul may never stray; Do thou my Innocence secure, And make my Footsteps ever sure. 4 Since heretofore I ne'er in vain To Thee my Pray'r address'd, O now, my GOD, incline thine Ear To this my just Request. The Wonders of thy Love Let me, thy Servant prove, Thou whose Right-hand doth oft engage, To quell the bold Oppressor's Rage. 5 Oh! keep me in thy tend'rest Care! Thy shelt'ring Wing stretch out, To guard me safe from savage Foes, That compass me about. Their wicked Tongues blaspheme, O LORD! thy holy Name, Enclos'd in their own Fat they lie, And GOD, and Man, at once defy. 61 Well may they boast, for they have now Encompass'd me around, Their Eyes at watch, their Bodies bow'd And couching on the Ground: In Treach'ry they engage, Or, like the Lion rage, When greedy searching for his Prey, He lurks within a Covert Way. 7 Arise, O LORD! defeat their Plots, Their swelling Rage controul: From wicked Men, who are thy Sword, Deliver thou my Soul: From Men who still employ Their Thoughts in worldly Joy; Who find their Portion's here below, And seek no higher Bliss to know. 8 Their Race is num'rous, that partake Their Substance while they live; Their Heirs survive, to whom they may The vast Remainder give. But in thy heav'nly Grace, I'll seek thy glorious Face, And when I 'wake, with Joy shall find, Thy Image dwelling in my Mind. reflected in my Soul. Topics: Prayers When percecuted; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 17 Languages: English Tune Title: [To my just plea and sad complaint]
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Take my soul! thy full salvation

Author: Henry Francis Lyte Hymnal: African Methodist Episcopal hymn and tune book #422c (1898) Languages: English Tune Title: CLAUDE

Tjener Herren

Hymnal: Evangeli harpe #456 (1906) First Line: O, hvor faa er livets dage Languages: Norwegian Tune Title: [O, hvor faa er livets dage]

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