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Topics:passion of christ

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Christ, thy sacred Wounds and Passion

Hymnal: Psalmodia Germanica #27 (1732) Topics: Passion of Christ Lyrics: I. Christ, thy sacred Wounds and Passion, Bloody Sweat, Cross, Death, and tomb, Be my daily Meditation, Till I to thy Presence come. When a sinful Thought shall start, Ready to seduce my heart; Shew me, that my own Pollution Caus'd thy bloody Execution. II. Should my Bosom with lewd Passion Be enflam'd, and burn to Sin, Let the Thoughts of thine Oblation Quench that spreading Hell within. When the Serpent makes his Way To my Heart, Lord grant I may With thy Cross, and Crown of Briar, Chace from thence that grand Destroyer. III. Would the world, with gay Temptation Draw me in its own brad Way; Let me then think on thy Passion, And the Load which on Thee lay. Sure the Sweat, and precious Blood Of my dear expiring God Will create in me a Passion To oppose and shun Temptation. IV. Lord, in ev'ry sore Oppression, Let thy Wounds be my Relief. When I seek thine Intercession, And new Strength to my Belief. In thy bloody Hands and Feet All my greatest Comforts meet. This imprinted Demonstration Of thy Love, be my Salvation. V. All my Hope and Consolation, Christ, is in thy bitter Death. In the Hour of Expiration, Lord, receive my dying Breath. By thine Agony and Sweat, Grant me, Lord, a safe Retreat. By thy glorious Resurrection, Raise thy Servant to Perfection. VI. Christ, thy sacred Wounds and Passion, Bloody Sweat, Cross, Death and Tomb, Be my daily Meditation, Till I to thy Presence come; Most of all, when I go hence, Let this be my Confidence, That thy deep humiliation Was to purchase my Salvation. Languages: English
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Lord Jesus, by Thy passion

Author: Richard F. Littledale Hymnal: Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes #236 (1899) Topics: Christ Passion of Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus, by Thy Passion, To Thee I make my prayer; Thou who in mercy smitest, Have mercy, Lord, and spare: Oh, wash me in the fountain That floweth from Thy side; Oh, clothe me in the raiment Thy blood hath purified. 2 Oh, hold Thou up my goings, And lead from strength to strength, That unto Thee in Zion I may appear at length. Oh, make my spirit worthy To join that ransomed throng; Oh, teach my lips to utter That everlasting song. 3 Oh, give that last, best blessing That even saints can know, To follow in Thy footsteps Wherever Thou dost go. Not wisdom, might, or glory, I ask to win above; I ask for Thee, Thee only, O Thou eternal Love! Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: CRUX CHRISTI
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O sacred Head! now wounded

Author: Paul Gerhardt; James W. Alexander; Bernard of Clairvaux Hymnal: Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes #243a (1899) Topics: Christ Passion of Lyrics: 1 O sacred Head! now wounded, With grief and shame bowed down, Now scornfully surrounded With thorns, Thine only crown; O sacred Head! what glory, What bliss. till now, was Thine! Yet, though despised and gory, I joy to call Thee mine. 2 How art Thou pale with anguish, With sore abuse and scorn; How does that visage languish Which once was bright as morn! What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered, Was all for sinners' gain; Mine, mine was the transgression, But Thine the deadly pain. 3 What language shall I borrow To thank Thee, dearest Friend, For this Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end? Lord, make me Thine for ever, Nor let me faithless prove; Oh, let me never, never Abuse such dying love! 4 Forbid that I should leave Thee; O Jesus, leave not me; By faith I would receive Thee; Thy blood can make me free; When strength and comfort languish, And I must hence depart, Release me then from anguish, By Thine own wounded heart. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: PASSION CHORALE
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Lord, Thy Death and Passion Give

Author: Johann Heermann; Miss C. Winkworth Hymnal: The New Christian Hymnal #421 (1929) Meter: D Topics: Choral Section Passion of Christ Lyrics: 1. Lord, Thy death and passion give Strength and comfort in my need. Ev'ry hour while here I live, On Thy love my soul shall feed. Thou didst death for me endure, And I shun all thoughts impure; Thinking on Thy bitter pains, Hushed in prayer my heart remains. 2. Thy blest cross hath pow'r to heal All the wounds of sin and strife. Lost in Thee, my heart doth feel Sudden warmth and nobler life, In my saddest, darkest grief, Let Thy sweetness bring relief. Thou who camest but to save, Thou who fearest not the grave! 3. Lord, in Thee I place my trust, Thou art my Defense and Tow'r; Death Thou treadest in the dust, O'er my soul he hath no pow'r. That I may have part in Thee, Help and save and comfort me; Give me of Thy grace and might, Resurrection, life and light. 4. Fount of good, within me dwell, For the peace Thy presence sheds Keeps us safe in conflict fell, Stills the pain from dying beds. Hide me safe within Thine arm, Where no foe can hurt or harm; Whoso, Lord, in Thee doth rest, He hath conquered, he is blest. Languages: English Tune Title: O LIEBE MEINER LIEBE
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On the Passion

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #XLIII (1791) Topics: Passion of Christ First Line: Come, all ye Chosen Saints of God Lyrics: 1 Come, all ye Chosen Saints of God, That long to feel the cleansing Blood, In pensive Pleasure join with me, To sing of sad Gethsemane. 2 Gethsemane the Olive Press! (And why so call'd, let Christians guess) Fit Name! Fit Place! Where Vengeance strove, And grip'd and grappled hard with Love. 3 'Twas here the Lord of Life appear'd, And sigh'd, and groan'd, and pray'd and fear'd; Bore all incarnate God could bear, With Strength enough--and none to spare. 4 The Pow'rs of hell united press'd, And squeez'd his Heart, and bruiz'd his Breast. What dreadful Conflicts rag'd within, When Sweat and Blood forc'd thro the Skin! 5 Dispatch'd from Heaven an Angel stood, Amaz'd to find him bath'd in Blood; Ador'd by Angels, and obey'd; But lower now than Angels made. 6 He stood to strengthen, not to fight; Justice exacts its utmost Mite. This Victim Vengeance will pursue; He undertook, and must go through. 7 Three favor'd Servants left not far, Were bid to wait and watch the War. But Christ withdrawn, what Watch to keep! To shun the Sight, they sunk in Sleep. 8 Backwards and forwards thrice he ran, As if he sought some Help from Man; Or wish'd at least they would condole ('Twas all they could) his tortur'd Soul. 9 Whate'er he sought for, there was none; Our Captain fought the Field alone; 'Soon as the Chief to Battle led, That Moment ev'ry Soldier fled. 10 Mysterious Conflict! Dark Disguise! Hid from all Creature's piercing Eyes. Angels astonish'd view'd the Scene, And wonder yet what all could mean. 11 Oh, Mount of Olives! sacred Grove! Oh, Garden, Scene of tragic Love! What bitter Herbs thy Beds produce! How rank their Scent! How harsh their Juice! 12 Rare Virtues now those Herbs contain: The Sav'our suck'd out all their Bane. My Mouth with these if Conscience cram, I'll eat them with the Paschal Lamb. 13 Oh, Kedron, gloomy Brook, how foul Thy black polluted Waters roll! No Tongue can tell (but some can taste) The Filth that into thee was cast. 14 In Eden's Garden, there was Food Of ev'ry kind for Man, while good; But banish'd thence, we fly to Thee, O Garden of Gethsemane. Languages: English
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Jesus, I Will Ponder Now

Author: S. von Birken, c. 1611-1675; A. Crull, 1845-1923 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #287 (1996) Meter: Topics: Passion of Christ Lyrics: 1 Jesus, I will ponder now On Thy holy Passion; With Thy Spirit me endow For such meditation. Grant that I in love and faith May the image cherish Of Thy suff'ring, pain, and death, That I may not perish. 2 Make me see Thy great distress, Anguish, and affliction, Bonds and stripes and wretchedness And Thy crucifixion; Make me see how scourge and rod, Spear and nails, did wound Thee, How for man Thou diedst, O God, Who with thorns had crowned Thee. 3 Yet, O Lord, not thus alone Make me see Thy Passion, But its cause to me make known And its termination. Ah! I also and my sin Wrought Thy deep affliction; This indeed the cause hath been Of Thy crucifixion. 4 Grant that I Thy Passion view With repentant grieving Nor Thee crucify anew By unholy living. How could I refuse to shun Ev'ry sinful pleasure Since for me God's only Son Suffered without measure? 5 If my sins give me alarm And my conscience grieve me, Let Thy cross my fear disarm, Peace of conscience give me. Grant that I may trust in Thee And Thy holy Passion. If His Son so loveth me, God must have compassion. 6 Grant that I may willingly Bear with Thee my crosses, Learning humbleness of Thee, Peace mid pain and losses. May I give Thee love for love! Hear me, O my Savior, That I may in heav'n above Sing Thy praise forever. Languages: English Tune Title: JESU KREUZ, LEIDEN UND PEIN
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Hymnal: The Christian's Duty #XLIII (1801) Topics: The Passion of Christ First Line: Come, all ye Chosen Saints of God Languages: English
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Jesus, I will ponder now

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-book #192 (1918) Meter: Topics: Passion of Christ Lyrics: 1 Jesus, I will ponder now On Thy holy passion; With Thy Spirit me endow For such meditation. Grant that I in love and faith May the image cherish Of Thy suffering, pain, and death, That I may not perish. 2 Make me see Thy great distress, Anguish and affliction, Bonds and stripes, and wretchedness, And Thy crucifixion; Make me see how scourge and rod, Spear and nails did wound Thee, How for them Thou diedst, O God, Who with thorns had crowned Thee. 3 Yet, O Lord, not thus alone Make me see Thy passion, But its cause to me make known, And its termination. Ah! I also and my sin Wrought thy deep affliction; This the real cause hath been Of Thy crucifixion. 4 Grant that I Thy passion view With repentant grieving, Nor Thee crucify anew By unholy living. How could I refuse to shun Every sinful pleasure, Since for me God's only Son Suffered without measure? 5 If my sins give me alarm And my conscience grieve me, Let Thy cross my fear disarm, Peace of conscience give me. Grant that I may trust in Thee And Thy holy passion; If His Son so loveth me, God must have compassion. 6 Grant that I may willingly Bear with Thee my crosses, Learning humbleness of Thee, Peace 'mid pain and losses. Let me give Thee love for love. Hear me, O my Savior, That I may in heaven above Sing Thy praise forever. Languages: English
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Godly sorrow arising from the Sufferings of Christ

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #IV (1791) Topics: Passion of Christ First Line: Alas! and did my Saviour bleed! Lyrics: 1 Alas! and did my Saviour bleed! And did my Sov'reign die? Would he devote that sacred Head For such a Worm as I? [2 Thy Body slain sweet Jesus thine, And bath'd in its own Blood, While all expos'd to Wrath divine The glorious Suff'rer stood!] 3 Was it for Crimes that I had done He groan'd upon the Tree? Amazing Pity! Grace unknown! And Love beyond degree! 4 Well might the Sun in Darkness hide, And shut his Glories in, When GOD the Mighty Maker, dy'd For Man the Creature's sin. 5 Thus might I hide my blushing Face, While his dear Cross appears; Dissolve my Heart in Thankfulness, And melt my Eyes to Tears. 6 But Drops of grief can ne'er repay The Debt of Love we owe; Here, Lord, I give my self away; 'Tis all that I can do. Languages: English
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Godly Sorrow arising from the Sufferings of Christ

Hymnal: The Christian's Duty #IV (1801) Topics: The Passion of Christ First Line: Alas! and did my Saviour bleed! Languages: English


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