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Showing 1 - 50 of 267
TitleHymn Number
Genesis 5:24
Oh! for a closer walk with God#143
Genesis 6:3
Say, sinner, hath a voice within#333
And does the Spirit kindly move#334
Genesis 18:19
Father of all, thy care we bless#290
Genesis 24:56
When Jesus bade me leave the world#416
Genesis 28:17
Holy be this as was the place#320
Numbers 6:25-26
Eternal Sun of righteousness#330
Numbers 13
Rejoicing now in glorious hope#384
Numbers 23:10
How blest the righteous are#572
Joshua 24:15
May I resolve with all my heart#414
Judges 16:20
A present God is all our strength#174
Ruth 1:16-19
People of the living God!#415
1 Samuel 7:12
Come, thou Fount of ev'ry blessing#439
2 Samuel 15:32
When bending o'er the brink of life#590
1 Kings 44:18
Saw ye not the cloud arise#436
1 Chronicles 28:9
My son, know thou the Lord#540
Nehemiah 5:19
O Thou from whom all goodness flows#562
Esther 4:16
Come, humble sinner, in whose breast#77
Job 3:17
The grave is now a favored spot#567
Job 14:2
Gay is thy morning flattering hope#539
Job 16:22
I wait a few sorrowful years#578
Job 23:3
Oh! that I knew the secret place#144
Job 27:8
Religion's form is vain#291
Job 29:2
Sweet was the time, when first I felt#243
Psalm 4:6
In vain the giddly world inquires#252
Psalm 6
O that the Lord would hear my cry#92
Psalm 7:11
An angry God, a Judge severe#41
Psalm 13
Let thy returning Spirit, Lord#398
Psalm 32:7
When lowering clouds deform the sky#349
Psalm 34
Thro' all the changing scenes of life#225
Psalm 36:9
Fountain of light, whose copious stream#271
Sometimes a light surprises#272
Psalm 42:5
Father of mercies, in thy word#20
Psalm 43:5
When renovating grace begins#392
Psalm 45:3-5
Hail! mighty Jesus; how divine#169
Gird on, great God, thy sword#312
Psalm 48:14
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah#276
Psalm 51:9-13
O turn, great Ruler of the skies#93
Psalm 51:11
Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay#182
Psalm 65:11
Since Jesus freely did appear#528
Psalm 85:6
Saviour, visit thy plantation#305
Psalm 87:3
Glorious things of thee are spoken#462
Psalm 90:5-9
The mighty flood that rolls along#577
Psalm 103:1-4
My soul, with humble fervor raise#379
Psalm 104:34
When languor and disease invade#556
Psalm 107:17-20
The sinner's flattering dreams are fled#361
Psalm 107:30
The Christian voyager strikes the rock#399
Jesus, at thy command#400
Psalm 107:31
Ye sons of men, with joy record#8
Psalm 112:4
O thou who dry'st the mourner's tear#561


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