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Showing 1 - 50 of 139
TitleHymn Number
[A happy new feeling dwells within]
Wonderful Love Is Flooding My Soul#115
[After the end of strife and of this earthly life]
Wonderful Glory Up There#76
[After we cross the silent river and are safe at home forever]
Won't it Be Wonderful Over There#40
[All hail to Him, our Savior]
Hail the King#39
[All my sins have been forgiven, and I'm happy all the time]
Singing Along the Way#6
["Almost persuaded," now to believe]
Almost Persuaded#51
[Alone in the garden the world's sin to bear]
Alone in the Garden#65
[Although I was by sin defiled]
He Uses Me#57
[Amazing grace how sweet the sound]
Amazing Grace#b
[Are you weary of your life of sin?]
Get Salvation#4
[As I go on the way to glory, keeping the cross of Christ in sight]
Help Me to Sing#84
[As I travel on my journey t'ward the setting of the sun]
There's a Guiding Hand#116
[Behold the King expected soon]
All Hail the King#139
[Beyond cold Jordan's rolling strand]
Over in That Beautiful Land#37
[Blessed Jesus walk beside me]
Walk Beside Me#29
[Bow down Thine ear O mighty One]
Bow Down Thine Ear O Mighty One#61
[Brighter grows the pathway as we travel along]
Love Sends the Sunshine#107
[Carry the light to the lost out on sin's mountain]
Carry the Light#44
[Christ our Lord is always faithful, loving Shepherd tried and true]
Jesus Walking On the Water#80
[Deep in Thy love O my gracious Redeemer]
Hiding In Thee#58
[Eternity, Eternity]
[Going to glory, daily singing the story]
Singing for Jesus#13
[Happy in Jesus my dear Lord, singing His praise in true accord]
Trusting and Rejoicing#17
[Happy in the service of my blessed Master]
Giving Out the Story#46
[Happy in the service of our everlasting King]
Happy in Service#100
[Happy on the way to glory]
Happy On the Way to Glory#113
[Hear Thou my pray'r O blessed Lord]
Hear Thou My Prayer#133
[Here our load is often heavy, dangers meet on ev'ry hand]
Some Bright Morning#34
[I am a lonely trav'ler in this world below]
I Want to Join That Happy Band#50
[I am going home to glory and I'm on my way there now]
On the Homeward Way#36
[I am on my way to Canaan's land]
I'm On My Way#81
[I am sweetly singing]
A Song of Gladness#110
[I am trav'ling thru a world of sadness]
I Will Slip Away Home#112
[I am trusting in my Savior]
I Am Trusting#70
[I am walking now along the gospel way]
My Soul Holds On#20
[I found the living Savior, and cleansing from my sin]
I've Left the Border-Land#124
[I have heard the Savior calling, "Come to me"]
I Am On the Lord's Side#77
[I have known a life of sorrow]
One Step More#132
[I know my Savior leads me onward by the power of His hand]
I Know He Leads Me#103
[I shall lose my heavy burden]
When I Go Home#87
[I sing when the days are all sunny]
When I Sing#96
[I was a sinner far away from the light]
Great Joy!#42
[I will tell the story of my Savior's love]
I Will Sing of Jesus#101
[I'd like to stay here longer than man's allotted days]
I'll Live in Glory#138
[If you want to fly to that home on high]
Trust the Lord#89
[I'll soon be leaving for a country that is brighter far than this]
I'll Sail Away Home#64
[I'm finding great joy in serving Jesus as I travel here below]
His Love is Leading Home#66
[I'm happy on the journey to glory land]
I Am Singing Along the Way#123
[I'm in love with my Savior and He's in love with me]
Somebody Loves Me#137
[I'm only a stranger in this dreary land]
Just Passing Through#38


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Hymnal, Number:wos1941

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