Die helle Sonn leuchtet jetzt herfür

Representative Text

1 Die helle Sonn' leucht't jetzt herfür,
fröhlich vom Schlaf aufstehen wir,
Gott Lob, der uns heut' diese Nacht
behüt't hat vor des Teufels Macht.

2 Herr Christ, den Tag uns auch behüt'
vor Sünd' und Schand', durch deine Güt',
laß deine liebe Engelein
unser Hüter und Wächetr sein,

3 Daß unser Herz G'horsam leb',
dein'm Wort und Will'n nicht widerstreb',
daß wir dich stets vor Augen han
in allem, was wir heben an!

4 Laß unser Werk geraten wohl,
was ein jeder ausrichten soll,
daß unsre Arbeit, Müh und fleiß
gereich' zu dein'm Lob, Ehr' und Preis!

Source: Kleines Gesang- und Gebetbuch #54

Author: Nicolaus Herman

Herman, Nicolaus, is always associated with Joachimsthal in Bohemia, just over the mountains from Saxony. The town was not of importance till the mines began to be extensively worked about 1516. Whether Herman was a native of this place is not known, but he was apparently there in 1518, and was certainly in office there in 1524. For many years he held the post of Master in the Latin School, and Cantor or Organist and Choirmaster in the church. Towards the end of his life he suffered greatly from gout, and had to resign even his post as Cantor a number of years before his death. He died at Joachimsthal, May 3, 1561. (Koch, i. 390-398; Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, xii. 186-188, &c.) He was a great friend and helper of J. Mathesius (q.v.)… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Die helle Sonn leuchtet jetzt herfür
Author: Nicolaus Herman
Language: German
Copyright: Public Domain



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