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Tune Identifier:"^windsor_tye_daman$"

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Great God, how infinite art thou!

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal #22 (1961) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Great God, how infinite art thou! How poor and weak are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee. 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere seas or stars were made: Thou art the ever-living God, Were all the nations dead. 3 Eternity, with all its years, Stands present in thy view; To thee there's nothing old appears; To thee there's nothing new. 4 Our lives through various scenes are drawn, And vexed with trifling cares; While thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturbed affairs. 5 Great God, how infinite art thou! How poor and weak are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee. Amen. Topics: God Divine Perfections of; God Eternity of ; God Glory of; God Immutability of; God Infinity Scripture: Psalm 102:24-27 Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR
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Great God, How Infinite Art Thou!

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) #27 (1990) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Great God, how infinite art thou! How poor and weak are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, and pay their praise to thee. 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, ere seas or stars were made: thou art the ever-living God, were all the nations dead. 3 Eternity, with all its years, stands present in thy view; to thee there's nothing old appears; to thee there's nothing new. 4 Our lives through various scenes are drawn, and vexed with trifling cares; while thine eternal thought moves on thine undisturbed affairs. 5 Great God, how infinite art thou! How poor and weak are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, and pay their praise to thee. Topics: God His Infinity; God Eternity of ; God Immutability of Scripture: Psalm 102:17-27 Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

And Must I Be to Judgment Brought?

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #161 Meter: First Line: And must I be to judgment brought Lyrics: 1. And must I be to judgment brought, And answer in that day, For every vain and idle thought, And every word I say? 2. Yes, every secret of my heart, Shall shortly be made known, And I receive my just desert For all that I have done. 3. How careful, then ought I to live, With what religious fear! Who such a strict account must give For my behavior here. 4. Thou awful judge of quick and dead, The watchful power bestow; So shall I to my ways take heed, To all I speak or do. 5. If now Thou standest at the door, O let me feel Thee near, And make my peace with God, before I at Thy bar appear. 6. My peace Thou hast already made, While hanging on the tree; My sins He on Thy body laid, And punished them in Thee. 7. Ah! might I, Lord, the virtue prove Of Thine atoning blood, And know Thou ever livest above, My advocate with God. 8. Receive the answer of Thy prayer, The sense of sin forgiven, And follow Thee with loving care, And go in peace to Heaven. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

That Awful Day Will Surely Come

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #330 Meter: Lyrics: 1. That awful day will surely come, Th’appointed hour makes haste, When I must stand before my judge, And pass the solemn test. 2. Thou lovely chief of all my joys, Thou sovereign of my heart! How could I bear to hear Thy voice Pronounce the sound, Depart! 3. The thunder of that dismal word Would so torment my ear, ’Twould tear my soul asunder, Lord, With most tormenting fear. 4. What! to be banished from my Life, And yet forbid to die! To linger in eternal pain, Yet death forever fly! 5. O, wretched state of deep despair! To see my God remove, And fix my doleful station where I must not taste His love. 6. Jesus, I throw my arms around, And hang upon Thy breast; Without a gracious smile from Thee My spirit cannot rest. 7. O, tell me that my worthless name Is graven on Thy hands; Show me some promise in Thy book Where my salvation stands! 8. Give me one kind assuring word To sink my fears again, And cheerfully my soul shall wait Her threescore years and ten. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

Great God, How Infinite Art Thou!

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2023 Meter: First Line: Great God, how infinite art Thou Lyrics: 1. Great God, how infinite art Thou! What worthless worms are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to Thee. 2. Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere seas or stars were made: Thou art the ever living God, Were all the nations dead. 3. Nature and time quite naked lie To Thine immense survey, From the formation of the sky To the great burning day. 4. Eternity, with all its years, Stands present in Thy view; To Thee there’s nothing old appears; Great God! There’s nothing new. 5. Our lives through various scenes are drawn, And vexed with trifling cares; While Thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturbed affairs. 6. Great God, how infinite art Thou! What worthless worms are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to Thee. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

In Grief and Fear, to Thee, O Lord

Author: William Bullock, 1798-1874 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2980 Meter: Lyrics: 1. In grief and fear, to Thee, O Lord, We now for succor fly, Thine awful judgments are abroad, O shield us, lest we die! 2. The fell disease on every side Walks forth with tainted breath; And pestilence, with rapid stride, Bestrews the land with death. 3. O look with pity on the scene Of sadness and of dread, And let Thine angel stand between The living and the dead! 4. With contrite hearts to Thee, our king We turn, who oft have strayed; Accept the sacrifice we bring, And let the plague be stayed. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

But If Thou Wilt Not Save Us Here

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #4484 Meter: Lyrics: 1 But if Thou wilt not save us here From the tormentor’s power, Faithful to death we persevere, And meet the fiery hour. 2 We will not bow our heart or knee, And live to idols joined, Assured the life we lose for these In paradise to find. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

O Lord Of Life and Death

Author: John Ellerton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8069 Meter: First Line: O Lord of life and death, we come Lyrics: 1 O Lord of life and death, we come In sorrow to Thy throne; Yet not bewildered, blind and dumb, Before some power unknown. 2 The scourge is our Father’s hand; The plague comes forth from Thee; Oh, give us hearts to understand, And faith Thy ways to see! 3 Forgive the foul neglect that brought Thy chastening to our door; The homes uncared-for, souls untaught, The unregarded poor; 4 The slothful ease, the greed of gain, Tbe wasted years, forgive; Purge out our sins by needful pain, Then turn, and bid us live. 5 So shall the lives for which we plead Be spared to praise Thee still; And we, from fear and danger freed, Be strong to do Thy will. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

God Bids, And Lo!

Author: James Merrick, 1720-1769 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8179 Meter: First Line: God bids, and lo! a burning waste Lyrics: 1 God bids, and lo! a burning waste, Where rolled the floods before, And, touched by the descending blast, The springs are seen no more. 2 Sad witness of some dire offense, Behold the fertile soil No more its wonted gifts dispense, But mock the tiller’s toil. 3 He bids, and o’er the desert wide The liquid lake is spread; New springs the thirsty earth divide, And murmuring lift the head. 4 There myriads, late with hunger wan, By Him assembled, meet; There pleased the future city plan, And fix their sure retreat. 5 And now they sow the foodful grain, The tender vine they rear; Now waves the harvest o’er the plain, And plenty crowns the year. 6 Blest in His care, the sires with joy A numerous race behold; Nor dares disease their herds annoy, Or waste the peopled fold. 7 His works attentive while it sees, The Heav’n-instructed mind Shall own, how equal His decrees, His providence, how kind! Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

Come, Lord In Mercy Come Again

Author: Nathaniel Colver Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8751 Meter: First Line: Come, Lord, in mercy come again Lyrics: 1 Come, Lord, in mercy come again, With Thy converting power; The fields of Zion thirst for rain, O send a gracious shower! 2 Our hearts are filled with sore distress, While sinners all around Are pressing on to endless death, And no relief is found. 3 Dear Savior, come with quickening power, Thy mourning people cry; Salvation bring in mercy’s hour, Nor let the sinner die. 4 Once more let converts throng Thy house, And shouts of victory raise; Then shall our griefs be turned to joy, And sighs to songs of praise. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR


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