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All praise to Christ, our Lord and king divine

Author: F. Bland Tucker (1895-1984) Hymnal: Hymns for Today's Church (2nd ed.) #204a (1987) Meter: Topics: God, Saviour Praised and Worshipped; Palm Sunday The Way of the Cross; Pentecost 10 The Mind of Christ; The Ascension of Christ Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11 Languages: English Tune Title: CREATION

All praise to Christ, our Lord and king divine

Author: F. Bland Tucker (1895-1984) Hymnal: Hymns for Today's Church (2nd ed.) #204b (1987) Meter: Topics: God, Saviour Praised and Worshipped; Palm Sunday The Way of the Cross; Pentecost 10 The Mind of Christ; The Ascension of Christ Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11 Languages: English Tune Title: ENGELBERG
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For All the Saints

Author: William W. How Hymnal: The New Century Hymnal #299 (1995) Meter: First Line: For all the saints who from their labors rest Lyrics: 1 For all the saints who from their labors rest, who to the world their steadfast faith confessed, your name, O Jesus, be forever blessed. Alleluia! Alleluia! 2 You were their rock, their refuge, and their might; you, Christ, the hope that put their fears to flight; 'mid gloom and doubt, you were their one true light. Alleluia! Alleluia! 3 Still may your people, faithful, true, and bold, live as the saints who nobly fought of old. and share with them a glorious crown of gold. Alleluia! Alleluia! 4 Ringed by this cloud of witnesses divine, we feebly struggle, they in glory shine; yet in your love our faithful lives entwine. Alleluia! Alleluia! 5 And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, steals on the ear the distant triumph song, then hearts are brave again, and faith grows strong. Alleluia! Alleluia! Topics: All Saints Day; Burial and Memorial; Witness; Year C Proper 10; Year C Proper 15 Scripture: Hebrews 12:1 Languages: English Tune Title: SINE NOMINE

There Is A Spot Of Consecrated Ground

Author: Charlotte Elliott Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10486 Meter: Lyrics: 1 There is a spot of consecrated ground, Where brightest hope and holiest joys are found: ’Tis named (and Christians love the well known sound) The throne of grace. 2 ’Tis here a calm retreat is always found: Perpetual sunshine gilds the sacred ground; Pure airs and heavenly odors breathe around The throne of grace. 3 While on this vantage ground the Christian stands, His quickened eye a boundless view commands; Discovers fair abodes not made with hands— Abodes of peace. 4 Terrestrial objects, disenchanted there, Lose all their power to dazzle or ensnare; One only object then seems worth our care— To win the race. 5 This is the mount where Christ’s disciples see The glory of the incarnate Deity; ’Tis here they find it good indeed to be, And view His face. 6 A new creation here begins to rise; Fruits of the Spirit, flowers of paradise, Watered from Heaven, in full and sure supplies, By streams of grace. 7 Towards this blest spot the Spirit bends His ear, The fervent prayer, the contrite sigh to hear; To bid the mourner banish every fear, And go in peace. 8 Here may the comfortless and weary find One who can cure the sickness of the mind; One who delights the broken heart to bind— The Prince of of Peace. 9 Savior! the sinner’s friend, our hope, our all! Here teach us humbly at Thy feet to fall; Here on Thy name, with love and faith to call For pardoning grace. 10 Ne’er let the glory from this spot remove, Till, numbered with Thy ransomed flock above, We cease to wait, but never cease to love The throne of grace. Languages: English Tune Title: STONEY
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Hail to the morn that dawns on eastern hills

Author: John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns from the Morningland #3 (1911) Meter: Lyrics: I Hail to the morn that dawns on eastern hills, More radiant far than any earthly morn; ’Tis heavenly light that all creation fills;— The Christ is born. II Mystery profound, through all the ages sealed, Now, to a world all hopeless, and forlorn, In Bethlehem’s manger is at length revealed;— The Christ is born. III Lo, from their watch, the herdsmen raise their eyes, For, dazzling light the robe of night had torn, And angels poured their raptures from the skies,— The Christ is born. IV Bring ye your gifts of gold and incense rare Wise men who come, all travel-stained and worn, Find ye the Child, and pay your homage there;— The Christ is born. V Hail to the morn, the world exulting sings; Only to Him, in fealty we are sworn, Lord of our lives, Immortal King of kings!— The Christ is born. Languages: English
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Hail to the King, Who comes in weakness now

Author: John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns from the Morningland #4 (1911) Meter: Lyrics: I Hail to the King, Who comes in weakness now, No wreath of gold encircleth His brow, Lowly His state,—in lowly worship bow; Hail to the King! II Born of His Maiden Mother, pure as snow, Son of our God, begotten long ago, Ere yet the stream of time began to flow; Hail to the King! III Nowhere was found a shelter for His head, Humble He lay, e’en where the oxen fed, No couch nor crib, a manger was His bed; Hail to the King! IV Herdsmen were there who heard the angels sing; Wise men from far who myrrh and incense bring, No other hand bestowed an offering; Hail to the King! V Hail to the King! O Christ upon Thy throne, Look on the souls which Thou didst make Thine own, When by Thy Birth and Death Thou did’st atone; Hail to the King! Languages: English

The Leaf Unfurling

Author: Don Cohen, 1946- Hymnal: Singing the Living Tradition #7 (1993) Meter: First Line: The leaf unfurling in the April air Topics: Transcending Mystery and Wonder The Celebration of Life; Celebration and Praise; Families; Interdependent Web; Spring Languages: English Tune Title: ALL LIFE IS ONE

Cuando cantar se glorifica a Dios

Author: Fred Pratt Green; Juan F. Chávez; Carlos Touché Hymnal: El Himnario #15 (1998) Meter: Topics: Dios Su Naturaleza y Alabanza; Dios Su Alabanza; God His Praise; Gozo; Joy Scripture: Colossians 3:16 Languages: Spanish Tune Title: ENGELBERG

Cuando cantar se glorifica a Dios

Author: Fred Pratt Green; Juan F. Chávez; Carlos Touché Hymnal: El Himnario Presbiteriano #15 (1999) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Cuando cantar se glorifica a Dios haciendo a un lado toda vanidad, es cual la voz que eleva la creación; ¡Aleluya! 2 Haciendo música con devoción se encuentra una nueva dimensión que a todos mueve a excelsa adoración: ¡Aleluya! 3 En fe y amor por siglos sin cesar, la Iglesia en su liturgia y su canción proclama en toda lengua la verdad; ¡Aleluya! 4 Fue Jesucristo quien con fe contó la noche en que el mal le combatió. Así cantemos hoy a una voz; ¡Aleluya! 5 Que todo instrumento dé loor; que todo ser se alegre al alabar y Dios nos dé la fe para cantar: ¡Aleluya! Topics: Dios Su Naturaleza y Alabanza; Dios Su Alabanza; Gozo Scripture: Colossians 3:16 Languages: Spanish Tune Title: ENGELBERG
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This be our prayer, O Saviour of our souls

Author: John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns from the Morningland #18 (1911) Meter: Lyrics: I This be our prayer, O Saviour of our souls, When night is dark, and muttering thunder rolls, For none but Thee the power of hell controls,— Have mercy, Lord. II There is no help, if Thou no help wilt bring; No heavenly messenger on speedy wing; Hope gilds the morn, if to Thy cross we cling,— Have mercy, Lord. III Woeful the threats that flash from Sinai’s hill; Dark are the fears, our guilty souls that fill; Help we have none,—O then, of Thy sweet will, Have mercy, Lord. IV Strong is the arm that in our cause was raised,— Christ, be Thy name to endless ages praised, Who, at the hands of sinners was abased;— Have mercy, Lord. V Doomed to our death, the God-man bowed the head; Pierced for our sins, upon the cross He bled; Life is His gift, Who liveth, and was dead;— Have mercy, Lord; VI Life, and to live, amid the bliss beyond, Where souls beloved, to loving souls respond, Free from all bondage in Thy gentle bond,— Have mercy, Lord. Languages: English


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