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Text Identifier:have_mercy_on_me_lord

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Have mercy on me, Lord, after

Author: J. H. Hymnal: The Whole Book of Psalms #LIb (1790) Lyrics: 1 Have mercy on me, Lord, after thy great abounding grace. After thy mercies multitude do thou my sin efface; 2 Yea, wash me clean from my offence and my iniquity; For I do own my faults, and still my sin is in mine eye. 3 Against thee, thee alone, I have offended in this case, And evil have I done before the presence of thy face; 4 That in the things that thou hast done upright thou may'st appear, And when thou judgest, all may see, that thou art very clear. 5 In wickedness I formed was, when I began to be; My mother at the very first in sin conceived me: 6 But lo! truth in the inward parts is pleasant unto thee, And secrets of thy wisdom thou revealed hast to me. 7 With hyssop, Lord, besprinkle me. I shall be cleansed so; Yea, wash thou me, and then I shall be whiter than the snow. 8 Of joy and gladness make thou me to hear the pleasant voice, That so the bones which thou, O Lord, hast broken may rejoice. 9 From the beholding of my sins, Lord, turn away thy face, And all my deeds of wickedness do utterly efface. 10 O God, create in me a heart unspotted in thy sight; Within my bowels, Lord, renew a firm and stable sp'rit. 11 Cast me not from thy sight, nor take thy spirit quite away; The comfort of thy saving health give me again, I pray. 12 With thy free spirit me support, then shall transgressors be, By my instruction and advice converted unto thee. The Second Part. 13 O God, that art God of my health, from blood deliver me, That praises of thy righteousness My tongue may sing to thee: 14 My lips, that yet fast closed be, do thou, O Lord, unloose; The praises of thy Majesty my mouth shall then disclose. 15 I would have offer'd sacrifice, if that had pleased thee; But pleased with burnt-offerings I know thou wilt not be: 16 A spirit griev'd is sacrifice delightful in thine eyes; A broken and a contrite heart, Lord, thou wilt not despise. 17 In thy good will deal gently, Lord, with Sion, and withal Grant that of thy Jerusalem uprear'd may be the wall: 18 Burnt-offerings, gifts, and sacrifice of justice in that day, Thou shalt accept, and calves they shall upon thy altar lay. Scripture: Psalm 51 Languages: English

Have mercy on me, Lord; my strength is gone

Hymnal: Worship (3rd ed.) #215 (1986) Topics: Psalm Responses/Rites Anointing of the Sick Scripture: Psalm 6 Languages: Latin Tune Title: [Have mercy on me, Lord; my strength is gone]
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Miserere mei

Author: J. H. Hymnal: The Whole Booke of Psalmes #27b (1640) First Line: Have mercy on me Lord after Lyrics: 1 Have mercy on me Lord after, thy great abounding grace: After thy mercies multitude. do thou my sins deface. 2 Yea wash me more from my offence, and cleanse me from my sin: For I do know my faults, and still my sin is in mine eyne. 3 Against thee, thee alone I have offended in this case: And evill have I done before the presence of thy face. 4 That in the things that thou hast done upright thou maist be tri'd: And eke in judging that the doome may passe upon thy side. 5 Behold in wickedness my kind and shape I did recive. And lo my sinfull mother eke in sin did me conceive. 6 But lo truth in the inward parts is pleasant unto thee: And secrets of thy wisdome thou revealed hast to me. 7 With hysop Lord besprinkle me, I shall be cleansed so: Yea wash thou me, and so I shall be whiter than the snow. 8 Of joy and gladnesse make thou me to heare the pleasant voice: That so the bruised bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce. 9 From the beholding of my sins, Lord turne away thy face: And all my deeds of wickednesse do utterly deface. 10 O God create in me a heart unspotted in thy sight: And eke within my bowels Lord, renew a stable spirit. 11 Ne cast me from thy sight, nor take thy Spirit quite away? The comfort of thy saving health give me againe I pray. 12 With thy free Spirit establish me, and I will teach therefore: Sinners thy waies, and wicked shall be turned to thy love. The second Part: 13 O God that art God of my health, from bloud deliver me: That praises of thy righteousnesse My tongue may sing to thee. 14 My lips, which yet fast closed be, do thou O Lord unclose: The praises of thy Majesty my mouth shall so disclose. 15 I would have offered sacrifice, if that had pleased thee: But pleased with burnt offerings I know thou wilt not be. 16 A troubled spirit is sacrifice delightfull in God's eyes: A broken and an humble heart, God thou wilt not despise. 17 In thy good will deale gently Lord, to Sion and withall Grant that of thy Jerusalem uprear'd may be the wall 18 Burnt offerings, gifts and sacrifice of justice in that day Thou shalt accept, and calves they shall upon thine altar lay. Scripture: Psalm 51 Languages: English
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Have mercy on me, Lord!

Hymnal: The Churchman's Treasury of Song #117 (1907) Languages: English

O Lord, have mercy on me

Author: Carl Tuttle Hymnal: Complete Mission Praise #504 (1999) Refrain First Line: Place my feet upon a rock Topics: Living the Christian Life Prayer; Living the Christian Life Health, Healing and Deliverance Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord, have mercy on me]

Psalm 31:9-16

Author: Ladies of the Grail; Hal H. Hopson Hymnal: The Presbyterian Hymnal #182 (1990) First Line: Have mercy on me, O Lord Refrain First Line: O Lord, You are my God Lyrics: Refrain: O Lord, You are my God, I trust in You. 1 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am in distress. Tears have wasted my eyes, my throat, and my heart. 2 For my life is spent with sorrow and my years with sighs. Affliction has broken down my strength and my bones waste away. (Refrain) 3 In the face of all my foes I am a reproach, An object of scorn to my neighbors and of fear to my friends. 4 Those who see me in the street run far away from me. I am like the dead, forgotten by all, like a thing thrown away. (Refrain) 5 I have heard the slander of the crowd, fear is all around me, As they plot together against me, as they plan to take my life. 6 But as for me, I trust in You, Lord, I say: You are my God. My life is in Your hands deliver me from the hands of those who hate me. 7 Let Your face shine upon Your servant. Save me in Your love. (Refrain) Topics: Supplication Scripture: Psalm 31:9-16 Languages: English Tune Title: [Have mercy on me, O Lord]
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Jesus, only Jesus

Author: Karl Reden Hymnal: Praise Book #18 (1877) First Line: "Lord, have mercy on me!"
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Have mercy, Lord, on me

Author: N. Tate; N. Brady Hymnal: The Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged, as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892 #351 (1894) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Have mercy, Lord, on me, As Thou wert ever kind; Let me, oppressed with loads of guilt Thy wonted mercy find. 2 Wash off my foul offense, And cleanse me from my sin; For I confess my crime, and see How great my guilt has been. 3 Against Thee, Lord, alone, And only in Thy sight, Have I transgressed; and, though condemned Must own Thy judgment right. 4 Blot out my crying sins, Nor me in anger view; Create in me a heart that's clean, An upright mind renew. 5 Withdraw not Thou Thy help, Nor cast me from Thy sight; Nor let Thy Holy Spirit take His everlasting flight. 6 The joy Thy favor gives Let me, O Lord, regain; And Thy free Spirit's firm support My fainting soul sustain. Amen. Topics: General; Penitence Languages: English Tune Title: [Have mercy, Lord, on me]
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Have mercy, Lord, on me

Hymnal: Carols, Hymns, and Songs #99 (1882) Languages: English Tune Title: [Have mercy, Lord, on me]
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Have mercy, Lord, on me

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #IV (1767) Lyrics: 1 Have mercy, Lord on me, for thou my Judge shalt be, My Hopes in thee remaining, Oh! to my humble Pray'r bow down thy gracious Ear. Be thou my Cause sustaining; How long with vain Design, will ye my foes combine, In wrathful Indignation? How long destructive Lies maliciously devise, To blot my Reputation. 3 Consider that the Just, who place in God their Trust, Are still by him protected; The Lord my voice will hear, and grant my humble pray'r, Whene'er to him directed. Oh! stand ye then in Awe of his most sacred Law, Reflect with deep Contrition; Flee ev'ry Thing that's Ill, and humble to his Will, Your Hearts in low Submission. 3 Amidst thine anxious Cares, and Soul distressing Fears, To GOD pray without ceasing; Sue for his heav'nly Grace, and offer Righteousness, A Sacrifice well pleasing. While Sinners restless grow, more prosp'rous Times to know, In Discontent complaining; LORD, let thy Face divine, on me with Glory shine, Thy Mercy me sustaining. 4 So to my grateful Heart, thy Goodness shall impart, More true and lasting Pleasure Than theirs who seek to find their Joy and Peace of Mind, In Stores of worldly Treasure. With thy Protection blest, I'll teak my needful Rest, My Head in Peace reclining; Securely I'll repose, not fear, tho' all my Foes, Against me are combining. Topics: Description of Duty of the Ministers of God's Word; Description of Fear and Service of the Lord; Prayers When percecuted; Soul's Desire Of Believers Scripture: Psalm 4 Languages: English Tune Title: [Have mercy, Lord, on me]


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