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Psalm 31 Part 2

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 38 hymnals Topics: Doubts and fears suppressed; Fears and doubts suppressed First Line: My heart rejoices in thy name Lyrics: My heart rejoices in thy name, My God, my help, my trust; Thou hast preserved my face from shame, Mine honor from the dust. "My life is spent with grief," I cried, "My years consumed in groans, My strength decays, mine eyes are dried, And sorrow wastes my bones." Among mine enemies my name Was a mere proverb grown, While to my neighbors I became Forgotten and unknown. Slander and fear on every side Seized and beset me round I to the throne of grace applied, And speedy rescue found. How great deliverance thou hast wrought Before the sons of men! The lying lips to silence brought, And made their boastings vain! Thy children from the strife of tongues Shall thy pavilion hide; Guard them from infamy and wrongs, And crush the sons of pride. Within thy secret presence, Lord, Let me for ever dwell; No fenced city, walled and barred, Secures a saint so well. Scripture: Psalm 31:7-13
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Complaint of heavy Afflictions in Mind and Body

Appears in 56 hymnals Topics: Doubts and Fears suppressed; Doubts and Fears suppressed First Line: My righteous Judge, my gracious God Lyrics: 1 My righteous Judge, my gracious God, Hear when I spread my hands abroad, And cry for succour from thy throne, O make thy truth and mercy known. 2 Let judgment not against me pass: Behold thy servant pleads thy grace; Should justice call us to thy bar, No man alive is guiltless there. 3 Look down in pity, Lord, and see The mighty woes that burthen me; Down to the dust my life is brought, Like one long bury'd and forgot. 4 I dwell in darkness and unseen, My heart is desolate within: My thoughts in musing silence trace The antient wonders of thy grace. 5 Thence I derive a glimpse of hope To bear my sinking spirits up; I stretch my hands to God again, And thirst like parched lands for rain. 6 For thee I thirst, I pray, I mourn; When will thy smiling face return? Shall all my joys on earth remove, And God forever hide his love? 7 My God, thy long delay to save, Will sink thy prisoner to the grave; My heart grows faint, and dim mine eye; Make haste to help before I die. 8 The night is witness to my tears, Distressing pains, distressing fears; Oh might I hear thy morning voice, How would my weary powers rejoice! 9 In thee I trust, to thee I sigh, And lift my weary soul on high; For thee sit waiting all the day, And wear the tiresome hours away. 10 Break off my fetters, Lord, and show The paths in which my feet should go: If snares and foes beset the road, I'll flee to hide me near my God. 11 Teach me to do thy holy will, And lead me to thy heavenly hill: Let the good spirit of thy love Conduct me to thy courts above. 12 Then shall my soul no more complain, The tempter then shall rage in vain; And flesh that was my foe before, Shall never vex my spirit more. Scripture: Psalm 143

Psalm 3

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 51 hymnals Topics: Doubts and fears suppressed; Fears and doubts suppressed First Line: O Lord, how many are my foes Lyrics: O Lord, how many are my foes, In this weak state of flesh and blood! My peace they daily discompose, But my defence and hope is God. Tired with the burdens of the day, To thee I raised an evening cry: Thou heard'st when I began to pray, And thine almighty help was nigh. Supported by thine heav'nly aid, I laid me down, and slept secure: Not death should make my heart afraid, Though I should wake and rise no more. But God sustained me all the night: Salvation doth to God belong; He raised my head to see the light, And make his praise my morning song. Scripture: Psalm 3:1-5
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My God, how many are my Fears!

Appears in 47 hymnals Topics: Doubts and Fears suppressed Lyrics: 1 My GOD, how many are my Fears! How fast my Foes increase! Conspiring my eternal Death, They break my present Peace. 2 The lying Tempter would persuade There's no Relief in Heaven. And all my swelling Sins appear Too big to be forgiven. 3 But thou, my Glory and my Strength, Shalt on the Tempter tread, Shalt silence all my threat'ning Guilt, And raise my drooping Head. 4 [I cry'd, and from his holy Hill He bowed a list'ning Ear; I call'd my Father and my GOD, And he subdu'd my Fear. 5 He shed soft Slumbers on mine Eyes; In spight of all my Foes; I 'woke, and wonder'd at the Grace That guarded my Repose.] 6 What tho' the Hosts of Death and Hell, All arm'd against me stood: Terrors no more shall shake my Soul; My Refuge is my GOD. 7 Arise, O Lord, fulfil thy Grace, While I thy Glory sing; My GOD has broke the Serpent's Teeth, And Death has lost his Sting. 8 Salvation to the Lord belongs, His Arm alone can save. Blessings attend thy People here, And reach beyond the Grave. Scripture: Psalm 3
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God is the Hope of the Helpless

Appears in 49 hymnals Topics: Doubts and Fears suppressed; Doubts and Fears suppressed First Line: To God I made my sorrows known Lyrics: 1 To God I made my sorrows known, From God I sought relief; In long complaints before his throne I pour'd out all my grief. 2 My soul was overwhelm'd with woes, My heart began to break; My God, who all my burdens knows, Beholds the way I take. 3 On every side I cast mine eye, And found my helpers gone, While friends and strangers past me by Neglected or unknown. 4 Then did I raise a louder cry, And call'd thy mercy near, "Thou art my portion when I die, "Be thou my refuge here." 5 Lord, I am brought exceeding low, Now let thine ear attend, And make my foes who vex me know I've an almighty Friend. 6 From my sad prison set me free, Then shall I praise thy name, And holy men shall join with me, Thy kindness to proclaim. Scripture: Psalm 142
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Deliverance from Death

Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: Doubts and Fears suppressed; Doubts and Fears suppressed First Line: To thee, O God of truth and love Lyrics: 1 To thee, O God of truth and love My spirit I commit; Thou hast redeem'd my soul from death, And sav'd me from the pit. 2 Despair and comfort, hope and fear Maintain'd a doubtful strife; While sorrow, pain, and sin conspir'd To take away my life. 3 "My time is in thy hand, I cried, "Though I draw near the dust;" Thou art the refuge where I hide, The God in whom I trust. 4 Oh make thy reconciled face Upon thy servant shine, And save me for thy mercy's sake, For I'm entirely thine. Pause. 5 'Twas in my haste, my spirit said, "I must despair and die, I am cut off before thine eyes;" But thou hast heard my cry. 6 Thy goodness how divinely free! How sweet thy smiling face, To those that fear thy majesty, And trust thy promis'd grace. 7 Oh love the Lord, all ye his saints, And sing his praises loud; He'll bend his ear to your complaints, And recompence the proud. Scripture: Psalm 31:5

Psalm 31 Part 1

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 25 hymnals Topics: Doubts and fears suppressed; Fears and doubts suppressed First Line: Unto thine hand, O God of truth Lyrics: Unto thine hand, O God of truth, My spirit I commit; Thou hast redeemed my soul from death, And saved me from the pit. The passions of my hope and fear Maintained a doubtful strife, While sorrow, pain, and sin conspired To take away my life. "My times are in thine hand," I cried, "Though I draw near the dust; Thou art the refuge where I hide, The God in whom I trust. O make thy reconciled face Upon thy servant shine, And save me for thy mercy's sake, For I'm entirely thine. ['Twas in my haste my spirit said, "I must despair and die, I am cut off before thine eyes; But thou hast heard my cry.] Thy goodness how divinely free! How wondrous is thy grace To those that fear thy majesty, And trust thy promises! O love the Lord, all ye his saints, And sing his praises loud; He'll bend his ear to your complaints, And recompense the proud. Scripture: Psalm 31:5
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Thou whom my soul admires above

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 90 hymnals Topics: Doubts and fears suppressed; Fears and doubts suppressed Lyrics: Thou whom my soul admires above All earthly joy and earthly love, Tell me, dear Shepherd, let me know, Where doth thy sweetest pasture grow? Where is the shadow of that rock, That from the sun defends thy flock? Fain would I feed among thy sheep, Among them rest, among them sleep. Why should thy bride appear like one That turns aside to paths unknown? My constant feet would never rove, Would never seek another love. [The footsteps of thy flock I see; Thy sweetest pastures here they be; A wondrous feast thy love prepares, Bought with thy wounds, and groans, and tears. His dearest flesh he makes my food, And bids me drink his richest blood: Here to these hills my soul will come, Till my Beloved lead me home.] Scripture: Song of Solomon 1:7
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Behold the Rose of Sharon here

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: Doubts and fears suppressed; Fears and doubts suppressed Lyrics: Behold the Rose of Sharon here, The Lily which the valleys bear; Behold the Tree of Life, that gives Refreshing fruit and healing leaves. Amongst the thorns so lilies shine; Amongst wild gourds the noble vine; So in mine eyes my Savior proves, Amidst a thousand meaner loves. Beneath his cooling shade I sat, To shield me from the burning heat; Of heav'ly fruit he spreads a feast, To feed mine eyes and please my taste. [Kindly he brought me to the place Where stands the banquet of his grace; He saw me faint, and o'er my head The banner of his love he spread. With living bread and gen'rous wine, He cheers this sinking heart of mine; And op'ning his own heart to me, He shows his thoughts how kind they be.] O never let my Lord depart; Lie down, and rest upon my heart; I charge my sins not once to move, Nor stir, nor wake, nor grieve my Love. Scripture: Song of Solomon 2:1-4
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Let every mortal ear attend

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 481 hymnals Topics: Doubts and fears suppressed; Fears and doubts suppressed Lyrics: Let every mortal ear attend, And every heart rejoice; The trumpet of the gospel sounds With an inviting voice. Lo! all ye hungry, starving souls. That feed upon the wind, And vainly strive with earthly toys To fill an empty mind. Eternal Wisdom has prepared A soul-reviving feast, And bids your longing appetites The rich provision taste. Ho! ye that pant for living streams, And pine away and die, here you may quench your raging thirst With springs that never dry. Rivers of love and mercy here In a rich ocean join; Salvation in abundance flows, Like floods of milk and wine. [Ye perishing and naked poor, Who work with mighty pain To weave a garment of your own That will not hide your sin, Come naked, and adorn your souls In robes prepared by God, Wrought by the labors of his Son, And dyed in his own blood.] Dear God! the treasures of thy love Are everlasting mines, Deep as our helpless miseries are, And boundless as our sins. The happy gates of gospel grace Stand open night and day; Lord, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away. Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2


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